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The Pilot story for Star Trek: New Beginnings This is my story. Actually, this is just one story. It is a work in progress. I will be making a lot of changes based on the feedback I get, especially that from "Fatherly Uncle Jim" Wright. Bear with me, and enjoy the pilot



Cassandra Lynn Garretson, ne้ Daugherty, stepped into her quarters, glowing after a vigorous round of Ne'karat in the gymnasium. In the hygeine area, she shook her auburn hair and turned on the sonic shower, when the chime rang.

"I'll be out in a few minutes!" she called to whoever it was at the door. At that moment, it was an android in a blue-shouldered uniform with a commander's insignia. Noonien Lore Soong picked up the hypersonic whine of the shower.

"I'm going to handle another matter, but I want you to be able to talk when I get back in five minutes." Without waiting for a reply, he continued down the corridor.

A short time later, Garretson slipped into a bathrobe and walked to her closet, retrieving a uniform. By the time she tightened her belt, the chime rang again.

"Enter," she called, pushing her hair back with a blue clip to match the shoulder of her uniform.

"Are you aware of the time, Commander?" asked Soong. Garretson smiled.

"Of course, sir. Aught-seven-fourty-two hours. Three minutes before the briefing is supposed to start."

"You weren't planning on being late, were you?"

"Absolutely not," replied Garretson, making her way to the turbolift. "I've familiarized myself with the workings of the Ranger-class starship, and I know how long this will take."

"Do you? How do you know there aren't any glitches in the turbolift operating system? That sort of thing happens on new ships, you realize." Garretson sighed as she entered the lift.

"Commander Soong, --Bridge-- I appreciate the warning, but I'm not some green ensign. I'm sure you know my record for getting myself out of common mishaps."

"I'm aware of that, and so is the Captain, which is why she asked for you to be chief helm officer." The lift stopped, and Soong and Garretson crossed the bridge to the briefing room. Once everyone was seated, Soong scanned the faces of the crew, then folded his hands.

"Gentlepersons. As you might know, I am Commander Soong, Executive Officer. Until the captain arrives, it is my duty to welcome you to the USS Enterprise, the ninth vessel in Starfleet to bear the name." Soong made a show of checking his PADD. "Medical, report." A Vulcan female, with a typically calm demeanor, stood.

"Commander T'nel, Chief Medical Officer. I have conducted standard tests on all crew and their families as they've come aboard. There is no biological threat that is known to Starfleet Medical data banks."


"Lieutenant Commander Chang, Chief Engineer," replied a nearly-bald Terran with almond-shaped eyes and a wise, mysterious smile. "Impulse engines are on-line, while warp engines, transwarp coils, and quantum slipstream generators are standing by to be activated at a moment's notice."

"Thank you, Commander. Helm."

"Lieutenant Commander Garretson, Chief Helm Officer. Controls are at peak efficiency. Speaking as Chief Operations Officer, standard sensors and navigational deflectors are fully functional."


"Midshipman Palrax, Acting Chief of Security. Everyone aboard has been investigated, and scans have been conducted on all personal effects brought aboard. There is no threat to the ship that I have seen." Soong nodded.

"Thank you, everyone." Soong checked his internal chronometer. "It's almost oh-eight-hundred, so I'm dismissing this briefing," he announced. Soong, Chang, Garretson, and Palrax went to their respective stations, while T'nel took a turbolift to sickbay. At his station, Chang did a final check on the engines, then nodded to Soong.

"Helm, take us out, full thrusters."

"Aye, sir," replied Garretson, entering the commands into her console. Like the majestic sailing vessels of centuries past, the Enterprise cleared the moorings and cruised into the endless expanse that was hers to explore. "Utopia Planitia Spacedock cleared, now plotting a course outside Sol system via Neptune. Proceeding at one-quarter impulse."

"Accelerate to full impulse once we clear the asteroid belt. Once we're clear of the system, set a course for Starbase Iconia. Warp, then transwarp, at your discretion," Soong ordered.

"Aye, sir." Satisfied that all was as it should be, Soong picked up his PADD and read the message from the Secretary of the Fleet.

Commander Noonien Lore Soong:

Your situation is unique.  Due to the new terms of the
Officer Exchange Program (OEP), you will be the
highest-ranking Starfleet officer aboard the USS 
Enterprise.  The Captain is a member of the 
Exploratory Corps of the Romulan Military by the name 
of Tallau Jarok.  Her family has long been in favor of 
an alliance with the Federation.  I, personally, had 
the opportunity to meet her great-uncle before his 
death.  It is hoped that this appointment of a Romulan 
officer to Captain of Starfleet's new
flagship will strengthen relations between the United 
Federation of Planets and the Romulan Star Republic.


Fleet Admiral Data N. Soong
Secretary of the Fleet


Captain Jarok stood in front of a viewport on Starbase Iconia, her hands clasped behind her back as she monitored the starry expanse for her new command. She was puzzled, to say the least. Certainly, the OEP insisted that fleets exchange captains, but why would the Starfleet allow a Romulan, and on its new flagship no less?

"Contemplating the meaning of life? The answer is NOT 42, contrary to ancient Earth fiction." Startled, Jarok whirled around to face a man wearing a Starfleet uniform. His eyebrows were swept up to the middle of his forehead, while his Betazoid-black felinoid eyes sparkled with a gentle mischeviousness. His nose was longer than most humanoids, and his ears were pointed on both top and bottom. Jarok guessed his hair was brown, maybe auburn, but she couldn't tell. Her only clue was his eyebrows, as his head was covered with a skintight black hood, revealing only his face. The man smiled.

"I'm Lieutenant Zordauch," he said, extending his hand. "I've just been assigned to the USS Enterprise as Tactical and Operations officer. You?" Surprised, Jarok clasped his hand.

"Command--, I mean, Captain Tallau Jarok. I'll be your commanding officer." Zordauch removed his hand, snapping to attention and saluting.

"Captain. Forgive me if I have broken any protocols." Unwillingly, Jarok raised her eyebrow in a Vulcan manner.

"It's all right, Zordauch. I don't care too much for Starfleet protocols. I ran a casual ship on my last command, and I intend to do so now." The natural grin returned to Zordauch's face.

"Glad to hear it. My last captain was a herbert like you wouldn't believe. One photon out of place, and he'd call red alert." Jarok smiled slightly.

"Let me guess. Captain Khe'narak Lehr'maz." Zordauch's surprise showed. "I met him at a Starfleet function. I've seen friendlier orthodox Vulcans," she said conspiratorially, and they shared a chuckle. A voice came over the comm system.

***Your attention, please. USS Enterprise, registry number NCC-1701-H, Ranger-class, has just dropped out of warp. All hands assigned to this vessel, please report to Airlock Nine. Repeat, the vessel is USS Enterprise, Ranger class, registry November Charlie Charlie One Seven Zero One Hotel. All assigned hands report to Airlock Nine.***

"That would be us," Zordauch declared, placing his hand over his belt, offering his arm to Jarok. "Shall we?"

"I think I'll wait until we get to know each other before I take your arm, but thanks." Zordauch bowed regally, gesturing in the direction of the airlocks.

"As you wish. Captain." Jarok shook her head in amazement as she made her way to Airlock Nine. Zordauch's manner was almost quaint.


Jarok and Soong, on the bridge, were discussing the contents of a PADD held between them. Zordauch was doing some final checks on the tactical systems while Garretson prepared the helm and Ops controls. Tagur was going over the crew manifest, when she frowned. Her El Aurian listening skills were picking up something unusual, when the lift doors opened and an energetic, though off-pitch, baritone voice filled the bridge.


"Captain, may I introduce First Lieutenant Spencer Dustin Marcus, our Chief of Security." Jarok frowned.

"Him? In charge of security? I'm surprised he didn't get posted to one of the assignments in the Traks division," she remarked.

"I'm surprised he even made it out of the Academy," Soong commented. "He was in my philosophy class. He was a decent student, but I won't go into his pranks."


"In his sophomore year, he was known for reprogramming the computers not to do anything unless the person addressing them said 'Pretty please, with sugar on top'. And that was the only one I've known him to confess to." Jarok rolled her eyes. At his station, Marcus kept singing.


"Lieutenant." Marcus stopped and faced Jarok, smiling sweetly.


"It would behoove you to refrain from singing on the bridge. Not only is it a breach of protocol, but I believe that some of those syllables formed Rigelian obscenities." Marcus saluted sharply, smacking himself in the forehead.

"Aye-aye, Captain! ow..." Jarok shook her head, and Marcus returned his attention to his station. Jarok faced the front of the bridge.

"Helm, take us out. Set course for the Gateway, tell them we'll be headed for Starbase 582."

"Aye, Captain," replied Garretson, tapping the commands into her console. She frowned, and swiveled back to face Jarok. "There seems to be a message on all frequencies. Captain Jared Hamilton of the Yorktown has been delayed, and he can't get scheduled for passage through the gateway for at least a month." Jarok sighed. At a time like this, most humans would say 'speak of the devil'. The Yorktown, current flagship of the Traks division, was causing problems already, and she was barely a month out of dock.

"Let them have our slot, Commander. We'll take the next one."

"Captain? The next opening in the schedule won't be for another month," Garretson reminded her.

"I heard you, Commander. Let the Yorktown through."

"Aye, Captain." Curious, Garretson relayed the message to Gateway Control. Jarok tapped a panel on her console.

"Bridge to Engineering."

=/\=Chang here, Captain.=/\=

"Bring the quantum slipstream drive online. We're going to see how fast we can go to the Starbase."

=/\=Aye, Captain. Engineering out.=/\= Jarok faced the fore of the bridge.

"I assume you heard that, Commander Garretson?"

"Aye, Captain. Full slipstream to Starbase 582." She read the power display off her console. "Slipstream available in five seconds... three... two... one.. activating Slipstream," Garretson announced, sliding her hand along a series of bars on the helm control. From the aft section of the bridge, Marcus was heard yelling "Go, Greased Lightning!"


"Starbase 582 has given us clearance to dock," announced Zordauch. Jarok stood and eyed the base through the viewer.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. Inform them that we'll remain in orbit. I intend to get the mission information with as little time wasted as possible," she declared as she went to the turbolift. "Commander Soong, you have the con." Marcus waited until the doors closed and he heard the lift hum into motion. Then, raising his fist, he got an intense look on his face.


"Lieutenant, was that really necessary?" demanded Soong. Marcus grinned innocently.

"Don't hate me because I do a fantastic impersonation of Admiral Kirk." Soong shook his head in disbelief.

"Lieutenant, when was the last time you saw a counselor?" Marcus got a thoughtful look on his face.

"Hmm... let's see... In my plebe year, I dated a woman who was in counselor training, but I didn't date much after my junior year, so...." Marcus saw the evil eye Soong was giving him, and gulped. "Of course, I had my standard psychological review at Starbase Iconia just before I came aboard."

"Commander?" Soong swiveled forward to face Garretson. "I know this nutcase. Nothing sticks to him. He knows just what to say to fool even the empathic and telepathic counselors."


Vice-Admiral Judith Drake was reading over the list of ships moving into her command when the door chime rang.

"Enter," she called, and a tall, confident Romulan in a Starfleet uniform breezed through the door. "Ah. You must be Captain Jarok. Welcome to Starfleet."

"Thank you, Admiral. What's my mission?" Taken slightly aback, Drake handed Jarok a PADD.

"All the information is on that PADD. Standing orders are to carry out the Starfleet charter, of course. We've been approached by a group identifying themselves as the Warnkans. They say they've had contact with Starfleet before, but Voyager made no reference to them. We'd like you to head the contact, and hopefully find out where we know them from." Jarok nodded.

"Anything else, Admiral?"

"Not at present, no."

"Then with your permission, I'd like to be underway ASAP."

"Of course, Captain. May the Great Bird of the Galaxy bless your planet." Jarok acknowledged the blessing, then left the office. On her way to the transporter room, she was accosted by a humanoid female in what looked like a Marine's uniform, but instead of a light-grey turtleneck and vest with division color, she wore a black hooded jumpsuit with a black mask and vest. Her comm pin was an oval with the outline of the starfleed delta, backed by a solid omega, as opposed to a starfleet delta backed by an inverted triangle, made to resemble a five-pointed star

"Captain Jarok?"


"I'm Agent Delta, Division Seven of the Omega corps of Section 31." Jarok paled visibly. "Don't worry, Captain, you're not in trouble... yet. However, I want you to make sure that you keep in good terms with the Warnkans, even if you have to sacrifice your ship."


"No buts, Captain. The Enterprise and its crew are replaceable. Starfleet is not."

"I don't understand." Delta went into a room, gesturing for Jarok to follow.

"Section 31 knows about the Warnkans. We've kept them from the general public for their own protection. They represent a greater threat, if provoked, than did the Dominion." Delta removed a glove, which Jarok hadn't noticed her wearing as she kept her hands behind her back, and pressed her hand against a panel. "Security authorization Delta-Seven-Zero-Omega-31. Briefing Threat Level Zero-Zero-One, item 42." The room darkened, and a holoprojector activated. Jarok watched in awe as Delta, aided by the holoprojector, described the events of the Vejur incursion of 2271. Jarok was aware of the incident, but those who briefed her told her that, according to current Starfleet theory, Voyager VI had been assimmilated by the Borg. When the briefing was finished, the lights returned to full illumination. "Any questions, Captain?" Jarok shook her head slowly.

"No, sir."

"Good. I trust you will disseminate this information strictly on a need-to-know basis. And I remind you that an Upsilon-7 clearance is required to access this, which not even Drake has. You will respect the confidentiality?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good." Delta pulled a device from inside her vest. "I will be working with you in the future. Good day, Captain." She pressed a control, and a transporter beam surrounded Jarok, placing her directly on the bridge.

"Is there a problem?" asked Jarok of her startled crew. "Lieutenant Garretson, set a course for these coordinates," she ordered, sending the data from Drake's PADD to the helm console. "Lieutenant Marcus, in my ready room."

"Aye, Captain."


In her ready room, Jarok circled Marcus like a vulture.

"Marcus, I need you to be deadly serious about this, because what I'm about to tell you represents a grave threat to the Federation." Marcus' visage was instantly somber, and he nodded.

"Aye, Captain."

"Good." Jarok went behind her desk, tapping information into her PADD. "I've just been briefed on the Warnkans by someone identifying herself as a member of Section 31. First of all, what do you know about them?"

"Officially, nothing. Off the record, a secretive division of Starfleet Intelligence. They recruited my fiancee about two and a half years ago. I haven't heard from her since." Jarok rubbed her chin as she digested this information.

"I see. Now, what do you know about the Vejur incursion of 2271?"

"A massive vessel approached Earth, threatening to destroy all carbon-based life on the planet unless it met with its creator. It was found to be an ancient Earth probe which had been enhanced by an advanced race of living machines, presumed to be the Borg. The threat was neutralized when Captain Willard Decker and Lieutenant Ilia merged with the probe and retreated to a plane of existence unknown to Starfleet, releasing the Enterprise." Jarok nodded.

"That's what Starfleet tells us. According to this member of Section 31, however, the race that enhanced Voyager VI was not the Borg, but the Warnkans." Marcus frowned slightly.

"I see. Pardon me for questioning your methods, but why are you telling me individually, instead of telling the entire senior staff at once?"

"The agent told me to reveal it only on a need-to-know basis. As security chief, no matter how... unusual your behavior, it behooves me to inform you of any security threat." Marcus nodded.

"I see, said the visually-impaired individual to one's hearing-impaired male sibling; and their vocally-challenged close acquaintance said "ah-ha". So what should I tell my subordinates?"

"As little as possible. We hope to establish diplomatic relations with the Warnkans. However, should we need to defend ourselves, I want you to keep it to the basics. Is that clear?"

"Crystal, Captain," Marcus replied, saluting sharply.

"Good. Now, for another matter."


"I don't care how you behave on your off-time, as long as you don't break any laws."

"No danger of that, Captain."

"Good. But I would appreciate it if you behaved with proper decorum while you're on-duty. I have your record, and there's a reason you were required to retake Protocol for Dealing With Your Fellow Officers. I don't want to see any distracting behavior. And that means no singing on the bridge."


"Very well, Lieutenant. You're dismissed."

"Aye, Captain," Marcus responded, leaving the ready room.


"Helm, take us out, one quarter impulse. Once we're out of the system, set course for Sector Nine-two-seven," ordered Jarok. Garretson gave an "aye, sir" and entered the instructions into the console. Several meters behind Garretson, in the center of the bridge, Jarok and Soong held a whispered conference, discussing several items of protocol. Behind them, Zordauch monitored the Tactical station for any potential threat. Marcus hovered at Zordauch's right side, where he could monitor any Security information. At the port side of the bridge sat Chief Engineer Chang. Lieutenant Commander Tagur, sat at the science station starboard of the command center. Within seconds, they were clear of Starbase 582's system, and on their way to the coordinates specified by the Warnkans. The immediate area was empty of starships. With nothing to do, Jarok waited, as everyone's eyes focused on their consoles, scanning space, with the exception of Marcus. The Security console, instead of scanning, was being used to play computerized solitaire. Zordauch frowned when he realized what course they were taking.

"Ah, Captain, I don't believe we should take such a direct course to Warnkan space," he warned. Jarok turned back to face him.

"Any particular reason, Lieutenant?" Zordauch nodded.

"This region of space is controlled by the Neswincarnian Empire," he stated. "They're extremely intolerant of outsiders, especially Zaunkuans."

"And since you're on board, especially as a senior officer, they might not appreciate us crossing their territory." Zordauch nodded.

"Precisely, Captain." Jarok digested this. She didn't want to endanger the ship, but it was imperative that they meet with the Warnkans on time.

"Engage phase-cloak, and contain all warp plasma."

"Aye, Captain," replied Zordauch, tapping his console. Chang glanced over his shoulder.

"Captain, you do realize what a risky proposition it is to contain warp plasma while cloaked, don't you?"

"I'm well aware of that, Commander. However, we do have some Warnkans to meet with, and I've been advised that they don't like to be kept waiting," Jarok replied, keeping her attention focused on the forward viewport. "If you want to go down to Engineering and monitor from their, you're more than welcome to do so." Chang nodded.

"And I will, Captain. With a bit of luck, we might pull this off with just a few overloaded relays." With that, Chang retreated to the turbolift.

Jarok, Soong, Tagur, Zordauch, and Marcus were gathered around the security console, studying the display carefully.
"I think I know what do do now," Jarok mused, rubbing her chin. "Kamchatka to Alaska, full strength," she declared. Marcus grinned, and activated five random hexinomial generators.

"You can try, Captain, but no one takes Alaska away from the S-Man!" he said, a tad overzealously. Tagur turned to Soong.

"Isn't there a human axiom that says 'Pride goeth before a fall'?" she muttered, to which Soong replied with a chuckle. The RHGs displayed the results: A six, a four, and a three for Jarok; a five and a two for Marcus. Two of Marcus' indicators disappeared, and he frowned.

"Pure dumb luck," he muttered. "You're still not going to get Alaska."

"We'll see," Jarok replied coolly. "Defend yourself, human, I'm attacking again." Marcus sighed and activated the RHGs, resulting in a loss of one army each. Suddenly, Zordauch's console beeped, and he glanced over to check it out.

"Three Neswincarnian vessels approaching," he announced. "Two scouts, and one heavy cruiser."

"Blue Alert," ordered Jarok. "Let's see how well their sensors work on our cloak." Tagur headed starboard to the science station, while Soong and Jarok took their chairs at the center of the bridge. Marcus saved the game in progress, then joined Zordauch at the tactical console.

"They're running an anti-proton scan," reported Zordauch. "No effect... they're altering formation... forming a tachyon net... no results so far."

"Garretson, alter our course. Keep our heading changing enough to throw them off if we happen to be leaving any waste."

"Aye, Captain... engaging evasive maneuver Zeta-Iota-Gamma."

There was a silent tension on the bridge as Zordauch and Garretson coordinated their efforts to keep ahead of the Neswincarnian sensor net. Tagur's attention was riveted to her science console, monitoring emission of ship's waste. Jarok, at the edge of her seat, eyed the display area warily, while Marcus merely polished a phaser rifle he had retrieved from a nearby locker. Throughout all this, the bridge was silent, save for the low beeping of the Blue Alert klaxon.


To be continued, as soon as I know where I'm going next...

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