Chat React_Host: is proud to present B*Witched. react_bwitched: Keavy: Hello and thanks for logging in! keavy_is_my_idol asks: What is going to be the next single for us American fans? react_bwitched: Keavy: "I Shall Be There" from our new album "Awake and Breath," and it's coming out in January. It's a ballad featuring Ladysmith Black Mombassa, the South African choir. keavy_is_my_idol asks: Keavy, how old were you when you got your tattoo? I was 17. react_bwitched: Keavy: I was 16 but I hid it from my mom and dad until I was about 18. sclub7_nz asks: where's your favorite place you've been so far? react_bwitched: Keavy: I like Australia and New Zealand. They are very much like home in a faraway place. KELSBwitch asks: Hello Keavy! I am also a twin, and I was wondering, at times do you find that Edele annoys you? Because I know my sister does! Crystal, FL react_bwitched: Keavy: I think it's natural that everybody gets on everybody's nerves. I love her! jncoboy01 asks: so which album did u have more fun recording? react_bwitched: The first album everything was all new so it was all exciting. But on the second one we experimented more. flea3_16 asks: How long have you ladies been together? react_bwitched: Keavy: About three years. We met in a dance center called Digges Lane in Dublin. bozo27_99 asks: Little Falls, Mn. What do you like to do for fun react_bwitched: Keavy: I like to go shopping or go to the movies. React_Host: Have you seen any good movies lately? react_bwitched: Keavy: Notting Hill was good. siobhan_dancer asks: I've got a question, i'm an irish dancer (woo hoo) did you learn dancing expressly for C'est La Vie, or did you know it already react_bwitched: Keavy: Sinead did it for six years, myself and Edele learned at school. Lindsay only learned it for C'est La Vie. crazylittlegirl_5 asks: so how did u guys come up with the name b*witched cause it's a wicked name if i say so myself react_bwitched: Keavy: Thank you! Our producer gave it to us, he thought it was a perfect name. honeylicious_happygirl asks: Do you girls speak any foreign languages? react_bwitched: Keavy: I think we all speak a bit of French. Lindsay speaks fluent Greek because she was born there. Myself and Edele speak a bit of Portuguese. We can also speak Irish. sweet_angel_for_u_81 asks: How was it touring with 'N Sync react_bwitched: Keavy: They were really good, really nice. We didn't get to see as much of them as we would have liked, but they were very talented. keavystar20 asks: Keavy: My Grandma died 2 weeks ago and the song "It was Our Day" is my fav song off the album because it reminds me of her. What's your favorite song? react_bwitched: Keavy: Mine is "It Was Our Day" because it reminds me of my grandmother who passed away. That's why we wrote it. I'm glad you like it. Verbal_manwithaplan asks: what sort of music do each of you like? react_bwitched: Keavy: I like listening to the chart music, whatever's on the charts. Goodbye, thank you very much and here's Sinead! React_Host: Thanks Keavy! react_bwitched: Sinead: Hello everybody, Sinead here! bailey14_2000 asks: What is the most embarrasing thing that has ever happened to you? react_bwitched: Sinead: A lot actually, when I was 8 years old, myself and my best friend used to go shopping with our parents on Saturdays. There was a pub on the street where I lived, and it had shuttered doors. And there was a door there, and we used to ring the bell and no one would ever answer. One day a man opened up the door really fast, caught me, shook me and I went to the toilet. And I had to walk down the street like that! hypertease asks: Have you noticed a difference between an England crowd and a American Crowd? react_bwitched: Sinead: Usually there's not much difference, usually they're up for a good time. In America, we're more untouchable, big. In England, we're more accessible, the fans get used to us, it's more like, Oh, they're there again! JYNX55 asks: Do you think it's strange that people idolize you? react_bwitched: Sinead: I don't think we come across like they idolize us, I think it's nice to be appreciated, for making positive music. Erik_Stutzman asks: Has your success affected the lives of your families? react_bwitched: Sinead: No actually. Just that my mom is busy keeping up a scrapbook and video taping loads of TV appearances. My sisters have got a bit of hassle. Blekso asks: now, which *NSync guy do you think is the cutest? react_bwitched: Sinead: I don't think any of them are cute. I got on with Lance the most, I spoke to him the most. Verbal_manwithaplan asks: i've got your new cd "awake & breathe" on right now, what cd have you got in your stereo at the moment? react_bwitched: Sinead: I think I've got West Life, an Irish band that has a new album out. amanda_parker_1999 asks: Who were you're inspirations as kids? react_bwitched: Sinead: My parents inspired me when I was younger. They were ballroom dancers and always into music, not necessarily pop music, but they just inspired me to go after my dreams. tk_kri asks: My favorite song is "Blame it One The Weatherman," does it have any significance? react_bwitched: Sinead: Not really actually, that's the one song on the album that we didn't actually co-write, it's just about blame it on the weatherman actually! fmurtagh asks: Where did you girls learn how to dance? react_bwitched: Sinead: Edele and Keavy started disco dancing when they were really young. Lindsay started in school. And I did it just in shows and then i went to a dance school. Angelic_QT_Pie asks: What has been the oddest thing a fan has ever done to meet you? react_bwitched: Sinead: Not me personally, but one of them climbed a pole on the street to see Keavy! Verbal_manwithaplan asks: how do you think celtic music has affected you? react_bwitched: Sinead: I grew up with it, I did Irish dancing. It's not that it's been influenced me it's always been there. Edele and Keavy's grandfather played the fiddle really well. LazyLazyBum asks: When is your next television appearance? react_bwitched: Sinead: Next one in America is Rosie O'Donnell around the 8th of December. Wiseman30 asks: Is it fun to travel all over the world to perform? react_bwitched: Sinead: It is, you get to travel the world and fulfill your dreams at the same time. girshuan asks: So how does it feel to be under the public eye all the time, I am sure that you get tired of it react_bwitched: Sinead: I don't get tired of it, it doesn't really bother me. I think it's the one thing you have to put up with in this business, it's one of the things that goes with it. abercrombiegirl007 asks: Who is you're idols and have u had the chance to meet any of them??? react_bwitched: Sinead: I never really had any idols growing up. I admired George Michael and Wham! I haven't met him yet! JYNX55 asks: Did you girls play any sports when you were young? react_bwitched: Sinead: Lindsay played volleyball. Edele was very into gymnastics so was Keavy, they were competitive. Keavy and Lindsay did kickboxing. mishat_85 asks: has the group ever thought of making a movie? react_bwitched: Sinead: Never say never! tk_kri asks: What was the best thing that ever happened when you were on tour? react_bwitched: Sinead: Performing every night is the best thing. React_Host: Thanks Sinead. Great answers! react_bwitched: Sinead: I'm going to pass you over to Edele. Good night everybody and thanks for everything! Verbal_manwithaplan asks: what's your favourite movie ever? react_bwitched: Edele: I have to say I love "Shawshank Redemption." And hello everybody! fivefeaver asks: how was it working with 5ive in concert on disney? react_bwitched: Edele: It was good, they were nice guys, we knew them before from the U.K. so it was nice to work with them. keavsluvsme2 asks: What song is your favorite to perform? react_bwitched: Edele: It's hard to say, every song has a different something that you really enjoy performing. Erik_Stutzman asks: Can you tell us anything about your upcoming clothing line? react_bwitched: Edele: We have a few things coming out, a line coming out after Christmas, it will be jeans, jean jackets, vest tops and things. Angelic_QT_Pie asks: What's been the most memorable gift you've ever received from a fan? react_bwitched: Edele: It has to be a bag of carrots actually! I had said I didn't like cooked carrots, only raw carrots, and they sent me a bag of raw carrots. LazyLazyBum asks: What do you girls all like to do in your "spare" time? react_bwitched: Edele: I like to sleep and go to the cinema. And go home to Ireland if I have more than two days off. ATHKIZMIX asks: wats your favorite kind a choclate react_bwitched: Edele: Irish chocolate, Cadbury's, dairy milk. Starlight_Angel_15 asks: How much if any have u changed since u became famous react_bwitched: Edele: I think I've just grown up a lot, I don't think I've changed much as a person other than that. trishlafre asks: what is your most prized possesion react_bwitched: Edele: I don't really have one, it's just the thoughts and memories of my family and friends. LazyLazyBum asks: Edele and Keavy, is it true that your brother is in the boy band Boyzone? react_bwitched: Edele: Yes it's true, myself and Keavy's brother. honeylicious_happygirl asks: What do you girls do while on backstage? react_bwitched: Edele: Usually we do a meet and greet, meet some of the fans, do some interviews. We eat our dinner before we go on stage. And then we warm up. Vocally and physically. It's pretty busy. We do get a little nervous, but more excited really. sshafrir asks: are you planning to go to Israel? react_bwitched: Edele: Not in the near future, but hopefully next year, you never know! SullyKate710 asks: Have you met the Prince of Wales react_bwitched: Edele: Yes we have. We met him at the Royal Variety Show. antihesitator asks: Whos The BOSS? react_bwitched: Edele: We don't really have one, but I keep things in order sometimes. But I'm not bossy! frothyjoe asks: I have a question for Edele: What is Wheatabix? (for those of us in the States) react_bwitched: Edele: Oh! It's a lovely cereal made out of wheat. I do really like it actually. If you don't have it in America, you're missing out! bozo27_99 asks: Little Falls, MN. What is your favorite food? react_bwitched: Edele: My favorite food is lobster. chiefs2319 asks: EDELE IS IT FUN OR EXAUSTING PERFORMING EVERYNIGHT ? react_bwitched: Edele: Actually it's really good fun, and it's not until you come off stage that you realize that you are so tired, because you enjoy it so much. React_Host: Thanks Edele! react_bwitched: Edele: Goodbye everyone, hope to see you soon, here's Lindsay! Our new album "Awake and Breathe" is out now, it's really good, so go out and get it now! react_bwitched: Lindsay: I've got a bit of the flu you know, hello everybody! whatever496 asks: Hey Lindsay, I think your really pretty!So do YOU remember sweetstock 2 in Omaha Nebraska?I was there!!!!!I loved you guys!!!!! react_bwitched: Lindsay: Oh, thank you! I remember Omaha very well. We've been in almost every state in the US, probably spent about six months in the States. We've been everywhere. Wiseman30 asks: What is your favorite Hoilday? react_bwitched: Lindsay: Summer actually, because I love the sun and I love the heat, and I love going to the beach and stuff. bwitchdsk8r asks: What's your favourite book? react_bwitched: Lindsay: I like all of Danielle Steel's novels, she's got a great imagination, and it's just really good light entertainment. tk_kri asks: I am part Irish and I was wondering if you think it is worthwhile to visit Ireland? react_bwitched: Lindsay: Oh definitely, no place on earth like Ireland! Irish people are unique, and the Irish countryside, and the small towns and everything are so pretty. It's really worth your while. christina00_2000 asks: Lindsay, i have curly hair like your and i wanted to know how you get it not to frizz, because mine is always frizy react_bwitched: Lindsay: Well, if you go to like a supermarket, or anywhere that sells hair products, try and get a curl ban or a serum, because that takes away frizz, just run it thru your hair. Don't brush your hair, just run your fingers thru it when it's wet. Brushing makes it go frizzy. IgnatiousPReilly asks: Hi Ladies! I have an unusual question for you.. which of you is the most ticklish?? react_bwitched: Lindsay: Probably me actually. Sometimes even if someone goes to tickle me, I laugh before they get there. But I actually hate being tickled, it's not a nice laughter, it's a get away from me laughter. keavy_is_my_idol asks: Lindsay, I heard that Keavy calls you Binoffy. What does this mean? Is there a story behind this? react_bwitched: Lindsay: It came from my last name which is Armalu. That turned to Armanof. Which then turned into Armanofy, which then turned in to Binoffy. Kind of an evolution. I call her Neavy. christina00_2000 asks: Lindsay, how long have you been going out with Lee? react_bwitched: Lindsay: Nearly a year now. paddy_public_enemy_no_1 asks: Which Irish music stars are or were your greatest influences react_bwitched: Lindsay: I don't think I ever really had a star as an influence. I think my dreams and ambitions influenced me to do what I'm doing, no one else really influenced me. react_bwitched: Lindsay: Thanks everybody for coming online to chat with us! Our new album "Awake and Breathe" is out now, please go and check it out! Hope to see you all soon! Good night! React_Host: Thanks B*Witched for chatting with us.