EAMusic1: Entertainment Asylum Music welcomes B*Witched. These four young ladies from Ireland have taken the US by storm with their self-titled album and hit single, "C'est La Vie." OnlineHost: Welcome, B*witched! B*witched: Thank you. Question: How did you form the band? Edele Lynch: Keavy works in a garage, and Sinead went in and they wound up talking to each other. Lindsay was taking kick-boxing with Keavy, and then we just went into studio one day and formed B*Witched. Question: What kind of music are you into? Edele Lynch: Loads of different types of music, Shania Twain, Savage Garden, George Michael, Janet Jackson, Michael Jackson. Question: How did you come up with the name? Edele Lynch: Our producer gave it to us. He said we "Bewitched" him, and it means to be taken over by magic. Question: How does it feel to come over to America, release a song, and become famous almost overnight? Edele Lynch: It doesn't feel like overnight to us, but it's amazing to be doing well in America. We're delighted. Question: When is your next video coming out? Edele Lynch: Well, we're making it next week, so it should be on TV in about 2 weeks time. It's called "Roller Coaster." Question: Do you ever fight? Edele Lynch: No, we don't ever fight. We have little disagreements, like everybody, but that's it. Question: Did you like being on tour with ‘N Sync? Edele Lynch: Yeah, we're just finished, and they were really nice guys. It was a pleasure to work with them. Question: What part of Ireland are you from? Edele Lynch: Myself, Keavy and Lindsay are from Dublin, and Sinead is from a place in Kildare. Question: Did you have a good time filming your first video? Edele Lynch: Yeah, we did. It was brilliant. We had a lot of fun jumping on the trampoline. Question: What does "C’est La Vie" mean, and what is the meaning of the song? Edele Lynch: "C'est La Vie" means "that's life," and the reason we wrote the song was kind of a modern fairy tale and we just wanted everyone to be happy when they listened to it. Question: What did you do the first time you heard your song on the radio? Edele Lynch: We screamed. We were in a traffic jam and we wanted to roll down all the windows and tell everybody, "Turn on the radio! That's us!" Question: Why does Edele sing all of the songs? Keavy Lynch: It's because when we were doing the album, we had to do the best for the band. The next album we have more time, so you'll hear everybody else singing a bit more. Question: How does it feel, knowing that you have many boys and girls all over the world that admire you? Edele Lynch: It's really nice, actually. We've had some parents say to us that we're really good role models, and so that's lovely. Question: What is the group's favorite song to sing? Edele Lynch: We don't really have a favorite, because every song that we do means something different to us. Question: Who is your favorite actor and actress? Edele Lynch: My favorite actor is Sean Connery, and my favorite actress is Sandra Bullock. Question: Do you have any advice for aspiring musicians? Edele Lynch: Believe in yourself, and be ready to work very, very hard. Question: How were you first discovered as singing band? Lindsay Armaou: When we first got together, we rehearsed at Dance Center in Dublin, and a local TV station came in to do a documentary on the Dance Center. They spotted us rehearsing, and asked us to come on their TV show. Question: Are you going to tour again soon? Lindsay Armaou: We're doing a few radio road shows in June, and then we're doing a Nickelodeon tour in July. Hopefully, we'll come back with our own tour towards the end of the year. Question: Do the Irish and British people like American accents? Lindsay Armaou: Yeah! Actually, we hear quite a lot of them because most of the films we get are American, and we watch a lot of American programs, so we do hear a lot of it. Question: Do you like being the new girls on the block? Lindsay Armaou: Yeah, we love it! Question: How old are you all? Lindsay Armaou: I'm the youngest, I'm 18. Keave and Edele are twins, and they're 19. Sinead is 20, and she's going to be 21 next week. Question: How long have you girls been together? Lindsay Armaou: We've been together as a group for 2-1/2 years, and been friends for 2-1/2 years! Question: What musicians and music groups do you like? Lindsay Armaou: I think we pretty much listen to all styles of music, apart from rave. None of us like rave music. Question: Did you ever meet the Spice Girls? Lindsay Armaou: Yes, we have met them. They're very, very nice girls, actually. Question: Do you have any nicknames? Lindsay Armaou: Sinead has quite a few: Socky, Skinhead, Shinbin, Shenanigans. Edele, we just call Eddie sometimes. Sometimes Keavy called Edele Beller, and sometimes Keavy calls me Binoffy, and Keavy is just Keavers. Question: Do any of you have a relationship with someone from the band Five? Lindsay Armaou: No, we haven't! They're very nice guys though. Question: What kind of hobbies do you have, other than singing? Lindsay Armaou: Jet-skiing, going to the gym, reading, watching TV, talking on the phone is one of my favorite recently! Question: Do you like America? Keavy Lynch: Yeah, we do. We've been on tour for about 2-1/2 months now, and it's been great. Question: Do you ever take a break and go back to Ireland? Keavy Lynch: Yes, actually, in another 8 days we go home and we have some time off. Question: Are you girls ever planning to go to college? Keavy Lynch: We might after the band, but at the moment we're putting all our energy into the band because we have a lot of work to do. We can always go back. Question: Do you really get all the e-mail people send to you through websites? Keavy Lynch: Not all the time. Sometimes we do because our e-mail address is in the UK, and a lot of the time we're on the road. But when we get back home, there are piles and piles to go through. Thanks a million for writing in anyway, because we do read them. We just don't always have time to answer them. Question: What are you working on? Keavy Lynch: We're working on our second album at the moment, and then we're also going back home to rehearse for an arena tour in the UK and Ireland in November. The record company is working on the promotion for our second single, "Roller Coaster." Question: Do you have any pets? Keavy Lynch: Myself and Edele have family pets. Two ducks and some fish. Question: How long do you practice your dance and singing every day? Keavy Lynch: At the moment, we're out on the road, so we get to do our singing and dancing onstage. Other than that, we don't really rehearse unless we have to. Question: Do you have any deep secrets you’re willing to share? Sinead O'Carroll: It wouldn't be a secret if I told everybody. Question: Are you going on tour with Five again? Sinead O'Carroll: We didn't actually tour with Five, we just did a Disney special. We won't be doing a tour with them because we've got our own tour coming up. Question: Who do you look up to? Sinead O'Carroll: Well, that would be my mom and dad, overall. But as far as musical influences, I didn't really have one particular person that influenced me to do music. It was just a thing that I wanted to do myself. Question: What would you have done if your band hadn't worked out? Sinead O'Carroll: Well, I think I'd still be in the business in some sort of way, because I went to college and studied dance and drama, and from there I did shows in Dublin as a dancer. So I think I would have stayed in the business. Question: Do you ever have trouble understanding American slang? Sinead O'Carroll: Not really, actually. I think they get it confused with our slang. Question: Are there any superstitions or lucky charms you girls have? Sinead O'Carroll: Before we go onstage, we always have to say a prayer and wish each other good luck in a certain order. Edele always has to have a number 3 microphone. Question: Does anyone in the band know any other languages? Sinead O'Carroll: Lindsay is half Greek, she grew up in Greece for 13 years, so she can speak fluent Greek, and she can speak some French. I can speak a bit of French, and Edele and Keavy can speak a bit of Portuguese. Question: What do you think about all the boy bands? Sinead O'Carroll: I think they're doing what they want to do, and I like anybody that gives it a go really, whether they're girls or boys. Question: Do you have a boyfriend? Sinead O'Carroll: No, unfortunately not. None of us do. At the moment we just don't have time to think about it, but if the right person came along, we wouldn't say no. Question: Do you like, or play, any sports? Sinead O'Carroll: Keavy and Lindsay do kickboxing. As regards to other sports, Keavy's played volleyball in school, Lindsay played netball, and Edele and Keavy did gymnastics. I did gymnastics as well, but only for a few years. We do skiing on holidays and swimming and basketball. Question: What is your most embarrassing moment together? Sinead O'Carroll: For me, it was doing a radio road show in England last summer, and some water spilled on the stage and I slipped and fell on my bottom. Then there was when we were doing an MTV interview in England, and some girl ran up and told everybody about the incident, so it made it even more embarrassing. Question: Are you offended by being compared to other bands? Sinead O'Carroll: No, we never get offended. The funny thing about the Spice Girls is that nobody actually compares us, we just always get the question. Question: Do you have any favorite TV shows in the US? Sinead O'Carroll: I love "Party Of Five." I really like that, and "Friends." Question: What do you do on the road when you're bored? Sinead O'Carroll: Sleep sometimes, or watch videos, listen to music, chitchat or mess around. Question: What was your favorite event to participate in? Sinead O'Carroll: It was actually the Royal Variety Show that we did for the Royal Family in England a few months ago. I've always watched it as a young child, so it was great for me to actually participate. I watched it every single year as a child. Question: Do you girls plan to do any acting? Sinead O'Carroll: We never say no, but at the moment we're just concentrating on the band. We have a lot of work to do still. Question: What do you think your next song will be? Sinead O'Carroll: In America, it will be "Roller Coaster." EAMusic1: Thank you, B*witched! B*Witched: And a big THANK YOU to all of you!