DishDiva : We are LIVE tonight from Washington DC with B*Witched! DishDiva : Please help me welcome Edele, Keavy, Sinead and Lindsay to MSN Live! DishDiva : Lindsay, welcome to MSN Live! We actually have a number of audience members staying up late in Ireland to meet you! B_Witched_Live : A big hello to everyone back home in Ireland and in the UK! Don't stay up to late! DishDiva : Lindsay, how is the Tour going? B_Witched_Live : It's going really well and we're having a really good time. The crowds are really receptive, so it's been cool! DishDiva : BWitched4Ever Asks: Are you doing two concerts in DC? B_Witched_Live : No we're not, we're doing one near Washington, it's in Richmond. DishDiva : nsyncwest Asks: What is the best part of touring? B_Witched_Live : The fact that we get to be on stage every single night and we get to see all these cities all over the world. DishDiva : LK Asks: What is the best gift you have recieved while being on tour so far? B_Witched_Live : There's not one that sticks out in my mind. We've gotten a lot of lovely gifts from all our friends. Teddy bears and things like that. DishDiva : We are talking with Lindsay of B*Witched. Edele, Keavy and Sinead will be joining us later! DishDiva : Sugar Asks: when will a new album be coming out? B_Witched_Live : We're going back to the UK in September to start recording it, so hopefully it will be out in the springtime. DishDiva : iza_2 Asks: If you had to give advice to girls these days what would it be? B_Witched_Live : I think it would be to just be yourself in every situation you can and hang around with people you like and are comfortable with. Otherwise you'll get caught up in peer pressure and that's not good. DishDiva : That's great advice! DishDiva : Christel Asks: i guess the first question for B*witched that comes to mind is, how do your families feel about you all travelling all over the world? don't they miss you all? B_Witched_Live : Oh they do! Especially when we go away for long periods of time. Like America where they can't just pop over. DishDiva : Do you any of your family members travel with you? B_Witched_Live : Once or twice. Last year they came out to the states to see us, but it's hard. It's not easy. DishDiva : BWitchedSk8r Asks: Have you had a chance to do much site seeing when you're visiting different cities? DishDiva : Got a great question? Whisper your question to Ask_Question and your question will be added to the queue. B_Witched_Live : Well funny enough we didn't until this year. For some reason this year we've decided that every city we go to we're trying to see something. Even though we did a tour in America last year, this is the first time I feel we're really seeing it. DishDiva : What has been your favorite site in the US so far? B_Witched_Live : Niagra Falls, we went to see that last week on our way down from Toronto. We saw it at sunset with all the lights shining on it, it was breathtaking! DishDiva : RAE says: Lindsey, did you have fun at the All That Music and More Concert in Kansas?~RAE~ B_Witched_Live : Oh we had so much fun!! Kansas is one of the really really good audiences, so thank you!! DishDiva : BWitched2005 Asks: Do you get and read all the e-mail that you get from you Web Site? B_Witched_Live : When we're on tour, we don't often get access to our website. We try to as often as we can. DishDiva : Dania says: What do you miss the most from home when you are on tour? B_Witched_Live : Definitely family and friends. DishDiva : Lucky Asks: Who would you like to do a duet with? B_Witched_Live : Our phone bills are so big. B_Witched_Live : I'd like to do one with Bon Jovi. A big rock out song, that would be cool. DishDiva : renee asks: How did all of you and the other girl's meet? B_Witched_Live : We met 4 years ago in a dance center in Ireland. DishDiva : Isis14 Asks: How did you get into the music buisiness? B_Witched_Live : It was kind of series that happened.We were rehersing at a television station and we were asked to be on a television show. We were spotted on the television by our first management and they brought us to Sony who brought us our first record deal. B_Witched_Live : So it was a chain of events. DishDiva : B_witched4life Asks: Is "play that funky music" from your across america CD also in that one movie? B_Witched_Live : It's not actually, no. We did "Play That Funky Music" for a television show in England and we decided to put it on our EP "B*Witched Across America 2000." B_Witched_Live : I don't want to pick one city, they've all been good, but Kansas, Chicago, Boston, and Denver were all great! DishDiva : LinLuvsNSYNC Asks: I can't believe I'm talking to B*Witched! What city in the U.S. do you like best for for performing? B_Witched_Live : Everyone is going "Wahoo" because we just got brought in some cake!! And it looks beautiful. So for all those people having a slumber party in Ireland, we are having our own cake party!! B_Witched_Live : Thanks for logging on and Bye! DishDiva : Lindsay, thanks for joining us. Enjoy the cake! DishDiva : Sinead is here with us now! B_Witched_Live : It's kind of like a sponge with butter icing and it's georgous!! B_Witched_Live : Hello!! DishDiva : Sinead, great to see you! Let's get started! DishDiva : Bwitchedgirl2000 Asks: I love you guys soooo muc! Do you consider yourself role models? B_Witched_Live : We do consider ourselves role models, but we don't go out of our way to be a specific role model. We are the way we are, and people look up to that. There's positivity in our music and moms and dads like our music too and like their kids listening to us. DishDiva : sapphira_m Asks: Sinead, do you like it here in the states? B_Witched_Live : Yes we do! We love it here because we get to tour everywhere and we get to tour for a really long period of time too. And the weather is good!! DishDiva : frankie says: Does the US audience differ from other audiences around the world? B_Witched_Live : Not really, I think everyone that comes over to see us are coming to have a good time and enjoy themselves. B_Witched_Live : Only sometimes the capacity of the place. DishDiva : Beans4Erica Asks: Did you enjoy doing your Disney concert special? it was so cool B_Witched_Live : Thank you very very much! I really enjoyed it! It seems so long ago now, it's been about a year and a half ago. DishDiva : Did you get to actually to enjoy Disney World at all? B_Witched_Live : It was my first time there and you're never to old to go to Disney. It was just fantastic! DishDiva : LordBricon says: How do you feel about fans having websites in tribute to you? B_Witched_Live : It's really really good! Edele has a few shrines on the website. Which is really really funny to log on and see what they write. But it's great! DishDiva : flmeo21 says: I'm from Israel and it's about 4AM. My question is when are you going to come to israel? We love you here!!! DishDiva : iluvbwitched Asks: i just saw you guys on the all that tour in Ionia, MI that was so awesome!! but anyways i was like wow they have changed alot do you think America changed you or was it just time for you guys to change your style? B_Witched_Live : I know, we've been meaning to go to Israel a few times, but things keep constantly changing. Our choreographer goes there a lot and takes our songs to play and comes back and tells us how everyone loves us. So hopefully in the new year. B_Witched_Live : Not really actually. We've got a new stylist come on board, we've kind of grown up as well. We've also gotten a new manager, so I think it's a mixture of everything. DishDiva : CheerGirl Asks: What was the craziest thing a fan did to get your attention? B_Witched_Live : There was one occasion when we were in Singapore and we went to do a television station and fans followed us in yellow cabs. So there were like 5 yellow cabs following us, it was really sweet. DishDiva : Edele20 says: Do you ever get a little bit nervous before going on stage? B_Witched_Live : Sometimes we do actually. If we have a new routine to do or a new song that we're not performed before. But most of the time we're not, we're just really really excited. DishDiva : pez says: Hi Sinead! Is it ever difficult being with the girls? Do you ever get sick of each other? B_Witched_Live : Never. Never. We're the best of best of friends. Like when we first got together and we weren't used to spending time together, some things do annoy you, but now we have learned to overlook them and now when we're not together it's really odd. DishDiva : blondie Asks: What is your favorite song that you sing? B_Witched_Live : I like singing "To You I Belong" but I sang "Like a Rose" in the Arena Tour. Adele sang it on the album but when we did it in concert, I sang it. DishDiva : musicfan4life Asks: What is your official website address? Thanks! B_Witched_Live : DishDiva : Sinead, thanks for being with us! Who's up next? B_Witched_Live : Goodbye, thank you very much!! B_Witched_Live : Edele is up next! DishDiva : Edele, welcome to MSN Live! It's great to meet you! B_Witched_Live : Hi everybody! It's great to be on MSN Live! DishDiva : babygirl_909 Asks: Do you ever fight with your sister? B_Witched_Live : Actually no. We get along extremely well, we never fight. DishDiva : BWitchedSk8r Asks: Edele, I heard you and Keavy wrote a song for your sisters at their wedding? Is that true? What was the song called? B_Witched_Live : That is true and it's "Be With You" and we sang it at the wedding about 6 weeks ago. DishDiva : peanut says: You have five names. Prince Charles has several names as well. Is that a UK thing? B_Witched_Live : Well we're from Ireland so for us it's a Catholic thing. At birth you get 2 names, at your confirmation you can choose 1 or 2 new names and I picked 2 so I have 5 names. DishDiva : pacey says: What do you always take on the road with you? B_Witched_Live : Actually nothing at the moment. I used to take a pillow of mine for good luck, but I lost it and nothing has replaced it. Nothing can replace it, I'm really annoyed that I lost it. B_Witched_Live : If you see it, send it back to me!! DishDiva : SDCrew_Lynch Asks: Edele, If you could meet anyone, who would it be? B_Witched_Live : Unfortunately it would have been Mother Theresa but she's not with us any more. She was so wonderful to the world. DishDiva : ßwitcher Asks: Whats your favorite part about touring? B_Witched_Live : Being on stage nearly every night. Being on stage is the most amazing thing in the world and I would do it every day. DishDiva : babygirl_909 Asks: When did you first realize you wanted to be in the music buisness? B_Witched_Live : I think when it really switched in my head that I wanted to do it was when I was 12 and my sister and mother told me that I could sing and if I wanted to do it, I could. That's when it really came through reality. Before that I was just saying that's what I'd like, but that was the time it really became reality. DishDiva : Idelle Asks: Is it true Edele, that you and Keavy came to Springfield, Mass with your school band? That's my home town? Any plans on returning? B_Witched_Live : Yes, that's very true. It was just a marching band. We were there about 6 years ago. Hopefully we'll go back to Springfield. DishDiva : alexura Asks: Edele, why did you let your sister cut all of her hair off? B_Witched_Live : I'm not her mother. (laugh) She wanted to and it suits her. I like it short so I'm happy she did it. She's happy she did it. DishDiva : peace-out says: When you are really angry what is your favorite thing to do? B_Witched_Live : That's a very good question!! Actually I think I like to have a few minutes on my own, if I'm in a dressing room, just have some time to chill out. Or scream and shout is the other thing. (laugh) DishDiva : B_witched4life Asks: You all like the show "Friends." What is your favorite episode? B_Witched_Live : I don't know actually. I don't know because I haven't seen either of the new series. But I liked when Rachel and Ross were together. B_Witched_Live : Thanks for all the marriage proposals!! The chat's topic has changed to: NOW: Teen musical sensation B*witched! DishDiva : We have lots of marriage proposals for you here! DishDiva : musicfan4life Asks: Hello! What languages have you picked up on tour so far? Thanks! B_Witched_Live : We know a bit of Spanish, Japanese, German, French, Portugese. We can't speak fluent, but we can say things like please and thank you. DishDiva : LK Asks: Have you picked up any customs of us Americans while being on tour? B_Witched_Live : Actually what's very American is when people slap 5 or a really cool handshake. So when we come in for show day everyone is slapping our hands and it's cute. People here always acknowledge everyone with a handshake and we don't do that in the UK. Well to our friends we do, but not to everyone. B_Witched_Live : we just wave. DishDiva : NB_Wales Asks: Are you still single, or are all these marriage proposals pointless? B_Witched_Live : That is really sweet! Yeah, at the moment it would be pointless. But thank you! B_Witched_Live : I just met him on this tour, I used to be single. (laugh) He's American and on tour with us. DishDiva : iluvbwitched Asks: What is your favorite American food? B_Witched_Live : I'll tell you Lindsey's, it's Reeces Pieces. Mine is Ben and Jerry's cookie dough ice cream. B_Witched_Live : I even buy cookie dough and eat it raw. B_Witched_Live : Actually one of the days, it's funnier when you're there, but we were doing our opening song and everything broke down with the music, but we kept singing and we had 4 dancers that just kept going with us. So I think it looked funny to just have us singing and dancing. It was cute. DishDiva : aesurfer Asks: What's the funniest thing that has hapened to you since the tour started? DishDiva : Thanks, Edele! Next up is Keavy! DishDiva : Keavy, welcome to MSN Live! It's great to meet you! B_Witched_Live : Hi!! It's Keavy! Fire away! DishDiva : Lindsay_Keavy Asks: Keavy, is your finger ok, since the incident that happened to you on tour? B_Witched_Live : Oh my God! You must have been at the show!! It's fine thanks! There was a little scab, but it's fine now. DishDiva : What happened? B_Witched_Live : I cut my finger on a water gun and it bled a lot. DishDiva : KeavyStar85 Asks: Hi B*Witched! Hi Keavy! I love your "Mickey" cover! Are you going to be making a music video for it? B_Witched_Live : We don't know right now. It's in the shop in "B*Witched Across America 2000." It's up to the record company, so maybe. DishDiva : Lilsa says: What made you cut your hair? It's lovely! B_Witched_Live : Thank you very much! It was just time for a change, so I just chopped it off. DishDiva : BWitched_Rocks Asks: According to C'est la Vie, people say you look like your dad. Is this true? B_Witched_Live : I've no idea actually. I've never been a fight before, so I have no idea. DishDiva : ßwitcher Asks: Have you ever thought of doing a duet? B_Witched_Live : I haven't actually. I haven't really thought about it. We've been doing so much with the band and I think it would be kind of weird if one of us went off and did a duet. But never say never. DishDiva : B_witched4life Asks: are you going to be making another home video like we four girls? B_Witched_Live : I think we probably will. I'm not sure when. But we've got lots of video tape from all around the world and from when we were kids. So we'd like to do one from the very very beginning and it would be nice to share. DishDiva : deathgirl_1 Asks: Are you guy's into witchcraft? B_Witched_Live : No, the name is nothing to do with witchcraft. We got it from our producer because he didn't want to work with a girls band and when he met us he said that we bewitched him. As far as magic goes, we think music is magic. DishDiva : Irishstar317 Asks: Hi! I heard a rumor that you are doing a song with STEPS, is that true? B_Witched_Live : Oh no, it's not true, actually. At the moment we're not doing any songs with anyone we know. DishDiva : AttackedLeader says: Any plans for a movie? B_Witched_Live : Not at the current time, but we wouldn't say no because it B_Witched_Live : it's something we all want to do. DishDiva : Gifterz Asks: Keavy, some fans saw that you were wearing a ring on your left ring finger in some of the OK mag pics of the double wedding. Does this mean we'll be hearing wedding bells for you in the future? B_Witched_Live : The reason the ring was on my left hand is because the picture was printed backwards and I wear that ring on my right hand. So if you look at my sister, her wedding ring is on her right hand. That was very observant of you. DishDiva : Idelle Asks: Hi Keavy, Love the name, do you still like purple glitter? And thanks for all being so kind on the meet and greet~in conn. B_Witched_Live : I'm glad you had fun at the meet and greet. Purple is still my favorite color and I always wear glitter on stage and we put it on our crew that's working with us onstage as well. DishDiva : ßwitcher Asks: how does it feel to know that ß*WITCHED has a record for four single to go to Number 1??? B_Witched_Live : It actually feels fantastic and wierd as well. It's just amazing and very strange, but we're very proud of the fact that we did it. DishDiva : Edele20 says: I heard you have ducks and that one hates water. B_Witched_Live : He does hate water actually! (laugh) I have 2 ducks named Jack and Jill and they both hate water. Jill is always filthy dirty and my dad has to go out and hose her off because she will not wash herself. (laugh) DishDiva : francismcK syas: Does anyone but your mom call you Keavy-Jane? B_Witched_Live : My mom doesn't even call me Keavy Jane. My friend calls me Keavy Jane sometimes. I like the name though, but it's kind of hard to go back to that name now that everyone knows me as Keavy. DishDiva : This is our last question. SamsonFreefall says: Keavy, what is the #1 thing you guys have to have backstage? B_Witched_Live : Water. Very important! It's important to drink a lot of water. DishDiva : Keavy, thanks to you and your bandmates for joining us on MSN Live tonight! B_Witched_Live : Thank you very much! We love answering all your questions. And I'll see you next time on the next web chat! DishDiva : Thanks to B*Witched for joining us tonight on MSN Live!