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While rockin out at Skalapalooza 2 Jim and Nolan see a horrible creature about to attack the crowd!

The crowd doesn't seem to notice the giant evil balloon serpent, and Jim's and Nolan's warnings aren't working!

Jim goes mad in fear and runs like a speeding bullet to the almighty safety of Joey Ramone's dog!

Dave on the other hand contemplates as he seeks shelter behind some balloons. He figures that the only way to protect all of his ska kid friends is to give them skattish stickers to hide them from the evil!

First Dave saves the economy by making sure the serpent doesn't lay one serpent hand(uh..) on these very valuable raffle tickets!

Next dave ran over to this guy cause the intensity of his hair stylings. If the people with extreme hair don't survive, then the evil has already won.

Dave's next task was to save all of the pop stars in the building by giving aid (hahah) to Avril and her sister!

But why just stop at people?

The cops arrived just as Skattish was defeating the giant serpent and gave a helping hand. Dave and Jason said their thanks with the greatest present ever (more skattish stickers!)

As Jim noticed the threat was gone he ran over in joy and started to rip it up at the skate shop!