Troop 515 Officers Responsibilities
Senior Patrol Leader -
1. Conduct opening and closing of troop meetings.
2. Perform uniform inspections at each troop meeting and camping trip.
3. Responsible for behavior at troop meetings and camping trips.
4. Organization of Patrol Leaders at troop meetings and camping trips.
5. Present for a minimum of 75% of all troop meetings and camping trips.
6. Present at all Troop Committee meetings.
Assistant Senior Patrol Leader -
1. Conduct opening and closing of troop meetings when SPL is absent.
2. Assist SPL in the conduction of uniform inspections.
3. Responsible for behavior at troop meetings and camping trips.
4. Assist SPL in organization of Patrol Leaders at troop meetings and camping trips.
5. Present for of 75% of all troop meetings and camping trips.
Quartermaster -
1. Organize the inspection and cleaning of the Scout House each week.
2. Using the check list, pack troop equipment prior to each camping trip.
3. Issue and check-in all equipment at troop camping trips.
4. Present at a minimum 75% of all troop meetings and camping trips.
Scribe -
1. Obtain scout sign-in book from Scoutmaster prior to each troop meeting and camping trip.
2. fill out attendance sheet from sign-in book.
3. Introduce scouts at Court of Honor.
4. Present at a minimum 75% of all troop meetings and camping trips.
Historian/Librarian -
1. Keep notes on all troop activities and camping trips.
2. Submit written material for troop newsletter and newspapers.
3. Check in and out material from the troop library.
4. Prior to the end of his time in office submit for approval by the troop committee, 500 word report on all troop activities.
5. Present at a minimum 75% of all troop meetings and camping trips.
Chaplin Aide -
1. Preform blessings at each meal during troop camping trips and other activities.
2. Preform 5 min Sunday morning service at all camping trips.
3. Present at a minimum 75% of all troop meeting and camping trips.
Patrol Leaders -
1. On a rotational basis, take part in opening of troop meetings by calling scouts to lead the Pledge of Allegiance, Scout Pledge, and Scout Oath.
2. Sit with his patrol during troop meeting and maintain order.
3. Conduct patrol meetings at least once a month.
4. Present at a minimum 75% of all troop meetings and camping trips.
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