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this page is about me-the author,Christie-who
I used to be,who I've become and who I think I
will be someday.
It's also about what poetry means to me.This
is the story of Christie in a nutshell.
My name as you know by now is Christie,the
nickname is Chris and the wrestling team
refers to me as the Big "C". I'm 17,live with
the folks,my two brothers and my grandma. The
adjective that would best describe feelings
towards my family is tolerable but I love
them. It's just difficult to be with people
24/7. Think many people will get me here!
I used to have a dog,Smokey. He passed away
in 99 and a kitty called Minnie that also
passed away.
So you can see my life consists of my family,
animals and of course,poetry! I began writing
the minute I was old enough to write and hold
a pencil/pen.
I like the poetry of Kevin Max Smith. He is
the lead singer of the Christian band DC Talk
and he also writes poetry. I also like the
poetry of William Butler Yeats ..but the best
I've ever read has got to
Kevin Max Smiths "Silent Repititions" and he's
been the poet with the most influence on me.
He writes from the heart and about everyday
life. He doesn't cover up what needs to be
known. Plus..he is a Christian.
What inspires me most is love(loss or happy)
and God.
Poetry IS important to me because it is
basically the only way I can express my
feelings successfully and not be ashamed of
those feelings. Poetry is important overall
because it lets people see inside when you
know you couldn't explain it even if you
wanted to!
Twenty years from now I think I will be
working successfully as either a forensics
investigator or some kind of professional but
it will be something I like doing..and I know
I will be writing poetry my entire life.
If there is anything that means more to me
than poetry that would have to be my
Father(both heavenly and earthly).
My outlook on life is pure skepticism. The
world today leaves VERY little to be
desired,but if we trust God to lead us we will
have a very productful and peaceful life of
blessings. That's my firm belief in spite of
the skepticism. Our circumstances are affected
by our decisions and the decisions of others.
I think I will be the same person 20 yrs from
now as I am today. If I could be any one poet
though I would still be myself..but I would
like to immulate Kevin Smith.
If I weren't writing poetry? Well, to be
I would be a very lost and disturbed child. To
express myself IS to write poetry and that to
me describes poetry. SELF EXPRESSION OF OUR
I write most when I'm in a very extreme
mood,either happy or sad. I can be in any mood
to write but it has to be an EXTREME feeling
for me to write that well.
I write about personal experiences or
experiences that I think will happen.
Other than poetry I spend my time involved in
PLAYING SPORTS!! A-1 Volley ball player.Enjoy
soccer and softball. I like watching football
and soccer.
You can tell..I'm into sports. A fiend in
IF i could describe myself as a color it would
be very bright,but depending on mood that
could be dark or light.
If I could describe the self I would want to
be more often-in terms of color-it would have
to be bright red that shuns all other colors.
This to me shows strength and love and
happiness. Yet a very passionate person as
well as one who is sensitive to pain. What
matters most when I write is that if I get my
feelings down in the right way..take for
instance, if I am writing about love(loses)I
don't want to write this in an ABAB pattern.I
use paragraph form with no rhyming. On the
other hand if it's a happy love it is written
in rhyme usually and in ABAB form.
I also feel that if I have expressed myself
well I may have touched another person who has
been through the same experience.

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