The Irish quartet B*Witched made magic with their hit "C'est La Vie," now they're casting another spell on fans with their new album Awake and Breathe. Ranging in ages from 19-21, Lindsay, Sinead, Edele and Keavy have toured with 'N Sync and 98 Degrees, appeared on Rosie, and had four number one singles in the UK. Are you charmed? Chat with B*Witched at and get to know these supernatural songstresses. chat transcript November 10, 1999 cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: Hello and thanks for tuning in! We just got off stage! edele101 asks: what do you do with all the gifts fans give you? cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: If we are in a country we live in we can keep them, but if not, it's a shame, we can't, we give them to children's hospitals. sebastian99me asks: when will you me touring in the USA again? cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: During the summer. Can't wait to be back as well! cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: I am not sure who it is we'll be touring with. nsyncbsbgal10 asks: What are your three favorite types of Music? cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: Pop music, R n B, and I like a bit of rock! rebecca_xoxo asks: all i have to say is GIRL POWER! you guys are a great impression for gals around the world!! My question is if you could give one piece of advice to girls, what would it be? cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: I think the best advice is believe in yourself. Cause a lot of people tell you you can't do things. But if you believe in yourself, go and do it! Erik_Stutzman asks: I enjoyed your version of Coming Around Again. Do you plan to cover any more songs? : : cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: On our new single, I Shall Be There, which will be out in January, from the new album, Awake and Breath which is out right now, we do a single from Abba on the B side called Does Your Mother Know? impala681 asks: do u have any pets with you when u go on tours and stuff? cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: No we don't. We have a tour teddy called Miller. : TheBrookerMan asks: We're running a bizarre talent competetion at work. Do any of you have a bizarre talent? cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: I used to work at a sports shop so I'm quite good at shoe lacing! : prncesssarah117 asks: What do you think is the best thing about your country? cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: My family lives there! keavy_is_my_idol asks: Who do you think is the most romantic out of the four of you? cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: Romantic? I don't know actually! I suppose we can all be a bit romantic when we get the chance. cosmogirl_bwitched: I don't really get to see the girls with boys, so I don't really know. jonk44 asks: Hi! I would really like to know what your favourite song from "Awake And Breathe" is? My favourite is Jump Down. cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: My favorite is It Was Our Day, written about myself and Edele's nana who passed away a few years ago. : KeavyBW1 asks: Were those real animals in the video for "I Shall Be There", or were they added by a computer? cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: They were really there, but they weren't there when we were there! LOL! rebecca_xoxo asks: what's your favorite country you've visited as a group so far? or where's one place you ahven't been that you'd loved to go to? cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: Africa, I'd love to go to Africa. It's supposed to be amazing, I'd love to go see the wildlife. We have them in our new video, I'd like to see it for real. honey_bunny420 asks: how did you get started in the music industry? cosmogirl_bwitched: Keavy: Basically when we met each other, we started recording our own music. cosmogirl_bwitched: Then we got on this TV and somebody seen us on this TV. They put us in contact with our old managers and our old manager brought us to SONY. cosmogirl_bwitched: Thanks very much! Lindsay is here to take over! cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: Hi everyone, it's me! tigerette_2003_99 asks: r u guyz having fun on tour? cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: Yeah, absolutely, this is what we've been working towards the last couple of years, what we've dreamed of, touring countries and being on stage. It's the ultimate thing for us. JeremyThake asks: hey girls have u all got b/f s? cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: I've got a few really good friends, three are Keavy, Edele and Sinead. I've got a few good friends in Greece where I grew up. cosmogirl_bwitched: And I've got a few really good friends in Ireland as well,. prncesssarah117 asks: What was the first major thing you bought when you became successful? cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: A holiday! cosmogirl_bwitched: I went to Greece,. secret300 asks: do you have boyfriends and if so , are any of them famous : cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: Any? I've got seven. No, I do have a boyfriend and his name is Lee. : LouLou_aus asks: Who has been your main inspiration/s? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: I don't think it's a person in particular. My ambition is my inspiration, my love for music really. Pretty deep really! : PlayStation36_32 asks: who thought of the name b_witched? cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: Our producer did, he thought it was appropriate because we were bewitching! butterfli_of_heaven asks: How do you feel now seeing your faces on Magazines and everyone reconnizeing every where cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: To begin with it was really, really strange to see ourselves in magazines. Then you kind of get used to it really. cosmogirl_bwitched: Being recognized is nice because people know you for your music, so it's nice really. l_b_m_5720 asks: who have you had the best experience meeting star wise? cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: I think Celine Dion, and the Bee Gees. WE met them a year and a half ago when they were doing a duet together. cosmogirl_bwitched: They were so down to earth, they came over and said hello to us and we were nobody then, it was just really sweet. jillybean_33 asks: Lindsay, what's your favorite song on the new album? cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: It changes every week. At the moment, it is I Shall Be There, our next single. : jom263 asks: Who is you idol Lindsay? cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: Hmm. Well, I probably have to say my parents, they've just given me a brilliant childhood and a brilliant upbringing and they've always been there for me. : archangel1_uk asks: If you were a type of fruit; what would you want to be and why? cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: Ooo, let me see. Gosh, I'd be an orange, because you'd have to peel me slowly to get to know me. And there is loads of different segments and there are many sides to me, a sensitive side and a hard side and so on. Moonrock24 asks: what is a tv show you would like to apper on? cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: Well, I'd like to be on Friends, actually, it's my favorite TV show. : cosmogirl_host: Hi everyone! cosmogirl_host: Just one sec! Lindsay had to step away! cosmogirl_host: She'll be right back! : cosmogirl_host: Don't forget to check out : : : cosmogirl_host: for a chance to win a B*Witched baby tee : : cosmogirl_host: and a copy of their new CD Awake and Breathe : cosmogirl_host: Keep sending in those questions! Voicecardmodem asks: it your house was burning down what would be the first item you would take? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: Probably my guitar. cosmogirl_bwitched: I love my guitar. asn_97 asks: What was the strangest thing that has happened to yall while on tou cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: I can't really think of anything strange! prncesssarah117 asks: Do you all surf the net in your spare time? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: No, actually, to be honest, I don't really, I just kind of chill out in my spare time, cause there is so little of it. I read, or phone a friend. archangel1_uk asks: Lindsay, you've not done many solos yet. Soon? : : cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: Well we've only been out a year and a half, we're still concentrating on being a group, B*witched. ICEZ15 asks: What is your favorite movie and why? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: I'd have to say Titanic, it really pulls at all your emotions, it makes you cry, it makes you laugh, it's a really emotional film. Candee_83 asks: What are your plans for the new year's millennium? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: I'm just going to stay home with friends and family, I don't particularly want to go out. I'm just going to stay in the safety of my house! bwitchdsk8r asks: Lindsay, what kind (like brand) guitar do you have? And happy one month early birthday! : cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: It's a Yamaha acoustic guitar. I also have an electric guitar but I can't remember what brand it is. Drummin_JoeCool asks: Who makes your clothes? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: We've got a stylist called Fay Sawyer. She designs them and gets them made for us. charbaby13 asks: hey i love your music!!!what advice would you give someone trying to start thier own band???? cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: Don't let anyone tell you can't do it for starters. And also be very prepared for a lot of hard work and for being away from family and friends. But other than that, it's great. sluts_kissess_and_kinderwhores asks: Hey,I love your cd's, I got all of them, even the imports. You guys are my favoret group, I was just wondering if you write you own songs and if you fight alot. Love always. Colby cosmogirl_bwitched: Lindsay: We do write our own songs. We wrote nine out of 12 songs on the first album, and 11 out of 12 on the second. cosmogirl_bwitched: And we don't really fight a lot, when we get tired we have our little things, but on major issues and decisions we are usually of the same opinion. cosmogirl_bwitched: I've got Sinead here to take over! Thanks, bye! cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: A big B*witched hello! jom263 asks: What was it like touring with N*SYNC : cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: It was great, because they are very professional, and they were very supportive and really nice. They had really good crowds, and their fans were really supportive too. asn_97 asks: Whats was or is your favorite place that you all have been too? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: New Zealand and Italy. smurf187_2000 asks: how old where yall when you started cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: About 7. cosmogirl_bwitched: Very young. wicca_chick_98 asks: Whats your favorite food? : : cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: Tomato, mozzarella and balsamic vinaigrette. dimebag_damon asks: any of ypou sports fans? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: I like gymnastics, I like watching it. But I don't play any sports. No time. : sheila555 asks: i love your new album "awake and breathe." does sinead have any solo's??? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: No I don't. There wasn't enough time to do it, but I did do a song on the B side of I Shall Be There, I did that. the_great_malenko_98 asks: which of your songs do u think has the most meaning to each of you cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: Very tough question! There is one called If It Don't Fit, basically it started out being a song about the four of our different habits, but we ended up then being a guy to a girl. But we got all the ideas from each other, all the things we do. A_Bunny88 asks: what's your fave book? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: The Danielle Steel novel, Full Circle, I read it recently. VENOM66BJ asks: what is the best thing about your life now : Thu Nov 18 15:31:34 1999 cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: We're in the middle of being on tour, and that's the highlight of our career at the moment. We've been getting a really good response and it's really exciting. brians_da_man asks: what is the hardest song gor you guys to sing live or hit the notes on? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: C'est La Vie, is pretty hard not necessarily cause of the high notes, but because of the strenuous routine we do. cosmogirl_bwitched: And we recorded it a long time ago and our voices have all changed, so it's hard to keep sounding like the record. kayle01 asks: what is your fav. kind of icecream and why? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: Rum and Raisin, because I just love it! mac24_99 asks: where did you guys think of coming up with song "Weatherman?" cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: That was actually not one of the songs we wrote on the first album. keavy_is_my_idol asks: do you all still live together? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: No. I just bought an apartment in Ireland. Lindsay lives in London. wardancer_99 asks: What do you do in your free time cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: Sleep, eat and go to the cinema. cosmogirl_bwitched: Go and get a massage cause I'm sore from all the dancing. Oh - and go shopping as well! : funboy102 asks: How would you girls say you're different from the Spice Girls? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: Well our music, we co-write our songs, our image, everything really. cosmogirl_bwitched: THe only similarity is we're girls in pop. keavy_is_my_idol asks: Sinead, who are you closest with in the group? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: I think we're all pretty the same, if there's something in our minds, we all know what's going on really. dxdogg13 asks: What country are you in now? cosmogirl_bwitched: In Newcastle. cosmogirl_host: Do you have a boyfriend? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: No, but I'm looking! TheBrookerMan asks: Those dance routines look exhausting. How do you keep fit enough? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: WEll we rehearse a lot before we go do a full show. When we're not touring we go to the gym, but when you do it every day, it keeps you fit. highc82 asks: who sings bass? i swear i can hear a guy singing on "C'est la vie." cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: I know, a lot of people say that, but we have quite a large range, but we can actually all do really low notes. In our new single, I Shall Be There, Ladysmith Black Mombassa sings on it, the choir, but it's us thats singing there. Candee_83 asks: What's the most recent movie that you've watched? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: I think it was Analyze This. : Shena_Marie asks: Sinead,what kind of boyfriend do you want cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: Not looking, looking, but the chemistry has to be right, and somebody who is good fun to be around, who accepts what I do, and if I'm away. Binod34 asks: Are you going to have a christmas song on release? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: Our release for Christmas over here is I Shall Be Here, which is released in America around the same time too. sweetgal_222 asks: what is your most prized possesion cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: My family bear_991998 asks: Was it always your dream to be a singer? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: To be a performer, ever since I was 8 years old I told my mom I wanted to be on stage, she's never forgotten that! bear_991998 asks: Where do you plan to see yourself in 15 years cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: I don't really look too far ahead, we take each day as it comes, we know what we're doing a few months in advance, hopefully, couldn't I be married or something, have kids?!? mac24_99 asks: I saw your concert on Disney, and I was wondering since you guys only had a half hour was it hard to pick the songs you were going to sing? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: It wasn't really, because it was only the first album we were doing, and it was only 39 minutes, so it wasn't too hard. Now its a little tricky because we're doing both albums and we had to choose songs from both albums. A_Bunny88 asks: what veggie did you hate when u were little? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: Hmm. I don't think I hated any vegetables! AlienIQ asks: How has your life changed since becoming famous? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: Just being extremely busy and away from home an awful lot. TheBrookerMan asks: We heard about Keavy's lacing. Do you have an off-the-wall talent? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: Nothing really, trying to think...I like giving massages, I'm into reflexology and all that kind of thing. iraleo asks: WHAT DO YOU THINK IT IS ABOUT EVERYONE IN THE GROUP THAT KEEPS YOU TOGETHER? cosmogirl_bwitched: Sinead: We do have our little disagreements now and then again, but we got ourselves together, so we all have the dream, drive and ambition and that's what keeps us together. cosmogirl_bwitched: I've got Edele here! cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: Hi everybody! im_going_crazy101184 asks: what is your favorite city to visit while on tour??? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: I quite like Melbourne, Australia. ambrosia42071 asks: When you were younger what did you wnat to be when you grew up? cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: I always wanted to be a performer actually, a singer and dancer, and that's what I'm doing@! : dxdogg13 asks: What was your favorite subject in school? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: Actually it was metalwork, I was the only girl in the class. : Why_Does_My_Head_Hurt asks: what do you look for in a guy? cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: I think really it's something between you and the guy, it's not a certain look, it's just that connection. nikkicole1 asks: do you like scary movies? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: No! I don't mind them if I've got somebody to cuddle into! charbaby13 asks: you guys have nikcnames for eachother??? cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: Just Sinead really we've got a million and one for her - Noodle, Shindig, Shinnanigans, Madam - darkman39 asks: What is your favorite junk food?? : : cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: Chocolate, Irish Chocolate. cosmogirl_bwitched: I think it's the difference in the milk, it makes the chocolate taste nicer. : brians_da_man asks: have you ever been teased for something like your looks or your voice? cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: Yeah, I used to always be teased for my clothes, cause I liked something different. But you always have to be yourself and be comfortable. Rebecca_24_7 asks: What famous actor do you think is cute? : cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: Cory Haim. highc82 asks: do you have any strange piercings? cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: No I don't actually. Peavy used to have her tongue pierced. marion_cattermole asks: Wher were you at Halloween cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: I didn't dress up . Me and my friends went to my friends dress up party last night in our pajamas and slippers. iraleo asks: WHEN (IF EVER)HAV EYOU HAD YOUR HEART BROKEN AN DHOW DID YOU DEAL WITH IT? cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: That's a hard one. I don't think I've ever really had my heart broken. I haven't broken anybody's heart either. I've been hurt pretty bad but haven't had my heart broken. Men! oliviacampos asks: What do you guys do when you are on the road to keep from getting home sick? cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: Use our telephone an awful lot! Huge bills! steven241 asks: Have you had any embarasing moment on stage? cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: Let me think, a couple. I can remeber one that Keavy did. When we talk to the crowd and say let's yell. Keavy thought she was talking into her mike but she was talking into a glass of water. The crowd was yelling, we can't hear you, you're talking into your water. : shoey_54 asks: does your friends treat you different now that you are famous? cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: real frends don't treat us any different. But you do find out who your friends are. leener77 asks: do you girls hang out when you aren't touring and recording? cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: Well when we have more than one day off we like to go home to Ireland and we live in separate places, so not really. But we call each other, we miss each other when we're apart. Rebecca_24_7 asks: What is your favorite piece of clothing? cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: I don't know actually! cosmogirl_bwitched: My pajamas, nice and comfy! speed_demon_2000 asks: hey do like america cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: Yes I do actually I really like going over, we're going back in December to do Rosie O'Donnell so we're really looking forward to it. I think it's Dec. 8. : cosmogirl_bwitched: Our new single I Shall Be There will be out in January, and our new album, Awake and Breath is out now. megakei asks: why did u call ur new album "awake and breath" : cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: It's the opening lyric to I Shall Be There and it's quite haunting, so we thought it was nice. packerbacker_345 asks: do you all think american men are the same as european men cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: I don't know.. I think there are different types of men in all countries, you can't really say there is an American man, an English man or an Irish man, there are different categories of men in all countries. : cosmogirl_host: This is going to be our last question! cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: The girl has to go to bed! oliviacampos asks: WHere do you get the ideas for your songs? cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: Usually either from experiences we've had or experiences we see happening around us. cosmogirl_bwitched: Edele: Bye everybody, thanks a million. We will see you in America soon before Christmas. Watch Rosie on Dec. 8 and get our album Awake and Breath, cause it's great! See ya soon! cosmogirl_host: Thank you everyone!