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Updated 4/27/00
Hey whats up?, See anything new? Like the intro? If anyone has any problems with that or suggestions, E-mail me. I also recently added a "Lyrics" and put some pictures up on the "Pics" page and a guestbook (on the left side and below this)so check it out! I am still trying to get some good pictures of them on stage. But if you just happen to take some cool pictures of them feel free to E-mail them (or via pony express) to me with your name and I'll put them up. All pictures will have credit given to the photographer. Well that's all for now until I get some more info from the band. So if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, record contracts, or just flat out criticism, email us!
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Copyright ©1999 The Milkmen
Page created by Evan Mattson