The girls spent a couple of hours on the keyboards answering all their fan's questions, so if you'd like to find out what they have in common with a baby's nappy, or what they'd least like to be without then you're in the right place! KCNY> Hi Girls! How are you doing? Edele & Keavy say - We're great thanks. Sinead & Lindsay say - We're both fine except our shoulders are sore. ChrisM> How did you find the photo-shoot for FHM? Sinead & Lindsay say - the photo shoot was fun - it was something different. pinkrangerjane> Hi, when will your live concert video be out to buy? Edele & Keavy say - our live concert video is going to be out around Easter time. JeffHarshman> Do you ever feel like you are competing with each other for fans? What I mean is that each member has their particular fan base. Do you have friendly competition over who can have the most fans? Sinead says: No we never feel like we are competing against each other for fans, although Lindsay gets the most. Ellie> I really like your album can you please tell me which song you are going to release next? Lindsay & Sinead say - we have no plans to release a new single as yet - which one do you think we should choose? Edele & Keavy say - not really sure which single will be next, but as soon as we know we'll let you all know. BWitched No1 Fan> Have you ever been really hurt whilst performing a dance routine? Edele & Keavy say - Sinead twisted her ankle doing 'C'est La Vie' one time. Fujicass> Do you feel that now you have changed your look you will lose some of the Younger fans? Edele & Keavy say- we think our new look appeals to younger fans as well as older people. Lindsay & Sinead say - I don't think we'll lose our younger fans as they have grown up with us, and our music still appeals to them, and we're still wearing denim! ac> Edele, you mention a certain Mark in your thank yous, who is he? Edele & Keavy say - I wish I didn't know who that Mark was anymore. Fujicass> How long were you thinking about Changing you Image? Edele & Keavy say - we didn't think about changing our image for too long - it was just for the new video - but we're happy with it so it'll stay like this for a while now. ac> Is there a song from another girlband you wish you had sung ? Lindsay & Sinead say - Edele wishes she had sung 'Eternal Flame' by the Bangles. shemerlyn> When are you in FHM magazine? Edele & Keavy say - the FHM edition is out on Saturday. Fujicass> How often do you use the web for fun? Lindsay & Sinead say - We don't have access to a computer so we don't use the web that often!! bea> you've made 7 videos so far...what's yer fave and why? Lindsay & Sinead say - 'Jump Down' was our fave video cos we were busy for the whole video shoot...we were dancing all the time and there were MEN! Malcos> Love the new image any chance of more Hot pants in future? Edele & Keavy say - I'm sure we'll be wearing hot pants again - especially in the summer! JumpDownsfab> Keavy- Why did you let your tongue heal up after you had it pierced? Edele & Keavy say - I heard bad stories and didn't think it was worth it so I took it out - but thanks for calling yourself JumpDownsfab! omri> when will you have your third album? Edele & Keavy say - probably next spring - we're going to start writing it soon. Lindsay & Sinead say - We have not yet started our third album, but our second one is out there and our new single 'Jump Down' is released today! denim_discodiva> Are there any songs you would love to cover? I know you did Coming Around Again,and that was ace! Edele & Keavy say - We're doing covers TV - we've covered 'Play That Funky Music (Wide Boy) by Wild Cherry. ac> Keavy, what's your fave track of B*Witched Edele & Keavy say - It Was Our Day' 'cos it was written about our Nana who passed away and was very special to us. CorrEm> Hi girls!! I'm going to the Concert For Peace at the Royal Albert Hall next month and am looking forward to seeing yourselves and The Corrs.....are you looking forward to it and what is your set going to be?? Sinead & Lindsay say - We're looking forward to The Concert for Peace at the Royal Albert Hall because it's for a really good cause. It's for Ireland. We doing eight songs and we can't wait! Hott_Stuff> what is the thing u could not live without??????? Edele & Keavy says - family and friends - boring as that may sound! letmein> are buffalo g bringing out a single, for Edele or Keavs Edele & Keavy say - yes, it's out on may 29th it's called 'Really Saying Something' - it's a cover of the Bananarama tune - the video is on The Box and MTV Select so check it out! JumpDownsfab> Do u get PMT?! If so how do u cope coz I need tips!! Lol Sinead & Lindsay say - Hot water bottle, and pain killers and squeeze your legs up to your chest and stretch out again or else go to bed! BiG fAn> Whatz your fave song at the mo??? Lindsay & Sinead say - We both like 'Never Be The Same Again' - by Mel C. Edele & Keavy say - Edele's fave song is Ronan's when you say nothing at all. Red Indian Girl> Do you get along with Westlife? Lindsay & Sinead say - Yep we all get on with Westlife, they're all good fun.... letmein> What's the last album you girls each bought? Edele & Keavy say- Keavy bought Mel C and Edele bought Madonna. rosie> Hi girls! Did you watch the Oscars? What was your fave film this year? Edele & Keavy say - we didn't watch the Oscars but Edele's fave film was Sixth Sense, and Keavy's was Armageddon. Hott_Stuff> Do u have any pets if so what r their names???????????? Edele & Keavy say - We've got 2 ducks called Jack and Jill! denim_discodiva> What tips can you give me for getting into the music business? I think you girls are ace and would love to be in the next B*witched! Edele & Keavy say - just believe in yourself and get ready for a lot of hard work! rosie> Do you think there are more girl bands than when you started out and how do you keep topping the charts with all the competition? Edele & Keavy say - there's definitely a lot more competition around but thanks to our fans we've stayed on top. axisphere> question to ALL the girls if you were not doing you music what would you be doing Edele & Keavy say - Edele would be teaching dance and Keavy would probably still be working as a mechanic. AC> Who's the shy one in your song Keavy? Edele & Keavy say - the shy one is me! Star> I'm going to Oz soon any tips on how to beat jet lag Sinead says - My top tip for jet lag is stay up the night before, and then you'll sleep all the way!! BDenmark> B*Witched, many people miss you in the U.K. but we would love it if you came to Scandinavia. Copenhagen, Arhus, Oslo.................................... Edele & Keavy say - hopefully we'll be in your area towards the end of the year. Sinead & Lindsay say - We're touring the States in the summer for two months, hopefully we'll be back over to Europe soon too! Malcos> Kevey. You know a good panel beater? Someone parked into my car today? Edele & Keavy say - my dad is really good but he lives in Ireland! Luckystar13> When are you coming to New York? Thanks for coming to the mall in October, it was great!!! Edele & Keavy say - we're headlining the Nickleodeon tour in July and August so we'll be in NY then - look out for us. NATALIE> Do u think ur sister in buffalo g will make it big like u guys? Edele & Keavy say - hopefully yes, 'cos they're really talented and determined. Delia> Are you ever gonna come to South Africa???? Edele & Keavy say - we're coming in May - can't wait! Delia> Are you REALLY coming to South Africa.......I'm soooo happy! BDenmark> Come to Denmark!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lindsay & Sinead say - We've been to Denmark before and hopefully we'll be back soon. VENGA_BABe> b*witched please answer me what is it like been a sisters of Shane? Edele & Keavy say - it's just like having any other brother - but we never really see him these days! axisphere> So to the twins, do you ever get like a psychic connection between you two??? Edele & Keavy say - yes, mentally sometimes, but not physically. kels> would you girls like to try your hand at acting, like All Saints have? Edele & Keavy say - yeah we'd never say never to the acting lark. Cri loves BWitched> I love you girl! Which is the most beautiful place in Dublin? Lindsay & Sinead say - The most beautiful place in Dublin is along the coast! i love u bwitched> I'm doing my g.c.s.e's soo, what did u girls get, and do u have any advice for me? Edele & Keavy say - we have done them but the exam system in Ireland is different - our advice is try and be as relaxed as possible when you get in there - don't panic and good luck! Hott_Stuff> what has been the most inspiring thing someone has said 2 u?????? Edele & Keavy say - we think it's just knowing that our family has always believed in us. AC> Do you sometimes feel lonely, and how do you cope with it? Edele & Keavy say - yes we do - and we've got great big phone bills because of it! NB> Keavy, did you receive any valentine cards this year? Keavy says - yeah, I got about 3 - one from my boyfriend and 2 from fans - so thanks whoever you are! axisphere> Thanks for answering me one question to all of you do you feel like public property sometimes- I mean do you fell like telling the press to leave you alone?? Lindsay & Sinead say - Thankfully we don't get that much hassle from the press! NATALIE> im a twin 2. how many mins between u and Edele Edele & Keavy say - there's 20 mins betweeen us - Keavy first! denim_discodiva> I heard that you were thinking of releasing B*Witched dolls.Is this true? Lindsay & Sinead say - Yes there are B*witched dolls. KIRSTIN> DID YOU ENJOY TOURING THE USA Edele & Keavy say - yeah it's great - we get to be on stage nearly every day in all different parts of America and we love it! axisphere> Lindsay what inspired you to play guitar?? Lindsay says - I just wanted to learn guitar because I liked the sound of it! kels> All that dancing must keep you fit - do you enjoy it or is it a drag? Lindsay & Sinead say - We love dancing, we'd be bored just standing on stage, and we love doing 'Jump Down' cos there's loads of dancing, and guess what - it's out today!!! VENGA_BABe> do u ever wish u wasn't as famous as u are? Edele & Keavy say - no, not at all, never thought about it really. dhand999> What do you think of all the fuss surrounding your 'raunchy new image'? Edele & Keavy say - I think the reaction to our new image is great. Hott_Stuff> Would u like to perform @ Party in the Park this year??????? Edele & Keavy say - we'd love to but we don't think we're around - but we're trying to organise it that we can. kels> which part of the world are you still dying to visit?? Edele & Keavy say - we're really looking forward to going to South Africa. Queen_Lanoski> How long are you going to stay in here for? Edele & Keavy say - we've got a while left in the chat room - so keep sending the questions in! Keavy_gurl> WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE GAME WHEN YOU WERE GROWING UP? Edele & Keavy say - my favourite game was rounders. KIRSTIN> DID YOU ENJOY PREFORMING WITH 5 IN DISNEYLAND Edele & Keavy say - we had a good time, we didn't see much of them though! thank god! dhand999> What do you think of all the newer girl bands (Hepburn, Thunderbugs, Atomic Kitten). I noticed Lindsay gave Atomic Kitten a 'thumbs up' on the Pepsi chart last week. Edele & Keavy say - we think all the new girl bands are all different and great in their own way. KIRSTIN> THE VIDEO ON THE NEW SINGLE IS GREAT. ARE YOU RELEASING A FULL VIDEO OF THE UK TOUR Edele & Keavy say - the video is coming out around Easter and it's called 'Jump Up, Jump Down' - make sure you go and buy it! CorrEm> What do you enjoy most about performing on stage?? cos I just love Irish music (esp. yourselves and The Corrs) as it's really happy and easy to get into at a gig! Edele & Keavy say - we love singing and the reaction from the crowd is great - and dancing is great as well AC> Edele, Keavy do you like France? and can you speak French? Edele & Keavy say - we like France - but we can speak very little - the fromage frais is great! letmein> Do you like Buffy or Dawson's Creek? Lindsay & Sinead say - We like Dawson's Creek! sassy> do you reckon you'll still be together in 10 years? Edele & Keavy say - to sassy - we were once called sassy - and anyway we reckon in 10 years time that we'll all be married. KIRSTIN> DID YOU HAVE FUN PREFORMING BLAME IT ON THE WEATHERMAN ON TOUR. THE RAIN WAS COOL Edele & Keavy say -yes we did thanks - the last day they punched holes in our umbrella and we got soaked and they threw rubber ducks on stage - it was really funny. Delia> Edele, do you plan on going solo?...someday Edele & Keavy say - I hope so one day. sassy> Do you still get nervous before performing? Lindsay & Sinead say - We get more excited and only a little bit nervous too. Luckystar13> Are you going to release more of your songs to radios in the US? Many fans here would love for you too!! Thanks for answering my other question!! Edele & Keavy say - Jump Down goes to radio in the US in May or June time but you should see the video before then on Disney or Nickleodeon - there's a B*Witched special on the last channel in June. Cri loves BWitched> Keavy send me a kiss please Edele & Keavy say - mmmwwwwoooooaaaarrrrrrr! Cri loves BWitched> Thanx girls I'm all red now! sassy> Rolling fields and clean air or the buzz of the big smoke - what do you prefer?? Edele & Keavy say - fresh air is always good. Lindsay & Sinead say - We like a bit of both - country air and city life. Delia> How did your mother think of the name Keavy....? Edele & Keavy say - not sure, I think she read it in a book or something - it means Kiwi in some countries. Teri> PLEASE SAY HI 2 ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edele & Keavy say - hi there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CorrEm> Girls.....what is the strangest thing a fan has asked you to sign?? Lindsay & Sinead say - The strangest thing we've had to sign was a baby's nappy! STORM_Hanna> Can u go to my website? it's all made 4 u, cuse I luv you sooo much. Edele & Keavy say - we'll have a look when we've finished here - thanks a million - we really appreciate all the support. STORM_Hanna> awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww thank you thank you so much for visiting it. =) I am happy now. dhand999> Out of all the venues you have played, which would you say was your favourite? Edele & Keavy say - all the venues were really cool to play - and most of them seemed to be REALLY loud!! kels> Where would you want to go on your dream date? Sinead says - My dream date would be to the Caribbean. kt> WOULD U LIKE TO DUET WITH BOYZONE? Edele & Keavy say - we'd love to do a big family thing actually with all the Lynch singers! KIRSTIN> DO YOU ANSWER ALL YOUR FAN MAIL Edele & Keavy says - it's hard to, but as much as we can we do - even if we have to have someone helping out. denim_discodiva> I'm sorry for asking this again but did you do anything for St.Patricks day? that was my 14th birthday. Edele & Keavy says - we were working and then flew home that night - so we celebrated over the weekend instead. Kiym101> What do u wanna do if it all ended tomorrow? Edele & Keavy say - hopefully it won't, but if it did I'd get loads of sweets and ice-cream and sit and watch telly. 20andFit> You look SO good on the camera! Great! K_J_E_A_L> IM GONNA GET MY HAIR DYED PURPLE/A TATTO/AND MY TONGUE PIERCED COS OF U KEAVY Edele & Keavy say - your mam will kill me! - but I've taken my tongue piercing out and don't have purple hair anymore so maybe you should think again sassy> Who would bunjee jump first out of all of you? Edele & Keavy say- Keavy says she would, but only if she was strapped to someone else - preferably a bloke who'd done it before! letmein> Edele, you have a heavenly voice, do you still have to train it? Edele & Keavy say - thanks very much but I sing so much it keeps me on top of it - but I do have breathing lessons now and again. SamuelChan> All the B*fans in Hong Kong and Asia can't wait to see B*Witched Now this is the First Chinese B*Website just see how B*FAns in Hong Kong and Taiwan love B*Witched Edele & Keavy say - thanks so much - hopefully we'll be in Asia next year sometime! StormHanna> Will you take the tour to Sweden and the rest of Europe? Lindsay & Sinead say - We're touring the States for the summer so possibly when we come back, but nothing is for definite! K_J_E_A_L> when are u twins gonna be auntie Keavy and auntie Edele?? Edele & Keavy say - we already are - we have a nephew called Dean, who's 8 and he's in the new Eurythmics video - he's the one with blonde hair - but they only shot the video yesterday so you might not see it for a while. Luckystar13> Even though we are in the US, we are going to buy Jump Down online and I hope it goes to #1 because you are the best and you deserve it!! Edele & Keavy say - thanks a million and don't forget to look out for us in July and August on the Nickleodeon tour! lynoooooo> by the way I am deejay lynooo while doing a party the other night I mixed atb 9pm with rollercoaster the people at the party loved it what you think???? Lindsay & Sinead say - coool send us a copy!! Cri loves BWitched> Keavy & Edele which is the most B*W spiritual song? Edele & Keavy say - the most spiritual song is 'Are You A Ghost'. Lindsay & Sinead say - We like 'Are You A Ghost' too! NB> Whats 'Are You A Ghost' all ABOUT???????????????? Edele & Keavy say - the song is about when you feel that someone is spiritually still with you even when they're not there. dhand999> You have said a number of times that you think you look silly in your first video. Do you think in a couple of years you will look back to this time and say the same? Lindsay & Sinead say - Yes we probably will look back and think that we look different now in a few years time. sassy> Have you ever forgotten the words when you're singing? Edele & Keavy say - yes! Edele has sung the first verse of Rollercoaster twice a few times - silly! Jess> please at least say hi to me B*witched! Edele & Keavy says - hi there - sorry the questions are flying in!! StormHanna> Does Edele sing the first verse on Together we'll be fine? or does Keavy sing Both Verses? Edele & Keavy say - keavy sings both verses - edele sings the choruses. Lindsay & Sinead say - Thanks everyone for taking time to chat with us, we really enjoyed ourselves and 'Jump Down' is out today - so make sure you go pick up a copy. Sorry for the people that didn't get their questions answered. BWitchya soon xxx 16fessex> when r u gonna be on live and kicking or was u on there on Saturday? Edele & Keavy say - we've got to go right now but we're on CITV on Thursday, CDUK on Saturday, TOTP next week and the lottery next week - so look out for us and the new single which is out today! It's been great chatting with you all - thanks for logging on and taking the time to chat - sweet dreams!!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx