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About Jennifer Flores


   Hey there !!!

   My name is Jennifer flores, and I want to express
   my gratitude from the bottom of my heart for being
   here with me. I'll be monentary, since I can even
   now see the smile on your face !! because of what's
   more waiting for you.

   I presently and continuously lived in Fresno, CA.
   I attended Hoover High School and graduated with
   the class of 1992. Subsequently, I was fortunate
   to receive a scholarship to Fresno City College,
   where I played for the Colleges's Softball team.

   As I reminisce at the moment, I could honestly say
   that my modeling career was motivated from the
   deficiency of Money! At the young age of twenty-one
   I entered into a Bikini Contest, this was the first
   of a mumerous to transpire.

   The Bikini contest was my stepping stone. People
   started to take notice of me.

   I was before-long, encountered by many! I consider
   myself, to be, very much independent, what I mean is
   I've always worked for my self no agents, no hassels.

   If you were to ask me, Jennifer, what one portion of
   advice could you give to the the upcoming future model,
   or what would such advice be? I would recommend that
   he or she be independent and conisder no job is too small,
   But: always keep it simple, fun and easy!

Love and Peace
Jennifer Flores

