I love the Night Life, Women and Gentlemen that radiate class and sophistication. Pictures of People that look good in the nude, I respect the hard work they put in to keep in shape. I also like people that express their appreciation, and I love the theater, Movies, and television. I don't like any types of illegal drugs, and profanity of any type in the public or in front of children. I'm not impressed by people who brag about their $$$$$ I'm not impressed with self-centered models that are over price. I don't like complaining or people who keep asking me to show more skin (nudity). I can promise you, I'm the most down to earth and respectable model you'll ever meet! If we haven't already met, I can't wait to meet you. Please E-mail me after viewing my pictures and check up from time to time for new pictures. Feel free to give me any suggestions, after all you make me who I am and I love you for that! Most of all I want to thank my "Special Friend" Tribal Chairman of the Choinumni tribe at www.thechoinumnitribe.com Love Always, Jennifer Flores