Ghetto Superstar

Justin, hmmmmmm...... I don't know how these litta 10 year old girlies can like him. Just look at him, he looks like a damn sheep with his pubic like, bleached too blond hair. I'm not sayin he's ooglay as sin, but I'm not saying he's hot or anything like that. I mainly don't like Justin because of his attitude. That's why I hate him the most. He thinks he's all that and god's gift to women. But first of all, Justy, you are NOT black. LOOK in the mirror. You are as white as rice, so don't even try to act like it. Also, stop it with that "my shit don't stink" attitude. That does not attract us chick's. Oh, and another thing. What's up with him sticking his tongue out all the time? God is that annoying...he kindda looks kute in this pic....if he shoved his damn tongue back in his mouth.

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