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Chapter One

A New Start

In the office of the Opera Populaire, the manager John Halot was signing the theater over to its new owners, Andre Moncharmin and Richard Firmin. Andre was a good-hearted man in his late seventies. Firmin was a quick- tempered man in his early thirties. Even though he could get a nasty temper, Firmin was most often friendly and likable. Firmin put on his glasses and looked over the contract.

" Congratulations gentlemen. You are the proud new owners," John said as he shook Firmin's hand.

" You never did tell us why you were retiring," said Firmin.

" I've worked at this theater long over my retirement. It's time someone took my place," said John. " If you'll excuse me sirs." John left the office. Firmin and Andre started to explore their surroundings. John unlocked the theater's diner and walked inside. He sat down in a booth in the corner. Two figures approached him and sat down, on the right of John sat the Phantom on the left sat the Phantom's younger brother William.

" Why have you called us here?" asked the Phantom.

" I'm retiring. Two men are taking my place," said John. William's eyes widened.

" But why? You've been running this theater as long as we've been here!" cried William. John looked at them.

" I'm an old man William. I can't run this theater forever," said John.

" I'm sure you told them about us," said the Phantom a little angry.

" I've told them about you, but not William," said John. William glared.

" Oh sure! Let Erik get all the credit!" snarled William.

" It doesn't matter. They don't believe me," said John. The Phantom smiled.

" Well then, we'll just have to make them believe. Right William?" asked the Phantom. William grinned.

" Right," answered William. The Phantom got up.

" You go home William. I shall have a word with our new managers," said the Phantom. William got up and left the diner. The Phantom shook John's hand. " It's been a pleasure working with you John." The Phantom then disappeared. John got up and left the theater.

In the office, Firmin was placing a picture of a young woman on the desk. The Phantom appeared before them, then bowed. " Gentlemen, allow me to introduce myself. I am the Opera Ghost." Firmin and Andre stared.

" Is this some kind of joke?" snarled Firmin. The Phantom smiled at him.

" This is no joke sir, I can assure you. I heard that you didn't believe the story of the Opera Ghost, so I've come here to prove my existence," said the Phantom. The Phantom walked up to the desk, he held up the picture. " Who is this lovely lady?" Firmin frowned.

" My wife," said Firmin softly. The Phantom looked at him.

" Will she be visiting the theater?" asked the Phantom. Firmin shut his eyes and turned around so that his back was to Andre and the Phantom.

" No, she died two months ago," said Firmin with difficulty. The Phantom's eyes widened.

" How?, asked the Phantom. He suddenly wished that he had kept quiet. Firmin turned to him.

" She died while giving birth, I was with her to the very end," said Firmin.

" Well, you still have your child," said the Phantom. Firmin gave a sobbing yelp.

" No. My...My son didn't make it either. He's dead as well. I.I...I'm sorry!" Firmin burst out crying. The Phantom felt great pity for Firmin and decided not to do any cruel tricks to mock the managers. Andre laid a hand on Firmin, then looked at the Phantom.

" Please sir, don't talk about family. Richard is quite upset about the tragedy," said Andre. The Phantom nodded.

" I meant no harm. I'm sorry," said the Phantom. He took a note from his cloak and placed it on the desk. " I guess I'll just leave this here for you to read when you're ready." The Phantom then disappeared. Firmin took out his handkerchief and dried his eyes.

" Oh Jennifer," cried Firmin. Andre picked up the note and began to read it.

'Dear Firmin and Andre, I welcome you to my opera house. Since you are new, I have written down my demands. I don't know if John has told you them already, but this is just a reminder. 1. Box-Five is to remain empty for my use. 2. My salary of twenty thousand francs is to be paid each month. 3. Every opera is to be approved by me before it is performed. This month's salary has already been paid, so you don't have to pay until next month. Enjoy the theater.
O.G '

Firmin sighed and sat down at the desk. He started to roll a pen back and forth.

" Do the members of the Opera Populaire know that John has retired?" asked Firmin.

" Yes, tomorrow they're having a special dinner in our honor. I hear that we are to sit with the prima donna, Carlotta," said Andre.

In the Phantom's lair, William was writing music on a sheet of paper, he stopped every now and then to play on his violin. The Phantom entered. William turned to him.

" How are our managers?" asked William.

" They seem to be a little confused. I shall allow the crew of the Opera Populaire to explain the ghost to them," said the Phantom. " Tomorrow the theater is having a dinner in their honor. I want you to mingle in the crowd and get some information about our new friends." William put his violin back in its case. He smiled at the Phantom.

" Mingle. I like the sound of that," said William.

" Don't give yourself away. I shall be sending notes to everyone that you are not to be spoken of," said the Phantom. William frowned.

" You mean I am to remain unheard of?" asked William. " But they shall see us in Box-Five. We always sit there. The managers would see me. "

" Then I'm afraid we'll have to find you a new seat. I believe the catwalk is stable," said the Phantom. William opened his mouth to say something, but he decided not to argue with his brother. William sighed and turned around to leave. " I'm sorry William. I'm doing this for your own protection. If the managers found out about you, they might take you away from me". William spun around.

" No they wouldn't! I wouldn't let them! If they try and take me, by God! I'll fight back like an animal! " William snarled. The Phantom took off his mask.

" William, look at this face. They would not let anyone live with the owner of this face," said the Phantom. William glared at him.

" Excuse me? I see nothing wrong with your face! Erik, you're my brother! I love you, I wouldn't let a stupid thing like a face get us separated." William turned around again and sighed.

" William, I don't think you realize what other people think. To them, I'm a hated, monstrous, ugly." The Phantom didn't finish. William spun around his eyes burning red.

" Don't say that!" shrieked William. " Don't you ever-ever call yourself that! It's not true! And you and I both know it! The people above don't think before they act! They fear what they do not know! Erik! You are not hated! You are not monstrous! And you are most certainly not ugly!" screamed William. The Phantom stared at William, shocked from his brother's sudden outburst. William left the lair. The Phantom sat down and started to look over the music William had composed.

The next night everyone at the Opera Populaire was together to welcome their new managers. Andre arrived in a black tuxedo. Firmin whom was not told that it was formal was dressed in an everyday suit. He was quite embarrassed. Among the crowd, William walked around trying to find Andre and Firmin. Firmin found Raoul " Vicompte" de Chagny, the theater's new patron. Andre walked over to a group of people. Firmin thought it would be polite to say hello to Raoul.

" Good evening Raoul. I'm glad to see that you've chosen to come," said Firmin. Raoul stared at Firmin.

" Were you in a hurry to get here, Richard?" asked Raoul. Firmin gave an embarrassed chuckle.

" I was not informed that it was formal," explained Firmin. He chuckled again. It was a good thing Firmin was in a cheerful mood. Otherwise Raoul's question would have set Firmin's temper ablaze. Back with William, he spotted Andre. Andre was talking to Josh, one of the three young male dancers in their late teens, and Joseph Buquet, the keeper of the flies. William walked over, not close enough to be spotted, but in the vicinity to hear. William listened in on the discussion.

" So that's when I told Richard to let me help him run the theater. We've always been good friends and I thought if he spent most of his time with me, it might help take the pain away," said Andre. Carlotta and Piangi, her singing partner, walked over.

" What's with all the frowns? This is a celebration signors," said Piangi. Josh looked at them.

" Didn't you hear? Monsieur Firmin's wife and son died two months ago. Poor Firmin," said Josh. William had a certain fondness for Josh. He could sometimes be a pest, but most of the time Josh was a caring and sensible person.

" Oh, that's too bad," said Carlotta, not that sympathetically. Carlotta on the other hand, William hated her. Not just because of her piercing voice, but because of her cold heart. Andre looked at Joseph.

" So tell me about this Phantom," said Andre. Joseph stared at him.

" He wears a mask Andre, because he is horribly deformed. I've seen his face though. It is death its self. Yellow paper is his skin, and he has no nose, just a big hole. His eyes are like those of a skull, two black holes," said Joseph trying to give a perfect description of the Phantom. William resented the last comment. His brother's eyes have a beautiful blue iris, just like William's.

" I've never liked the ghost," said Carlotta. " He always insults my singing."

" Andre, may I have a word with you alone?" asked Joseph. Andre nodded. William followed them, making sure that he was not noticed. Joseph turned to Andre. " There's another ghost Andre," said Joseph. Andre stared.

" What do you mean?" asked Andre.

" There is another ghost. I've seen him. He's nothing like the Phantom. He is a young man with black hair and blue eyes," said Joseph. William couldn't believe it. Hadn't his brother given Joseph Buquet a warning note? " I've been observing Box-Five during performances, there are two men in the box." Andre backed away.

" You make me nervous!" cried Andre. Joseph turned around and spotted William. William ran and disappeared into the crowd.

" Did you see that?" asked Joseph.

" What?" asked Andre.

" The other ghost was just here. He heard us."

" Stop it! I may be old, but I'm not gullible! I'll believe there's two phantoms when I see two phantoms!" Andre walked back into the crowd. William walked around until he spotted Firmin, thinking he would have better luck with him. Firmin was having a discussion with Piangi.

" You will really like it here signor. The members of the Opera Populaire are like family," said Piangi. Firmin nodded.

" I just can't believe she's gone," said Firmin.

" Death is never easy to forget. Tell me, what were you going to name your son?" asked Piangi.

" Erik," answered Firmin. William smiled. Wouldn't his brother be happy to hear that Firmin's son would have had the same name? William's cover was then blown. Before he had a chance to dash off, Piangi grabbed his arm.

" What are you doing here?" hissed Piangi. " You better get out of here before one of the managers see you. Your brother made it clear that you're not to be heard of." William pulled trying to get loose, but Piangi still had a strong grip on his arm. " I'm going to let you go now and you'd better be out of this room within a minute," snarled Piangi. Firmin walked over.

" Who's he Piangi?" asked Firmin.

" One of the stagehands," answered Piangi. He hissed at William. " Get out." Piangi released his grip and William dashed off.

" Where is he going?" asked Firmin.

" Home, I believe he's going home," said Piangi. As William ran, he crashed into Carlotta. The two stumbled to the ground. Andre and the others laughed. Carlotta shoved William off, not recognizing him at first.

" Clumsy oaf! Watch where you're going!" snarled Carlotta. Andre helped William up. Carlotta started to turn white, she knew who he was now. Andre brushed William off smiling.

" Settle down Carlotta. It was just an accident," said Andre. William looked at Andre. " Are you alright?"

" Yes sir," answered William softly.

" Alright then. Just be careful where you're running, you could hurt somebody," said Andre. William bowed to him politely, then hurried off, but not as fast as before. Andre looked at Carlotta. She was as white as a sheet. " Carlotta? Are you feeling ill?" asked Andre. Carlotta fainted. Piangi quickly ran over to Carlotta's aid. William left the party knowing one thing: Andre was going to be a great manager to work with.


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