SonicNet Chat vmmge: Who is your inspiration? B*witched: Linsdsay: My parents, they are the ones who supported me and told me to go for my dreams. crazy_girly_1999: What are your hobbies? B*witched: Linsdsay: I like meeting up with friends, reading books, listening to music...That's about it really, I don't have time for hobbies. Molly_Chambers: Are you going to make a film like the spice girls? B*witched: Linsdsay: It hasn't been planned yet, but you never know. Stacieeve64: How long have you known each other before becoming a group? And how do like being role models to the young girls? B*witched: Linsdsay: We actually got to know each and formed the group around the very same time. It's great being role models, because a lot of parents have come up to us and told us what good role models we are and that's a good feeling. Adidas2799: what part of Ireland are you all from? B*witched: Linsdsay: Dublin. I'm actually half Greek though. B_Witched_2001: Do you guys ever get homesick ? B*witched: Linsdsay: Yes, all the time *laughs* It's the only drawback about this job is being away from friends and family for a long time. Milo_A_2J: Do you have any good luck charms that you bring around wherever you go? B*witched: Linsdsay: Em, not personally, one of the girls has a pillow that she brings everywhere. manolis_varna: do you all have the same taste in music? B*witched: Linsdsay: Yea, we all listen to a wide variety of music, the only kind we don't like is rave music. vmmge: If you were an animal, what animal you will be? B*witched: Linsdsay: A cat. I've always had cats when growing up and I just love them. vmmge: Who is your favorite actor or actress? B*witched: Linsdsay: Brad Pitt is my favorite actor and Meg Ryan is my favorite actress. crazy_girly_1999: When was the first time you heard your first single on the radio? B*witched: Linsdsay: It was amazing, we were all in the car and we just screamed. I think we gave the driver a bit of a fright. Eric_Draven30 : What Is You Favorite Song On The Album? B*witched: Linsdsay: Personally, "Blame It On The Weatherman," I like the acoustic guitar on it. Cheet02: What's the funniest thing that happened when you were on tour? B*witched: Linsdsay: One night the lights went off when I was onstage and I fell off the back of the stage, luckily the lights were off so I was saved the embarrassment of anyone seeing me. Kiwi_no8: Do you have any plans for a college education? B*witched: Linsdsay: I was originally going to go to college after school, but then I got a record deal. If I went back to college in a couple of years, it would probably be to do something really weird and interesting like philosophy. partygal100: how did u guys get started? B*witched: Linsdsay: Bout two and half years ago we knew each other round Dublin and Sinead went into the garage where Keavy worked and the twins knew they wanted to do something as well. I got to know Keavy through kick boxing class, so we all just went into the studio together and clicked. hibritney: ARE U GUYS ABOUT GIRL POWER? B*witched: Linsdsay: Not necessarily, our message is more about living life to the full. Going for your dreams because you only live once. dm_kenwright: What is the one question nobody has asked, but you wish they would? B*witched: Linsdsay: Not this one anyway....I don't know...*giggles* I really, really don't know. vmmge: What do you feel when you perform your songs? B*witched: Linsdsay: I feel like I was born to do this, performance is the highlight of our job. InWalkedLove: What do you think your greatest accomplishment has been, this year? B*witched: Linsdsay: Three number singles on the UK charts. BewitchedGirl17: if you had to go on a date with another band who do you think you would go out with? B*witched: Linsdsay: New Kids On The Block, because me and Keavy used to be fans. Tuatha001: all the constant touring must tire you out. how do you cope with the pressure? B*witched: Linsdsay: We try not to look at it as pressure, we try and have fun along the way and have a laugh with each other about it all. N_SYNC_Chick13: Do any of you have tattoos? if so what is it of? B*witched: Linsdsay: Keavy has a tattoo on her shoulder in Chinese that means 'happiness.' emelcho: What was it like musically for you all back home? Did you have lots of support and opportunities to do things? B*witched: Linsdsay: Ireland is quite a musical country, there are always bands and buskers on the street. Every family encourages their kids to play music, and I was as well. crazy_girly_1999: What is your favorite foods?? B*witched: Linsdsay: Seafood....Because I grew up on it, I actually grew up in Greece. brittisk: what place that you have visited so far is your favorite? B*witched: Linsdsay: I liked Italy, because there's a lot of culture every where you look, because there's ruins and statues everywhere you look. And it's pretty and warm. CurlysGirl4ever: What is your favorite song to perform? B*witched: Linsdsay: "C'est La Vie," because we always get such energy when we perform it. crazy_girly_1999: Keavy, do you still do mechanics? B*witched: Keavy: I don't actually, I don't have time for it. But I still love cars. But if I ever broke down I could fix my tire. k3d3_88: What advice would you give starting bands? B*witched: Keavy: Be prepared for a lot of hard work and you have to really, really want it. And good luck. SLATER_NIC: Do you guys mind be called the Irish Spice Girls?? B*witched: Keavy: We're never really called Irish Spice Girls. When you first come out people will call you something to understand you. But we don't mind it, because the girls are brilliant, so it's quite pleasurable actually. Gomez_123456 : How does it feel when seeing Bewitched on posters, magazines, radio and on music station? B*witched: Keavy: It's absolutely fantastic. Because when you see a picture or hear you on the radio, it means more people want to know about you. And that's exciting. Butterfly25801: Do you want to do anything else besides sing the rest of your life? B*witched: Keavy: Hopefully, I'll be singing and dancing for a long time. I'm not even thinking about that, because I'm enjoying what I do right now. Sweetie941 : Do you have any pets? If so what kind? B*witched: Keavy: We have family pets. I have some goldfish and we have two ducks, Jack & Jill. skiters98: what’s your favorite star you have met? B*witched: Keavy: That's a hard question. I don't look at people as stars as such, we see them as human beings. We met Celine Dion and The Bee Gees and they were down to earth, which was nice. Slinky_1998_1998: How old are you all? B*witched: Sinead: I'm 20, Keavy and Edele and 19 and the baby's 18 StrawberryTatoo_: What do you want to do/see while in America? B*witched: Sinead: We're gonna go back to LA for awhile, so I want to see a nice sunny beach and have some time off. I would have liked to seen a Broadway show, but I don't think I'll have time. Denvera_Sierra_15: how did you come up with your name? B*witched: Sinead: Our name was actually from our producer and our manager proceeded to have us introduced to him. He hadn't wanted to work with a girl band, but he was persuaded by our magic to take us on. skiters98: what inspires your lyrics? B*witched: Sinead: A number of different things, we co-write nine of the album's songs, we wrote songs about being young and alive. "To I Belong" was written about our parents...Different things that we feel like writing about, experiences we've all gone through. NsYnCer44: What is your advice to aspiring musicians? B*witched: Sinead: If you've got a dream, go at it and try and fulfill it. If you try and don't succeed, at least you'll always be able to say you tried. And be nice to people, because what goes around comes around. beff2020: what's your favorite TV programme? B*witched: Sinead: They change all the time, I think, at the moment it's Friends. Lopez54: Will there be a new look for the next album? B*witched: Sinead: We haven't consciously made a decision where the look is going to go. Denim has played a part in all four of our UK videos, so we'll just see. ickle_jon: When in Ireland do u still live at home? B*witched: Sinead: Yes we do. We all live in London now, we have been living there for the last year and a half. And when we go home we all sleep in our own beds.' nsyncer84: How is it like performing in front of thousands of people? B*witched: Sinead: Absolutely electrifying. The first time it was just overwhelming. We didn't expect people to be there, because we were a support act and people told us not to expect anyone out there and when we walked out on stage, there were thousands of people and it was just mind-blowing. KeavyBW1: How many autographs do you think you've signed so far? B*witched: Sinead: Thousands upon thousands, just today we signed about 1500, just in the last three hours. I'd hate to imagine how many we've done totally. Puding80: Who has been your role model? B*witched: Sinead: My parents because they've always encouraged me to do what I want to since I was really young. Mags_1112: Who is your hero? B*witched: B*witched: Edele: My mum and dad are my heroes. TOMMY_BOY77_99: What is Edele's favorite song of all time? B*witched: Edele: "Eternal Flame" by The Bangles. Lopez54: What is the one thing that everybody doesn't already know about you? B*witched: Edele: I don't know....that's a hard question...My twin sister has a tattoo... sk8er_angel69: Hi! I was wondering if you enjoyed doing the Rosie O'Donnel and the Regis and Kathy-Lee show? B*witched: Edele: Yea we really did, it was brilliant...but Kathy Lee wasn't there today...but they were so nice to us. StephenJAnderson: If you could duet with anyone, who would it be? B*witched: Edele: I think at the moment, we're concentrating on B*Witched, but you never know. guesimcrzy: Is it neat to be recognized wherever you go? B*witched: Edele: It's quite exciting, because you're being recognized for something that you've always wanted to do and you're making people happy. Pentium3Id: How hard is it to write songs? B*witched: Edele: We actually work really, really well as a team and we get our inspirations from each other, so we're quite handy. Stephanie_W_20: If you could be in a Musical, which character and show would it be? B*witched: Edele: I'm a bit old and I don't have red hair, but I'd like to be Annie. Or Grease. Thanks to everybody for tuning in and for all your support.