Zoogerator WOO HOO!!! Welcome Edele! She is here... the others are right behind her! Edele Hi Everybody! I'm ready for you!! I saw you at Disney World, the concert was great! I love how you all dance!!!!!! Edele Thanks a million, I'm glad you liked it! Just go there on Disney Channel and watch us tonight! How does it feel to be in a band? Edele Absolutely brilliant! It's something we always wanted, so we're living a dream. Keavy and Edele, do you think its weird being sisters and friends at the same time? Edele Well, we grew up together, so we wouldn't be without each other now. What is your favorite song from your CD? Edele One of them is "To You I Belong". How do you like the U.S.A.? Edele I love it! It's brilliant, and the people are lovely. Everything is big big big! When you got to America for the first time did look the way you pictured it? Edele Yes, big! We've always heard of everything being bigger. The food is bigger, the buildings are bigger. WHAT DO YOU DO FOR FUN? Edele For fun? Well my job is fun, and I like swimming and going to the cinema. B*Witched is totally STELLAR! Which cities are you all from? Edele Thank you! Three of us- Keavy, Sinead and myself are from Dublin, and Lindsay is from Kildare. How old were you guys when you got started singing? It sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun doing it. Edele We got together about 2 and a half years ago. Myself and Keavy were 17, Lindsay was 16, and Sinead was 18. DO YOU GIRLS EVER GIT IN FIGHTS? Edele Not really! We have our disagreements, but we never really fight. Do you have any pets? Edele Yes, myself and Keavy have 2 ducks. Lindsay has three cats. Hi! I was wondering, do you have any advice for people who want to get into the music business? Edele Just believe in yourself, and be determined and ready for lots of hard work! how did u girls think of the song 'rollercoaster'? Edele 'Rollercoaster' was actually written about our lives, and how much it was like being on a rollercoaster. Even though I don't like them! If there was one thing you would like to be when you get older what would it be? Edele A mother. But not right now, though. how has fame affected your life so far? Edele We don't really look upon ourselves as being famous. But we've grown up a lot in the last year. I really admire yall. I think that you are a real asset to America, thanx. Edele That's lovely! So how did you like Disneyland? When were you actually there? Edele We were in Disney in January. And we really really loved it! The happiest place on earth! I'm a big fan. When are you guys gonna make a new video? Edele We're making our new video for our second single in May. Who is older? Keavy or Eddie? Edele Keavy is older, by twenty minutes! Edele what is your sign on your ring? Edele Mine is the letter "B" for B*Witched. Keavy's is a star, like in the B*Witched logo. Lindsay has a cat because they're bewitching. Sinead has a shamrock because we're Irish. This goes for Keavy or Edele. What's it like being in a band with your twin sister? Edele Absolutely brilliant! I saw you at an 'N Sync concert. You were awesome! Are the 'N Sync boys as cool as they seem? Edele Yeah, they are all really really nice. What does C'est La Vie maen? Edele It means "That's Life". this question is for Keavy and edele, do you ever get to see your brother Shane since he is a part of Boyzone and you are a part of B*Witched? Keavy Well since we started, we actually get to see him more, when we run into him on the road. what's your favorite food? Keavy My favorite food is lobster! What made you sell your record right before St. Patrick's Day? Keavy The record company planned it, when the promotions would start, and they picked that day. How long was your longest tour and how long was it, day-wise? Keavy This was our longest tour, which is 2 and a half months long. HI, I'm deaf and I want to know what song is good for me to sign at my sister wedding? I want to do a song from ur album cuz u guys are GREAT!! :)! Keavy I think it would be "To You I Belong", which was written for our families. And Good Luck! How long have you been taking Irish dancing? Lindsay Actually Sinead did it for 6 or 7 years, and Keavy and Edele did it for 2 months. I had never done it before, so Sinead taught us! do you use the Internet? Lindsay No...we don't really get time. What was your first job? Lindsay I actually went straight from school into B*Witched! what's your fave color? Lindsay My favorite color is blue! Navy blue, Electric blue, and Baby blue. I saw you girls in concert with five. I love your song 'Rollercoaster.' What was it supposed to mean? Lindsay It's basically about how we feel about our lives at the moment. Ups and downs, excitement, and that's going to be our next release. This is for all four of the groups singers. I play the flute. If you played an instrument, what instryment would you play? Lindsay I do play the piano, and the guitar. Sinead plays the piano, Keavy plays sax and drums, Edele plays the flute. I loved your opening at 'NSync concert -- where are you going next? Lindsay We're gonna start touring with 98 degrees on the 2nd of April. Who writes your songs? (you gals are really kewl) Lindsay We actually co-write with our producer. We co-wrote 3/4 of our current album B*Witched. I saw you guys on the Disney Channel special and you all were wonderful! I was wondering if you enjoyed being and performing in DisneyLand? Lindsay Absolutely. Disneyland was magical in a word! You just can't help feeling happy in such a magical place. Why do you all wear jeans most of the time? Lindsay It's kind of a B*Witched image, to wear denim, it's casual and quite tomboyish! We need something we can dance in , and it looks good too. How are yall?Do you ever get scared when you perform? Lindsay No, we get excited ! We get an adrenaline rush, we hug each other and say a little prayer, and know it will be fine. HI! I have a question for you...it is: I am VERY serious about music and singing! The only problem is, I HATE singing in front of other people!!! Do you have any advice or words of wisdom?!?!?! Lindsay I think when you start singing in front of someone, you will get over your nerves at the beginning, and give it your all. do you miss your home town? Lindsay We're away from home for 2 and a half months this time. So we miss our friends and family. But that's the only drawback. What inspires you to write your own music? Lindsay Everyday experiences, things that happen, things that we feel. If we're in a happy mood, we write a happy song! What do you plan on doing ten years from now? Lindsay I don't know what I'm doing in ten years, but hopefully I'll be married. I definitely see myself singing and being in the music business. I'm writing from Australia. Are you guys going to be heading down here any time soon? Lindsay Oh definitely! We love Australia! We hope to get there soon. What kind of music do you listen to? Lindsay I like a wide variety. I like a mixture of Pop, R & B, the only music I don't like is Rave. If you all had One wish what would it be? Lindsay I think it would be for us to be happy. That kinds of includes our friends and family being OK, if the people around us are, we are happy. Do you have any bros or sisters outside of the group? Lindsay I actually don't have brothers or sisters, but Sinead has a brother. Do you think you'll ever decide to move to the US to live? Lindsay I think it's probably a bit too far away from my family. do you play any sports? Lindsay Yes, I like to play netball, basketball and soccer. I love swimming, and play tennis. Hi! I love your cd! But I was wondering if it is true that Lance from *NSync really gave all of you bracelets? Vanessa Lindsay Yeah , it was actually. He had a box of bracelets, he gave everyone backstage a bracelet. How tall are you Lindsay? Lindsay I'm 5 foot 5 what is life like on tour? Lindsay It's a lot of fun. We have a tour bus, and in the back we watch videos, eat and have fun. But it's quite tiring, traveling 6 to 7 hours per day. Hi, I would like to know who's the oldest and the youngest out of the four of you? Lindsay Sinead is the oldest, she's 20. I'm the youngest, I'm 18. What do you guys like to do on your spare time? Lindsay We love to sleep! Go to the cinema, maybe go bowling, listen to music. We like to just hang out together, we enjoy each other's company. So what is it like to be compared to the Spice Girls and the Backstreet Boys? Lindsay We haven't been compared to Backstreet Boys, but we are compared to Spice Girls and their success in the UK. Lindsay But our music is completely different. i think you all are so cool, i'm a big fan. so,what kind of movies do you all like? Lindsay Let's see...we saw Forces of Nature. I like a good comedy that makes me laugh. I also like touching dramas too. have you ever met the spicegirls? Lindsay Yes we have met the Spice Girls, and they're really really nice. We met them after Geri left last year. You are better than Spice Girls! Lindsay Thank you very much! Have you ever played pranks on the others? Lindsay Actually Sinead was in charge of our plane tickets, so we wondered if she would notice if we hid them. So we asked Sinead if she had the tickets, and she said yes, of course. But the day we needed to use them, she couldn't find them! WHAT IS YOUR FAVE FOOD WHEN YOUR AWAY FROM HOME? Lindsay Home-cooked food! Myself and Edele don't eat red meat, but we eat a lot of chicken. Hi! One of my questions was, with touring and making television appearances, do you have to practice singing as much as you practice dance moves and everything else incorporated with touring? Lindsay Well the fact that we perform nearly everyday, we don't get much practice. We do if we are changing a song. does anyone have boyfriends? if you do how do they feel about your fame? Lindsay None of us have boyfriends at the moment! how do you enjoy the reactions of American fans to your songs? Lindsay It's really interesting actually. We came over in January when no one knew us. Now everyone sings along with our songs, and it's really good. If you could be an animal, what would you be? I'd be a monkey :-) Lindsay I'd be a cat! Basically I love cats, and grew up with them all my life. Do you go on tour with your families or just miss them a lot? Lindsay Miss them a lot. What's your favorite ice cream? Lindsay Plain vanilla, yellow vanilla ice cream. i just bought your CD yesterday, i already know 3 songs. How long did it take you to write your album?????? Lindsay It took us, because we were so busy, a period of about 7 or 8 months. This is for all four of you. How did you 4 meet? Lindsay Well, it started 2 and a half years ago. We knew each other to say hello around Dublin. Keavy was a mechanic in her dad's shop and one day Sinead stopped into drop off her mom's car. Sinead got to know Keavy, and I met Keavy through kickboxing. Have you ever been in Brazil? Lindsay No, but I'd love to go though! It's in the plan to go to South America, but we're not sure when yet. Is Armaou a Greek name, or an Irish name? Lindsay It's a Greek name. Why is that when you sing you loose your accents? Lindsay I don't think we do actually! In a lot of our songs, you can hear our "R" distinctly. But I don't think anyone has a strong accent in a song. how did you like performing part of an abba tune at the brit awards? Lindsay It was so much fun, it was really really great. It was a great song to perform. It's being released in the UK, and we're excited about that! Lindsay what sport do you like most? Lindsay Basketball. Do you every get chased around by fans, and do they mob you? Sinead Not really. Some places are madder than others. In Singapore they followed us in taxis. They rent cabs for the day and follow you around. But they are all nice. My friend and i went to the Mar.11 'NSYNC concert and we made some signs that had Irish on them and i was just wondering if you guys fluently speak Irish? We were in the fifth row do you happen to remember us?? Sinead OK- we usually keep a lookout for Irish banners! So we probably waved at you. B*Witched is the bomb. I like you girls alot! god bless you in everything you do in your career. when i growup I want join the music world! Sinead The main thing to do is just believe in yourself, and keep at your dream. And keep working hard. what advice would you give to a group of girls and myself about singing infront of a whole town full of people in May...we've done it before but we weren't as good as we could've been...how could we improve? Sinead That's one good thing to realize you can do better. Just keep having the confidence to get up there and sing! what was your most embarassing moment while performing on stage? Sinead I think for me it was during a road show in England. There was water on the stage and I slipped and landed on my behind. Someone on TV told that story after seeing me fall, and told everybody. do your parents ever want you to stay home instead of going, or did they support you from your very first day?? Sinead They have always supported all of us, and helped us out financially. Since we were young they have encouraged us. They miss us, but know we are having a great time, so they don't mind. if you could wake up tomorrow with one quality, what would it be? Sinead To stop poverty in the world. Hello!! I never really knew your music, but then I watched your concert special--because I love FIVE, and I really love your songs. I believe you are all very talented and I can't wait til I can possibly see you in concert. Sinead That's really nice to not know anything about us, and like us. That's really sweet! Thank you. Zoogerator Any last words? Sinead We've been here for 4 weeks, and American audiences and been overwhelming. We are so touched by their reception. We're having the time of our life, and want to Thank everyone of you so much. Zoogerator Thanks so much for joining us B*Witched! Sinead Bye Bye Everyone!! Thanks a million!! Zoogerator So Zoogers! How did you like that one? Awesome, huh? So remember to tune in to FIVE and B*Witched In Concert on Disney Channel tonight at 9:10pm Eastern/Pacific Time. And remember to enter the contest... look tonight for which instrument Joe Zoog is playing and enter it online here at www.zoogdisney.com