Joey's Profile
Things you probably already know about about this sexy babe.

Full Name: Joseph Anthony Fatone Jr.

Nicknames: Joey, Mr. Flirt, Phat-one, Superman

D.O.B.: January 28, 1977

P.O.B.: Brooklyn, New York

Eye color: Brown (he has got some sexy eyes)

Hair color: Brown

Family: Mom, Phyllis; Dad, Joe Sr.; sister, Janine, brother, Steven

Favorite colors: Purple and red

Favorite food: Italian, especially Lasagna

Favorite actor: Robert DeNiro

Favorite actress: Jodie Foster

Favorite movies: Billy Madison & My Life

Favorite author: Shakespeare

Collects: Superman Memorbilia

Biggest musical influences: his dad's group the "Orions"

Joey's idea of a perfect date: a casual dinner and a movie with someone who is outgoing, trusting and has a great sense of humor.

Joey's ideal woman: a fun girl with a great personality who enjoys company, honest, can take a joke and likes going to the movies. He likes a girl who isn't afraid to speak their mind. He likes girls with long hair, ginger hair, red hair, dark hair-actually it really doesn't matter.

Favorite spice girl: Geri because he finds her really appealing.

Favorite word: burrt; it doesn't really mean anything. Just make sure you say it really loud.

Joey's fantasy: a pool of jello!!!

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