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Skattish is a bagpiping ska/punk band from Tucson, Arizona.


12-15-03 Happy Holidays Homeys!! what's that? Skattish playing shows for the holiday season? you heard the rumors, and they are correct yo. check the tour section for more info on that show playin stuff!

7/27/03 - hey kids. Well we just finished an amazing tour. It had all of the ups downs.....and lefts and rights--? anyway the CD is done and will soon be available online. check for that full merch section soon. check out the July issue of In Your Ear Magazine for a review on THE EP. The rumors are true. The Skrappys show on the 25th was the bands last show before the band goes into hibernation. Since Skattish never got their multi-million dollar record deal they decided to go to college, and since people are different, they go to different colleges across the country. It's been a fun ride and we wanna thank everyone thats been a part of it. There should be some tour video and pics along with the merch section on the site soon, so check it out!!!!...please.... we love you all!!

6/03 - Our homeland called Tucson is under threat from wildfires! Since we are all faithfull citizens, we are going to . . . . leave town? With the new full length CD (stealing free stuff) about done, we are going on to go show it off in Arizona, California, & Nevada! Tour dates for these awesome shows will be posted very, very, very, very soon!

Summer has arrived. Look out for skattish's new FULL LENGTH album coming out soon! We're playing a battle of the bands this month at Skrappys. Come check it. I should be a fun fun dance time for all. more dates to come soon! Big thanks to AZSKA for making us one of their "featured bands". Click here to check it out!

(4-11-03) ahh the april spring air...that and skattish is actually working in the studio right now!! rumour is that they might have something fresh out of the studio available to all the kids at the "spring ska fling" in chandler. For more info check out the tourdates section on that one. Skattish is also breaking new grounds with the offical skattish soccer team. They are currently training for a 3v3 tourny in tucson.

(2-03-03) Well it's February and love is in the air, so get up and dance like you just don't care, and then go back and sit on your chair, and maybe even eat a pear.(uh...)Thanks to Ace and Ryan and all the other people from AZSKA that let us play at the skalapalooza in Pheonix. We hope to return soon! There is some super cool pictures from it in the pics section. The new record is still in the works, and we hope to get it out to the kids soon. The only way to hear skattish till then is go to their shows(check tour dates section). Well that or check back soon for some new additions to the MP3s section. ADIOS! -skattish

(11-10-02) Novemeber is here, and as it is getting colder, SKAttish is getting hotter.(haha). Anyway, the band has recently obtained some new and improved equipment. If you heard the rumors about the band recording the new record, they are correct. in the next month or two, it should be out. The name has not been decided on, but look out bilboard top ten. Once that is made, a music video will be made of probably "David's Song". This will be put on the same CD as the rest of the record! Amazing! All I have to say is, Look out TRL!

Our number one hits include - Davids Song - The Maci Song - Bail - Variation on a Trendy Punk Rock Song (New!) - Political girl - Freedom! - Conspiricy You - Bagpipe Blitz
Our Cover Songs Include: - Cadence to Arms (Skattish version) - Vivian (Skattish version) - Crazy Train(Skattsh version)

This site is dedicated to all of our incredible fans... Thank you for showing up night after night and cheering us on.

Hello kids. This is the Angry Scot. Lately some things have changed in Skattish. Some very good things, some very sad things. First off the good. We have recorded a demo. It's crap, but it's a demo. That's about it for the good. Now for the sad. Among the sad is the loss of 3 of our members. Nathan, Carter, and Justin have moved on. Justin, is at a different school. It's probably for the best since we couldn't keep him from his girlies for more than 2 hours at the most, which is not enough time for a Skattish practice. We need as much time as possible to practice, especially with our extremely short attention spans. Carter, possibly the best musician Skattish has ever seen has his own band now. They play jazz. He plays guitar. That's about all I know. Oh, and they actually play shows. Nathan. Oh Nathan. The Genious. Well, Geniouses move on too ya know. Where this genious went, we don't really know for sure, but he's probably off doing something genious-like. In the end, he was just too genious for Skattish. But what did he actually play?..... Anyway, Skattish is still alive. Now a quote: "FREEDOM!!!!!" Thank you. (This page was dedicated to anyone who's ever had anything to do with the band Skattish.)

Who are the members of Skattish?

  • Nolan (tha super instrumental guy) -vocals, bass, drums, trombone, trumpet, accordian,ukelalie, recorder, laser gun
  • David (the angry scot)- bagpipes, bass guitar, digerido
  • Nathan (the genius)- ummm, Whatever he wants
  • Jose Ole-trumpet
  • Ben-guitar, digitech
  • Jim(any other name you can think of)-Master of theBass
  • Andrew-drummmmes

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