These are my poems. They are a direct line from my emotions to the page. Nothing censored, nothing hidden. Some may be disturbing. Some may be uplifting. Some may be shocking. My hope is that in some way they will affect you. Some people keep a journal, some write songs, some scream and some have nervous breakdowns. I create poems to help me cope with the dizzying maze that we all stumble through day to day. If you choose to read on, keep your mind and heart open. Let me in. I promise not to screw with things in there too much...
This is lil' ole me... |
If you want to know a bit about me (and I'm certain you do), my name is A.J. I am a twenty-two year old theatre major at Florida State University. That's me up above. I love theatre, poetry and music. Yadda, yadda, yadda...I know...the real stuff, the raw stuff is in the poems themselves...
I hope that this page will be changing soon and often. These poems will make themselves appear here, I promise...as soon as I figure out how the hell to get them here <sigh>. Check back often for new poems. I'm hoping this page will be incentive to get me to keep poetically productive. Thank you for visiting.

E-mail A.J.
This site and all its contents © 1999 - 2003 by A.J.
This site created on 8/9/1999. Last updated 7/14/03.
This site created and maintained by Robbie Rozelle.