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After her tiptop, up-and-up, rollercoaster year in pop, Edele gives her fave mag the juice on home, family, boyfriends and growing her hair...


You've got a very long name haven't you?

Yep, it's Edele Claire Christina Edwina Lynch. Edwina is after my Granddad, Edwin, who died before my mum met my dad. I always like Christina so i chose that as my confirmation name.


What hasn't fame brought you?

I thought it would change me as a person. But it hasn't, not even slightly. It mad us excited for a while, and proud that we've achieved what we set out to do but it didn't change us inside.


What really annoys you about pop?

It annoys me when people expect me to have a bad attitude. We did a TV show at Chesington and i was walking along with this huge umbrella. By accident I nearly hit the man behind me with it. I apologised but he made it clear that he thought I was being insincere and horrible just cos I'm a pop star. I never, ever say anything i don't mean!


What's home like?

Home is my mammy's house in Ireland. It's comfortable and lovely. As soon as i get in the door I go for the fridge and get out a chuink of fresh Brennan's bread and some Irish milk. It doesn't taste the same anywhere else. Actually the best bread in Britain is Tesco bread at 19p!


What family event have you missed because you've been away from home working?

My nephew Dean's birthday party. Keavy and I called him up instead but it wasn't the same, we've never been away from him on his birthday before.


Who do you fancy?

Bruce Willis looks lovely and dirty. I like mechanics in overalls.


Who was your first snog?

It was a boy called Christopher Kane. He was my brother's mate and I met him BMXing. None of the other guys would talk to me cos I was the only girl! After that there was a boy called Patrick.


Weren't you going out with someone when you joined B*Witched?

I'm single now but I went out with a guy for two years. When I moved to England everything began to fall apart but I did love him and the break-up hurt.


Do you get chatted up more or less often now you're famous?

It's still the same - I never get chatted up! I can't flirt and I wouldn't want to flirt so I never send out those kind of signals. I've never had anyone ask me to dinner or the pictures. Well, that's a lie. It happened to me once when I worked in a sports shop, but I didn't go!


What's your idea of a luxury?

Doing something which no-one else has planned out. Maybe a rest day or a day in the sun, water-skiing. That would be lovely.


What's you most over-used phrase?

"That drives me mad"


Have your ambitions changed in the last year?

Yep, they have changed cos we've already fulfilled a lot of ambitions we had a year ago. We're just aiming higher, but we want to go further with the band. The tour, when we have one, will be brilliant fun.


When did you last cry?

At Dublin airport saying goodbye to my mammy and my daddy and little sister. I really hate leaving my family. If I only have the chance to see someone for a short time, it's even harder to wave goodbye cos I haven't caught up with them properly.


What do you always carry with you?

My teddy bear called Patch. He's my lucky charm.


What was your favourite childhood teddy called?

He was called Fat Ted and he was bright orange. He wore a dress and he had bright eyes and hairy ears. I've still got him actually. He's in the attic now. He's not bright orange any more though cos he's so old.


What would you have written on your gravestone?

That's a horrible question! I'd like to have a picture of a microphone on it - like old sailors have anchors and teachers have books. Something which marks the life I've had before.


What one thing would you change about your appearance?

My feet. I'd like my feet to be a size three and they're a five and a half. I want them to be dainty and cute so they'd look good under trousers.


If you could change one thing about your personality what would it be?

I'd like to be less stubborn but I don't know how to change. If I'm havimg a row with someone I have to have my way. And ten even if we agree to forget about the arguement, I'll still be going, "Grrrr!" inside. I can't let things lie. I'll hold a grudge, but only for about an hour.


What does your bedroom look like?

It's quite big. Myself, Keavy and my little sister Naomi each have a single bed in it. My wardrobe is on th left of my bed and it's done up in blue, pink and white. I've never hung any posters on the wall but I've got a Boyzone postcard and a Fab! poster inside my wardrobe door.


What's been the best party you've been to this year?

It was when we celebrated our first No 1 and our record company took us to Planet Hollywood. It was a lovely night but it was a bit embarrassing cos they played the C'est La Vie video on the screen in the restaurant and everyone cheered which made all the other customers cheer too.


What's your favourite meal?

I love seafood. I love lobster and crayfish and prawns and winkles, yummy! But nothing too manic. When we were in Belgium I was given a lobster with loads of vinegar on it, and I nearly died. I couldn't eat it. I don't like fancy sauces and things.


What does fame cost?

It costs a lot in sacrifices. The biggest cost is to your family and your social life cos you have to work so hard. It's nice to talk to other bands and industry people but everyone's rushing about so much you don't have the chance to become too close with them.


What was the best day of your childhood?

Every day was good! I loved doing gymnastics competitions when I was younger. Everyone came along to support us, and it was great crack.


What do you want for '99?

I want long hair! I'm letting it grow really, really long!
