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Cyco Picture and Bio

Just a glimpse into the life of the cyco also know as David Vasquez. Out of Pico Rivera, California were I spent most of my time getting into trouble with my friends and just being a product of a broken home,I grew up in church for the most part of my life but I just didnt fit in to the clicks that most of the group was in (yes it does happen in churches too) and therefore was left out of the circle. At the age of 16 we moved to the high desert to keep me from gangs and violence of Los Angeles, It didnt help I found them.

I tripped out big time and involved myself in crazy thangs from drugs, banginig and big time parting to help fill that void within me. My life was on the road to destruction when God began to show me how hardcore I was or I thought I was. A man from one of the local churches (I believe Victory outreach) steped to one of my homies and began to say "You know home boy Jesus loves you and he died for you and he wants to come into your heart" and no sooner than he finished saying those words, my homeboy pulled a bat and hit the preacher man in the head.

It didnt just end there the preacher stood up and said I forgive you and Jesus still loves you... It was there I realized that this preacher doing the will of God no matter the outcome was the biggest hardcore homeboy I have ever witnessed.

My life didnt change there, it took a freind of mine dead in my arms to finaly make a choice to serve my saviour Jesus Christ. I found out that being down for the King of Kings is not a shortcut, neither does everything become all blue skies or anything but he did promise this, that he would never leave me nor forsake me and his love is unconditional and his forgivness is constant. That is why I wont give up, put up or shut up. It's Life till my Death!


Philippians 3:14
