*Witched Chat Oct 25, 1999 The Ireland teen sensation, B*Witched has released a new album, Awake and Breathe. This pop-quartet, who met in an Irish dance center, found International success with the release of their multi-platinum selling release, B*Witched, in 1998. Strong radio and video support for their single, C’est La Vie, launched Sinead, Lindsay, and twins Edele & Keavy’s career into super-stardom overnight. They’ve returned with a "more mature" pop record and they took time to answer questions from their fans, live and online. twec.com: twec.com would like to welcome B*Witched to tonight's chat! Hello Ladies. Edele: Hello! It's great to be back in America! keavy_edele: I love you guys so much! Are you girls planning on coming back to the US to tour? Edele: We are going to be in the US again after Christmas and hopefully we'll be touring in the US again in the summertime. erik_stutzman: Do you plan to release the b-sides like Fly Away in the US? Edele: Only as b-sides. They wouldn't be released as A-sides. Justplainmatt: Hey B*witched, what’s Cest la Vie mean? You say it means "That’s Life," but it means "It’s Life," right? Edele: It does actually mean, "That's Life." It's done to mean "It's life," but it actually means "That's life." BWitched3447: What was the best experience you had while making your new CD? Edele: We really enjoy making our music and we got to take our style a step further on this album. It's called Awake & Breathe. Mkong: What is the deal with the Christmas Album. Will there be one? Edele: Our new album, Awake & Breathe, is our album for Christmas. Evi1312: What’s the longest you have ever gone without speaking to Keavy after a fight? Edele: When Keavy and myself argue, we usually finish it then and there and don't let it linger. That usually makes it worse. Irish Edele: Will you be only presenting at the WB radio awards?? I hope you have fun! Edele: Yes, we are presenting an award. We can't wait to go. fan806: How would you describe your new CD? Edele: It's more mature than the first. There's some country music, some psychedelic, a bit of rock 'n roll, some American Indian, and the pop music. It's a very good album. It's better than the first. Merje: Hi Edele, do you have any advice for aspiring singers? Edele: Hello! We always say just be determined and ready for hard work. What's very important is to believe in yourself and always have a dream to work towards. Edistheman: Will Jesse Hold On be the single released in America? Edele: Jesse Hold On, the video, will be shown on Disney but it won't be released as single. You'll hear it on Disney radio as well. We've got a new single coming out in January, but the album is being released before that. AlphaOmega: Edele, I really liked your red hair! Will you ever have red hair again? Edele: Not all red. I actually have a bit of red in my hair today, copper red. But I'll never go red again. Been there, done that. Bwitchedlvr: Do you have any fashion tips? I loved your style in Blame it on the Weather Man. Edele: My fashion tip would be, just be comfortable in what you wear. IshmaelSky: How much time do you practice your music? Edele: We do so much promotion and going from country to country, we don't get to practice every day. But being on stage promoting is practice enough. We have a tour in November in the UK and Ireland, and we'll practice for two weeks before that. Kakarot: What bands from the US do you like? Edele: I like the Backstreet Boys and Madonna. I love Shania Twain. And I like the Dixie Chicks as well, actually. Bwitchedlvr: I know you met in college, but where did you guys go? Edele: We didn't meet in College, we met in a dance center in Dublin, actually. ChrisL: Hi girls, just wondering, do any of you look at any of the fan-sites on the Internet? Edele: Hello! We don't surf the net that much, because we don't get the time. We have gone into one or two of them and they're quite interesting, with what they say about you. Lillian: Hello B*witched. I am a parent and I just wanted to thank you for putting out music like you do. Other than Five and the Backstreet Boys, you are the only group that I allow my daughter to listen to because it’s not vulgar. Edele: Thank you! That's nice to hear. Delfi: Awake & Breathe is brilliant! Will you have a band with you when you play the Point in Dublin next month? Edele: Yes, we'll have a live band. It'll be an all-live tour and it'll be brilliant. Tom: What did you do to celebrate completing Awake and Breathe? Edele: We haven't had time to be honest. We’d probably just give ourselves a round of applause. We'll probably celebrate around Christmas time or the New Year. Evi1312: I’ve heard talk about B*witched jewelry. Is it true? Edele: Yes, it is true. There's some B*Witched jewelry that will be available in time for Christmas. Visit www.b-witched.com. Irish Edele: Edele, are you dating Joey from N-sync? Edele: [laughs] You must have read that in England. No, I'm not. Evi1312: What is the nicest thing a fan has ever given you? Edele: Their support is the nicest thing they can give us. Irish Edele: Did all of you help design the new official web site? It's really cool! Edele: No, we have a guy at Sony who does it for us. It's all part of what our new album looks like. It does look good actually. Bwitchedlover: How long have you taken Irish dancing? Edele: Keavy and myself only did it for a couple of weeks in school. Sinead did it for 6 years. Lindsay has never taken it. BwitchedFan: Edele, can you give me any advice on eyebrow shaping? Edele: Never pluck them too thin. Always pluck with the direction of the growth. Chelsea: I love the cover of your new CD. Who thought of it? Edele: Our marketing manager at Sony thought of it and it was a lovely idea. The garden we're in is real and it's very beautiful. Justplainmatt: What languages do you speak? Edele: I only speak fully English. I can speak a tiny bit of French and Portuguese. Lindsay can speak French, Greek, and English, obviously. BwitchedFan: Where did you film the video for Jesse Hold On? Edele: In a place called Campo, just off the Mexican border. It was very hot. Evi1312: Does the star stand for anything in particular? Edele: No, it's just part of the logo. We've each got a logo each - I've got the B, the star is Keavy's, Sinead has a lucky charm, and Lindsay has a cat. Justplainmatt: Who is the guy in the tree in C'est la vie? And also the guy in Jesse Hold On? Edele: The guy in the tree is a model, a nice guy. The guy in Jesse Hold On is an actor, a very cute actor, actually. fan4bwitch: B*witched, what’s it like touring different countries and meeting new people every night? Edele: It's brilliant. It's a great way to get to tour the world! It's lovely meeting new people, but sometimes you don't get enough time to get to know them. Kakarot: I saw a clip of your performance on GMTV where you couldn't stop laughing. What was so funny? Edele: [laughs] I can't even remember - oh, my top and Lindsay's top got stuck, which you couldn't see on TV. It took us a minute to pull apart and I laughed because Lindsay's was laughing in my face. twec.com: Keavy has joined us now. Tina: How come we have never seen Keavy's tattoo? Keavy: Keavy says: I suppose I just never caught it in a photo or on video, but it's not on purpose. Delfi: Keavy, did you find it hard to write It Was Our Day? It's so personal. I really admire you for having a song like that on the album!!! Awake and Breathe is great! Keavy: I found it really hard to record. I kept crying, I kept going away and coming back because I was very upset. I love having the song. It's my favorite song on the album, but I can't really listen to it because I still get upset listening to it. Justplainmatt: Where can I find the lyrics for Jesse Hold On? Keavy: They would be on the new album, which is out tomorrow. Bwitchedlvr: I wanted to ask if MTV already had a fanatic for you guys already, and if you don't, would you be willing to come to America for one? Keavy: As far as I know, they don't. So write a letter to them! Jordan: Do you guys think you have changed since the 1st album? Keavy: Yeah, I think the second album is more mature than the first album. We've also got lots of different styles on the album. We've got more experience in songwriting and the album grew with it. Mkong: Are there plans for a second video, like We Four Girls? That would be terrific. Keavy: Yeah, there will be. I don't know when, but there will be a video of us from the very, very beginning. Tapes of us that the record company hasn’t even seen yet. Evi1312: Do you and Edele ever wear the same thing on accident. My sister and I do that! Keavy: I think when we go shopping separately, we will come back with the same thing in different colors. Tina: I'm driving 345 miles to see you girls on Wednesday. Will you be performing, or just signing? Keavy: We are performing! BWitched4life: What has been your favorite place to perform? Keavy: We just love getting up on stage anywhere. FlexiFlyer: Keavy, if you could, would you go to my senior prom in May? Keavy: I would love to go if I had time, but I'm afraid I can't. Warlock: Is their any significance to you wearing denim all the time? Keavy: I think it's just our style. Basically, what sets us aside from everybody else. BWitched3447: I can't wail until your CD comes out tomorrow! I was just wondering, what is the song The Shy One about? Keavy: It's about me actually! It's about me being the shy one, it's where the chorus came from. The Shy One is about the shy person and whether or not they are shy when you get to know them. PsychoticSync: Okay, I know this is a weird question but here goes! If you had to pick one of your songs to sing directly to the most important person in your life, what song would it be and whom would you sing it to? Keavy: I would probably sing It Was Our Day to my Nana who passed away, but I believe she would hear me anyway. I wish she were here because she would be really proud of us. Merje: Keavy, what is your favorite band and how have they influenced the new album? Keavy: My favorite singer is an Connor Reeve, a solo English artist. But I think our album is influenced by music in general. We like to sound different and have our own sound rather than sound like someone else. Tom: Keavy, you look amazing in glasses. Do really need glasses or are you wearing them for the look? Keavy: I do need glasses for reading and things because I'm long sighted. Thank you, by the way! The Raddishman: Where is your Future Forest being planted? Keavy: It's in Holland Park in London. SHYTOWN67: Hi Keavy, you guys are the best! Are there any bad things about being a twin? Keavy: Hello and thank you very much! I don't know if there is a bad thing. I've always been a twin and I've never known a bad thing about being a twin. Munds: Keavy, are you coming to Australia soon? Keavy: We're coming after Christmas. We're doing some satellite TV soon. I can't wait to go back! twec.com: Keavy says goodbye and she's hoping to see you all soon. Lindsay is joining us now. Evi1312: Do you celebrate Halloween? If so, what have you dressed up as? Lindsay: I used to celebrate Halloween when I was younger, going out and trick or treating with friends. The last time I dressed up was about 3 years ago, and I was a witch for a friend's party. This year, we're going to be on a plane, so we won't be celebrating Halloween, unfortunately. The Raddishman: When was the last time you got out to party, and what did you do? Lindsay: Actually, we had our album launch party last week in London and we went to a restaurant with our friends, family, and colleagues in the record industry. That was a good night. Pellesvanslos: Hi Lindsay, what did you think of Pepsi Pop Oct 16th, in Rotterdam, Netherlands? Lindsay: That was brilliant actually. It was a brilliant thing to do. We did our new single, Jesse Hold On, and it was really, really fun. There were a lot of other bands there also, which was fun because we got to see them. Trippyspice: Lindsay, I wanted to learn how to speak Greek, is it hard? Lindsay: It is hard. I imagine it's hard to learn because the alphabet is completely different from the English alphabet. But I suppose it would be a good thing to learn, if you had the desire to. I don't really know how hard it is to learn because I already speak it. Jessums: Lindsey, are you going to be playing a concert on New Years Eve? Are you worried about the New Year at all? Lindsay: I think we've got time off over Christmas and New Year's. As far as I know we're not doing a concert, but that could change. I'm not worried about the New Year, I'm excited. I'm excited about the future. Kris10: Hi Lindsay! Did you like singing My Superman? Lindsay: [laughs] Yeah, it was good fun actually. It's a really fun song to do. It was good because on the last album, I didn't get to sing a whole song, but on this one I did. I was very happy about that. SleepyOrchid: What was your favorite ride at Disneyland? Lindsay: Space Mountain, definitely. It was brilliant. I think we went on that about 5 times. David_Cruz: Lindsay, do you practice your Irish dancing since you hadn’t learned before – and is it easy? Lindsay: Yeah, it was real easy, actually. I just practiced the same as the others. We just practiced the steps together and then performed. But we don't do it anymore. Kris10: Lindsay, will you be signing autographs and stuff while you're here in the US? Lindsay: Yep, we're actually doing lots of signing this week, in shopping malls across the US. On Saturday, we're doing the Broadway Mall on Long Island. Tomorrow, Tuesday, we're doing The Mall of America in Minneapolis, MN. On Wednesday it’s the Yorktown Shopping Center in Chicago.labudaj: what is your favorite Band, Lindsay? Lindsay: I don't really have one. TLC for the moment. But I like a lot of different artists and bands. Jordan: Lindsay, I'm just sitting here with my cat on my lap and was wondering, how many cats do you have? Lindsay: I've only got one at the moment, called Cheeky, who has no teeth. I had 13 at one point. Jessums: Lindsay, have you ever met any of your idols? If so, who? Lindsay: I met Joey from New Kids on the Block a few months ago. He was my favorite from New Kids on the Block. It was so exciting! Ten years ago I would have probably fainted. twec.com: Sinead is now taking your questions. azlindsay41: Sinead, is it hard being the oldest person in the group? Sinead: No, not at all. I don't feel like the oldest at all. Some people, when the find out the youngest is 18, they ask me if it's me, and I say "No." So, it doesn't bother me at all. Bwitchedlvr: Sinead, if you could take time off to do anything and not miss any B*witched stuff, what would you do? Sinead: If it were a day or two, I would probably go back to Ireland and completely relax. Maybe go out to dinner and see a movie. Munds: How did you get the nickname Socky? Sinead: My friends call me "Sock" and my producer heard and started calling me Socky. I'm also called Sinoodle - I have several nicknames. aly_0912: What is the funniest thing a fan has done? Sinead: I think, one that springs to mind, is a particular girl in England, a girl climbed up a pole in the street to see us and looked desperately funny to us, from where we were. Sclubbxwchick: Sinead, I'm planning on dressing as you from the "Blame It On The Weatherman" video. I have the pants, but what should I wear to match the top you wear? Sinead: I wear a jacket and a three-quarter-length jacket. You could just wear the jacket and button it up. That would be fine. Kakarot: Sinead, I like your hair a little long also. Will you let it grow? Sinead: I am letting it grow and it's a lot longer now. I prefer it longer and from the very beginning I've wanted it longer, but people around me kept saying "It'll look lovely short," so I kept it short. But I definitely prefer it longer. Meta1Gear: On the web site it says you’re the Earthy Grounded one, but you seem so bubbly in the videos, how come? Sinead: I think you can be earthy and grounded and bubbly as well, that's just because I love performing. In day to day activities, I'm earthy and grounded, but when I'm performing, I'm bubbly because I love being on stage. Gex2: Sinead, what would you do if your future boyfriend was named Jesse? Sinead: [laughs] I would laugh. It would be very ironic actually. Brook: Will there ever be any B*Witched dolls? Sinead: There are some coming out at Christmas time. They’re beanie babies and dolls that will sing a few bars that we've recorded. We look forward to them coming out, so check the stores at Christmas time. IshmaelSky: Do you own any good luck charms? Sinead: No, I don't personally own any. Iwannatalktobwitched: Sinead do you like touring? Sinead: Yep, it's absolutely great. The best time was when we came over in November to tour. It's great over here, you get your own bed, TV, video - it's just very, very nice. Kris10: Sinead, I love the B* web site! Will you be doing any more live web casts? I was at school and missed the one on the 18th. Sinead: There will be one coming up, but it's a Disney one that's coming up in the next two weeks. That's all I know for the near future. But I'm sure there will be more, we're always interested in doing them. gabrie7652: Are you and Edele closer because you share a room? Sinead: We don't share a bedroom anymore. We did when we first moved to England. But I don't think so. If there's something bothering us, we pretty much tell each other. Munds: Sinead, do any of you drive cars? Sinead: Lindsay and Keavy. I can drive, but very badly. [laughs] ericbwitch: Can describe your new album in 5 words or less? Sinead: Variable and styled. Mature. Very good. Unexpected. And fun! twec.com: Are there any last words you would like to say to all of your fans who have stopped by tonight? Sinead: A big thank you to everyone for joining us tonight! twec.com: twec.com would like to thank B*Witched for stopping by tonight! And we would also like to thank all of the B*Witched fans who sent in questions! Be sure to visit their web site at www.b-witched.com.