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The HTML to Adopt a Pokémon

Copy this HTML and put it on you page. The font in red is what you change due to what it says. The font in black is the print that you make sure that you type correctly otherwise the image won't work. Also if the Pokemon is one of the Newest Animated one you must add a anime infront of the name inable for the picture to show up (ex. "animepickachu.gif") And for the 3D pictures you must put a 3d in front of the name enable for the picture to work (ex. 3dcharmander.gif) And if you want the 3d Armored Mewtwo, you must type (armormew.gif). Enjoy!!

<img src=" of pokemon.gif" align="top"><br>
Name: Name you choose for your Pokemon<br>
Age: Age you choose for your Pokemon<br>
Height: Height you choose for your Pokemon<br>
Weight: Weight you choose for your Pokemon<br>
Interests: Interests you choose for your Pokemon<br>
To adopt a Pokemon for your page, click <a href="">here</a>