Nickelodeon Chat MODERATOR: We're getting ready for B*Witched to join us here LIVE at's headquarters. MODERATOR: Tonight we're lucky to have with us those Irish lasses from B*Witched, Edele, Keavy, Sinead, and Lindsay! MODERATOR: ::getting dancing shoes on:: I hear some commotion down the hall!! MODERATOR: Just type your question in the text box and hit Send! MODERATOR: Hi! We're really lucky to have the Irish lasses B*Witched, Edele, Keavy, Sinead, and Lindsay, here to chat with us and answer all your questions! MODERATOR: Welcome B*Witched! Say hello to our guests here in's Blab-a-torium!! nickyapper: I'm am sooooooo excited! MODERATOR: so am I!!! Maybe they'll teach me a new dance step! MODERATOR: Since this is on everyone's mind, our first question comes from the mail sent to us by NICKFrog... NICKFrog:How did you get your name? B*Witched Sinead: Hello everybody! Thanks for being online! This is Sinead. I'll be talking and answering your questions for the first 15 minutes. MODERATOR: Ok, Sinead, thanks! Glad to have you here! B*Witched Sinead: It was actually our producer who gave us the name B*Witched, because he said we bewitched him, basically. MODERATOR: As you have bewitched ALL of us! MODERATOR: Next question comes from robg2000... robg2000:When will you visit New York to perform? MODERATOR: If you're just joining us, welcome to the Blab-a-torium! The Irish pop sensation B*Witched is here chatting LIVE! B*Witched Sinead: The nearest place to New York will be Jones Beach, and we'll be there Friday, August 31 and Saturday Sept 1, at the Jones Beach Amphitheatre. MODERATOR: Another one from the mail we received this week... NICKMare:NICK.COM QUESTION: Has becoming a band been a dream since you were little girls? MODERATOR: Type your questions in the bottom text line and press SEND! B*Witched Sinead: Yeah, for all of us, it's been a dream come true... B*Witched Sinead: not necessarily being in a band, but performing...dancing and singing. MODERATOR: Samantha has a great question! samantha:What do you think about the U.S.? Do you like it here? Is it different from Ireland? B*Witched Sinead: We really like the U.S. The main difference is it's huge, a lot bigger than Ireland. B*Witched Sinead: The weather is a lot nicer, too. B*Witched Sinead: And you always get huge portions of food! MODERATOR: I always wanted to go to Ireland! nicknoggin:Who would your role model be? B*Witched Sinead: I think for all of us our role models are definitely our parents because they've encouraged us to do what we're doing now. MODERATOR: Do you get to see them often since you're touring? B*Witched Sinead: We do, but not as much as we would like to. But when we're on tours, they will come over and visit us. B*Witched Sinead: We have a new manager now, so our schedule is gives us more free time to see our parents. MODERATOR: Oh, that's great that they'll visit! Since Nick fans are always thinking of food... rootie2T:Why is it that they have such great pizza in Ireland? I went there once and had the best pizza ever! B*Witched Sinead: Maybe you were just lucky that day! B*Witched Sinead: I've had good pizza all over the world... B*Witched Sinead: nobody ever said specifically that Ireland has great pizza. If they had said Italy, that would make more sense. MODERATOR: cutie_pie wants to know more about your tour! cutie_pie:Who do you tour with? Are you headlining your own tour, or are there other groups? MODERATOR: If you're just joining us, welcome to the Blab-a-torium! The Irish pop sensation B*Witched is here chatting LIVE! MODERATOR: Type your questions in the bottom text line and press SEND! B*Witched Sinead: We're doing the Nickelodeon's All that Music and More Festival, and we're headlining with LFO. MODERATOR: Now we get to history with sherbert... sherbert:Did you ever kiss the Blarney Stone? B*Witched Sinead: I have done! The other girls haven't, but I have. MODERATOR: This name says it all, Sinead... bwitched_fan:You guys rock! Where is your favorite place to perform? MODERATOR: Sinead will be answering 2 more questions and then Lindsay is next! So send in your questions for Lindsay! B*Witched Sinead: I think probably it would have to be in Dublin, Ireland, because our family and friends are there... B*Witched Sinead: And it's where we're from so that makes it special. MODERATOR: Sinead, the last question for you comes from a dude who wrote to this week... NICKMare:NICK.COM Question: Do you know how to surf? B*Witched Sinead: No, I've never been surfing before! I wouldn't like to try because I don't like going underneath the water. B*Witched Lindsay: Hi!!!! MODERATOR: Hi Lindsay! Welcome! MODERATOR: mama_dada has a great question for you Lindsay! mama_dada:Sinead is from Dublin, but where are all of the other girls from? B*Witched Lindsay: Well, Keavy and Edele are from Dublin and I am half Greek. MODERATOR: Lindsay, I love how you always stay so positive! draftysgirl has a question for you... draftsy girl:What music do you listen to when you want to relax? B*Witched Lindsay: I like quite a variety of music. I listen to TLC and other times I listen to Bon Jovi , so it depends on what I'm in the mood for. My collection varies. It's not all one style. MODERATOR: kewlgurl is asking a question we all wonder about... kewlgurl:What does it feel like to be famous? B*Witched Lindsay: It doesn't feel any different really. It's not like an overnight thing. There's not one particular thing that makes it different, you just feel like the same person still. MODERATOR: Oh, a heart-throbbing question from the mail this week! NICKMare:NICK.COM Question: If you had to go on a blind date with a famous guy, who would you want it to be: Ricky Martin, Leonardo Decaprio, Sammy Sosa or Eric Carl ? B*Witched Lindsay: I wouldn't take any of those four!! B*Witched Lindsay: I think I would have to go with Brad Pitt!! MODERATOR: Oh, you have good taste! B*Witched Lindsay: Thank you! MODERATOR: About technology, the next question is from geminigyrl... geminigryl:How do you feel about the era? B*Witched Lindsay: I know it's getting to be a big problem with the record companies... B*Witched Lindsay: But I don't kow that much about it, so I'm not going to make a comment about it. B*Witched Lindsay: Although we'll see what happens. MODERATOR: bobobbs is wondering a good question... bobdobbs:How are you different from other pop bands? B*Witched Lindsay: Firstly, our music is different because we have slight Irish in it. B*Witched Lindsay: Also our stage show is very different because not a lot of girl bands dance as energetically as we do. B*Witched Lindsay: People always say to us we have so much energy!! Where do you get all of your energy from? MODERATOR: I'm still hoping you can show me a new dance step! B*Witched Lindsay: Maybe one day! MODERATOR: From the mail we have a question about your new single... NICKFrog:I really like your new U.S. single "Mickey." Why did you release it as a single? B*Witched Lindsay: Well, because we recorded it for a new movie called "Bring It On." B*Witched Lindsay: Now "Mickey" is in the shops on a record called "B*Witched Across America 2000." MODERATOR: Lindsay, since you ARE so positive, this question from robg2000 has to go to you! robg2000:What's your funniest moment in your life? B*Witched Lindsay: The funniest moment? Oh gosh! B*Witched Lindsay: That's a hard question! B*Witched Lindsay: I can't say...I can't remember...One of the funniest moments of my life was when I watched "Liar Liar." It was a funny movie! MODERATOR: This will be hard to tell online, but a fun question from buddah... buddah:Do you try to change your accents for an American audience? B*Witched Lindsay: No, we don't try to change, but we always find when we go to other countries we find ourselves talking slower. B*Witched Lindsay: So that people can understand us better. MODERATOR: Good thing you don't have to TYPE slower too! bwitched_fan:How many hours a day do you practice your dance routines? B*Witched Lindsay: LOL MODERATOR: I would love to dance since you can dance in ANY language! B*Witched Lindsay: Oh, we don't practice every day. We have about a week's rehearsals before we have a big tour like the one we're on now. B*Witched Lindsay: Goodbye!! And thank you for all your questions! I'm going to pass you on to Keavy! MODERATOR: Bye Lindsay! We love you! Thanks for coming! MODERATOR: Hi Keavy!! Welcome to! B*Witched_Keavy: Hi! I'm glad to be here! MODERATOR: Since Nick fans all love TV, this is a natural question from the mail we received this week! NICKFrog:Hey, have you guys ever starred on a show or on TV before? MODERATOR: If you're just joining us, welcome to the Blab-a-torium! The Irish pop sensation B*Witched is here chatting LIVE! MODERATOR: Type your questions in the bottom text line and press SEND! MODERATOR: Keavy is answering our questions right now so send them in for her! B*Witched_Keavy: Years ago when myself and Edele were about 14 we starred in a sitcom in Ireland called "Finbarr's Class." MODERATOR: Maybe it will be re-released here someday! B*Witched_Keavy: I hope not! MODERATOR: Staying with the TV theme is a question from mama_dada... mama_dada:Do you like the old "Bewitched" TV show? B*Witched_Keavy: I love it actually! B*Witched_Keavy: There's repeats still on TV and I sit and watch it. nickyapper: Keavy is so cool! MODERATOR: bwitched_fan has a personal question just for you, Keavy! bwitched_fan:Keavy, you are sooo pretty!! What is your secret? B*Witched_Keavy: I have no idea, but thank you for that comment! B*Witched_Keavy: I think when you're happy it shows. MODERATOR: Well Keavy, the questions are pouring in for you! silverkimy:keavy,What sports do you play? B*Witched_Keavy: I love volleyball, swimming...I love kickboxing, I like to play tennis, but I'm not very good. MODERATOR: draftsygirl is wondering how you all started... draftsy girl:How did the group members meet? B*Witched_Keavy: We met in a dance center back home in Ireland called Digges' Lane. B*Witched_Keavy: It was about three and a half years ago. MODERATOR: From the mail again, is a question that sure is on MY mind in case I can still dream... NICKFrog:Did any of you take dance lessons or are you naturally that talented? B*Witched_Keavy: We did take dance lessons... B*Witched_Keavy: I've been dancing since I was about 13... B*Witched_Keavy: So if you're dreaming about being a dancer, you can definitely be one! MODERATOR: Well you haven't seen me dance! nickyapper: I want to be a dancer! MODERATOR: Oh, a tough question from the mailbag! NICKFrog:Do you sing for the fun or money? B*Witched_Keavy: We sing for fun and I think that's very obvious when you see us performing... B*Witched_Keavy: We come across very happy...that's because we are. MODERATOR: I can't think of a more fun thing to do than dance! except maybe fly... B*Witched_Keavy: But I also think any money we get we deserve because we work really hard... B*Witched_Keavy: It's kind of a bonus. B*Witched_Keavy: I'd love to skydive! that would be even more fun than dancing! MODERATOR: I suppose you always have to watch what you eat but mail is wondering ... NICKFrog:Okay ladies.. We all want to know...What is your favorite junk food? B*Witched_Keavy: Popcorn! B*Witched_Keavy: I can eat popcorn all day! B*Witched_Keavy: And kinder eggs! It's like white and brown chocolate, on each side, and then you get a little prize in the middle. MODERATOR: This would be hard to picture with such energenic lasses as you, but another from NICKMare:NICK.COM Question: Do you sometimes fight or do you get along? B*Witched_Keavy: Most of the time we get along... B*Witched_Keavy: but the same as everybody we do disagree sometimes... B*Witched_Keavy: but we've never had a blazing row! MODERATOR: Ohhhhh wow! We're getting the real scoop! MODERATOR: Only here at! Question: Where are you at this very moment? As in state-wise? B*Witched_Keavy: I'm in West Palm Beach. B*Witched_Keavy: And I'm driving to Atlanta tonight. MODERATOR: I'm in the state of confusion most of the time :) MODERATOR: robg2000 has a question for you :) robg2000:Who do you admire most...singer wise? B*Witched_Keavy: Celine Dion...she's got an absolutely great voice and an amazing personality! MODERATOR: Have you met her??!! B*Witched_Keavy: We met her when we first started about 3 years ago. B*Witched_Keavy: And she was actually singing our song, which was really fun! B*Witched_Keavy: And she was a really sweet and lovely person. A complete lady! MODERATOR: I think everyone would love to be just like you all! And I'm sure they're all taking notes! B*Witched_Keavy: It was really nice chatting. Thank you. Now I'm going to pass you on to Edele! MODERATOR: Thanks Keavy!! MODERATOR: Welcome Edele!! Great to have you with us here! NICKFrog:With your dance lessons, did you also take voice lessons? And do you think all professional singers should? B*Witched_Edele: I don't think all professional singers need to because you can have your own distinct voice without doing that... B*Witched_Edele: And we take breathing lessons instead of voice lessons....When we have the time. MODERATOR: I sort of just a duck. B*Witched_Edele: I don't believe that for one second! MODERATOR: Awww you really ARE gracious! but why are you wearing that cotton in your ears when I talk then? :) B*Witched_Edele: You can see the cotton in my ears?? MODERATOR: silverkimy has a question just for you, Edele! silverkimy:Edele, what sports do you play? I play soccer, swim, & I play tennis. B*Witched_Edele: I like to do some snow skiing and some water skiing, if I have the time. MODERATOR: If you're just joining us, welcome to the Blab-a-torium! The Irish pop sensation B*Witched is here chatting LIVE! MODERATOR: Speaking of dancing, musicasey has a question for you (and yes I saw the cotton)... musicasey:Can you all moonwalk like Michael Jackson? If not, you should try. B*Witched_Edele: Yes, we all can actually...not as good as him maybe. B*Witched_Edele: We've never done it on stage, though. MODERATOR: We have 5 minutes left chatting with B*witched! Send in your questions now to Edele! MODERATOR: And now a thoughtful question from gldngirl... gldngirl:Of all your songs, which one has the most profound meaning for you? B*Witched_Edele: It's "It Was Our Day" on the second album "Awake and Breathe." B*Witched_Edele: It was about my nanna who had passed away a couple of years ago. nickyapper: I want to chat all night! MODERATOR: This is my favorite question from the mailbag this week :) NICKFrog:If YOU were a bird what kind would you be? B*Witched_Edele: Nice question! B*Witched_Edele: I think I'd have to be an eagle because they are really graceful... B*Witched_Edele: and they just fly free, and it's very beautiful. MODERATOR: Edele it was wonderful having you here! I will certainly hear a new meaning in "It Was Our Day" now when I listen to it and will think of you when I see an eagle! B*Witched_Edele: That's really sweet! Thank you very much. MODERATOR: Edele do you have anything you want to tell us about for your plans coming up? B*Witched_Edele: Well, we've got a new EP coming out called "B*Witched Across America 2000." B*Witched_Edele: It's got "Hey Mickey" on it which is from the soundtrack of a film called "Bring It On" which comes out in August. MODERATOR: OH!! I will be first in line to get it! B*Witched_Edele: There are three new songs and three live songs from our tour in the U.K. B*Witched_Edele: Our second album is out now, and watch out for us on the Nickelodeon tour across the country. MODERATOR: I plan on going to see you! B*Witched_Edele: Then we're going to South Africa and Australia to do some shows over there... B*Witched_Edele: and that's it for a while! B*Witched_Edele: Everyone should come and see it! It's a great show! MODERATOR: I hope you come back to chat with us again sometime! MODERATOR: Maybe after you're all rested! B*Witched_Edele: Hopefully soon. B*Witched_Edele: Actually we had a nice couple of days in West Palm Beach so we're a little bit rested. MODERATOR: Thanks for joining us tonight as we chatted with B*Witched! MODERATOR: Join us next Thursday, June 27th to chat LIVE with LFO! Live from the All That Music and More Festival! B*Witched_Edele: Thank you! I hope we'll see you soon! B*Witched_Edele: The rest of the girls say goodbye and thank you! MODERATOR: ::::waving madly to Edele and the rest as they leave:::: MODERATOR: Next week dont forget! Mark it down NOW! July 27th 7PM LIVE WITH LFO!! MODERATOR: Wow Yapper! weren't they wonderful?? nickyapper: YES! And I can't wait for LFO! MODERATOR: See y'all next Thursday, June 27th to chat LIVE with LFO! Live from the All That Music and More Festival! MODERATOR: Yapper, come on over here so we can practice those dance steps! nickyapper: Woooo hooo! Be right there! MODERATOR: :::;thud:::: maybe that's not a good idea...oh well, have to settle for watching the great dancers! MODERATOR: Thanks for coming, everyone! YIKES!! Yapper you knocked me over! MODERATOR: Remeber to join us next week when we will have LFO chatting with us! Dont be late and thanks for all your GREAT questions! nickyapper: What a cool chat! I feel inspired now! MODERATOR: Night everyone! Join us again next week! You'll have to leave now because the Moderator has left the building :) MODERATOR: Thanks again for joining us and for all of you who sent in those great questions for B*Witched!