Take the Joey's Challenge

See How much you really know about Joey


Okay this is what you need to do. Take out a sheet of paper and answer the following questions. The answers are at the bottom of this page. Please no cheating. That would defeat the whole purpose of taking a quiz. Okay so good luck.


1. How did Joey get his first kiss?

a) riding a roller-coaster

b) pushed into a closet

c) playing spin the bottle


2) What was Joey's most embarressing moment on stage?

a) he lost his pants

b) while dancing he ran into Chris

c) his zipper was down


3) What is his favorite drink?

a) Coke

b) Pepsi

c) Dr. Pepper

4) What can't Joey live without?

a) his stuffed animal collection

b) his clothes

c) the guys in *NSYNC


5) What is his favorite brand of underwear?

a) BVDs

b) Calvin Klein

c) Fruit of the Loom


6) What is his favorite movie?

a) Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

b) I Know What You Did Last Summer

c) Lengend of the Fall


7) What does Joey like best about his body?

a) his 6 pack

b) his legs

c) his eyes

8) What does Joey wish he was better at?

a) sports

b) dancing

c) picking up the girls

9) Who does Joey admit to having a crush on?

a) Britney Spears

b) RuPaul

c) Janet Jackson


10) In Joey's family of siblings is he:

a) oldest

b) youngest

c) middle child

11) How does Joey describe himself?

a) outgoing, silly and happy

b) funny, good looking, and a major flirt

c) a perfectionist, procrastinator and morally grounded


12) Where does Joey want to live someday?

a) Humbuck County, Kentucky

b) South Africa

c) Florida


13) Who is Joey's favorite Spice Girl?

a) Ginger spice....Geri

b) Posh spice....Victoria

c) Baby spice....Emma


14) If Joey wasn't in *NSYNC what was his other dream career?

a) sports caster

b) a romance novelist

c) an actor


15) What kind of belly button does Joey have?

a) Outtie

b) Innie

c) he wasn't born with a belly button


16) What is one of Joey's musical influences?

a) Frankie Lymon

b) Busta Rhymes

c) Boyz II Men

17) What tattoo does Joey have on his ankle?

a) a picture of his mother

b) a superman emblem

c) a flame

18) What is Joey's life motto?

a) If the world hands you a lemon make some lemon-aid

b) Smile now; Cry later

c) Go at it with full tilt

19) What is his favorite animal?
a) black panther

b) a gorilla

c) leopard


20) What is Joey's role in *NSYNC?

a) the reliable one

b) the "Daddy"

c) the cheerleader



1) b-pushed into a closet

2) c-his zipper came down

3) b-pepsi------even though MTV said coke so either one is good

4) b-his clothes

5) c-fruit of the loom

6) a-Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory

7) b-his legs

8) a-sports

9) c-Janet Jackson

10) b-youngest

11) a-outgoing, silly, and happy

12) c-Florida

13) a-Ginger Spice---Geri

14) c-actor

15) b-Innie

16) a & c-Frankie Lymon and Boyz II Men.....trick question

17) b-superman and c-flame

18) c-Go at it full tilt

19) a-black panther

20) c-cheerleader



15-20 correct: You are the ultimate Joey Fanatic. You deserve to be on Fanatic, on MTV, more then that girl from Poland.

9-14 correct: Okay you know a lot but maybe you should do some more research and take this quiz again at a later date....better luck next time.

4-8 correct: Give me a break. I don't know why you took this quiz. I think you need to buy those pre-teen magazines that everyone hates so much....try BOP, BB, TigerBeat, & TeenGirlPower.

1-3 correct: One word for you LOSER!!!! I have some advice for you click on the back button and get to know Joey.

If you didn't get any right....oh my God I hope someone buys you an *NSYNC book.