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Items from Sloan's apartment as gathered by Pat Stephens, noting their individual movement through out the episodes....                                    





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Answering Machine

It is black and is seen on the table beside the big chair, to the left of the phone.


Answering Machine

It is black and is seen on the table beside the big chair, to the left of the phone.


Answering Machine

It is black and is seen on the table beside the big chair, to the left of the phone.


Answering Machine

It is black and is on the cabinet just to the left when you enter the apartment.


Answering Machine

It is white and is part of the cordless phone unit on the table beside the big chair.


Answering Machine

It is black and is seen on the table beside the big chair, to the right of the phone.


Answering Machine

It is black and is seen on the table beside the big chair, to the left of the phone and/or lamp, depending on the scene.


Bench - in the corner of the bedroom between the bed and the bathroom door

It is shown with orange pillows on it


Bench - in the corner of the bedroom between the bed and the bathroom door

It is shown with orange pillows on it


Bench - in the corner of the bedroom between the bed and the bathroom door

It is shown with Tom's clothes on it


Bench - in the corner of the bedroom between the bed and the bathroom door

It is shown with orange pillows on it


Bench - in the corner of the bedroom between the bed and the bathroom door

It is shown with orange pillows on it


Bench - in the corner of the bedroom between the bed and the bathroom door

This area of the bedroom is shown but the bench appears
to be missing. The orange pillows are on the floor.


Bench - in the corner of the bedroom between the bed and the bathroom door

This area of the bedroom is shown but the bench is missing from the shot.


Bench - in the corner of the bedroom between the bed and the bathroom door

This area of the bedroom is shown but the bench is missing from the shot.


Bench - in the corner of the bedroom between the bed and the bathroom door

This area of the bedroom is shown but the bench is missing from the shot.


Bench - in the corner of the bedroom between the bed and the bathroom door

This area of the bedroom is shown but the bench is missing from the shot.


Bench - in the corner of the bedroom between the bed and the bathroom door

This area of the bedroom is shown but the bench is missing from the shot.


Cereal boxes - on top of fridge

Whenever seen, the boxes are arranged smallest to tallest. However, when first seen in this episode as Sloan rushes through breakfast, they are arranged tallest to smallest. Later, when Ed and Sloan return to the apt. after Roger was killed, the boxes are back to their usual alignment - smallest to largest.



There is no chain on the apartment door.



When the door is first shown, as Sloan enters her apt. to find Tom waiting, the chain is seen. However, later in the episode when Sloan gives the two police officers some pizza, the chain is missing.



The chain is on the door and is there for the rest of the episodes.


Chair - red chair to the left against the door as you enter Sloan's bedroom

This is the only episode in which the chair is not seen as part of a shot of the bedroom.


Clock - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen to the left side of the mantle


Clock - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen to the left side of the mantle


Clock - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen to the left side of the mantle


Clock - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen to the left side of the mantle


Clock - on the fireplace mantle

It seems to be in it's usual place on the left side of the mantle but it is difficult to see it clearly.


Clock - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen to the left side of the mantle


Clock - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen to the left side of the mantle


Clock - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen to the left side of the mantle


Clock - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen to the left side of the mantle


Cordless phone

Sloan uses it to call the FBI while standing at the stove.


Cordless phone

Sloan, while hustling to pack, uses it to call Ed about going to Mexico


Cordless phone

Ed uses it at the computer table when he calls Dr. Copeland. Then, Sloan uses it at the computer table to try to reach Ed at the Lab. Later, when she and Tom are back in her apartment after Ed has been kidnapped, it appears to be the phone that is on a round table beside the big chair as part of a combined phone/answering machine unit.


Cordless phone

It is on the kitchen counter when Sloan picks it up to call about Kevin.


Electrical box

This is the only time the electrical box is seen anywhere in the apt. Note: At other times, there is a picture on this wall.


Hat box - in the bedroom

The box is seen at the foot of the bed


Hat box - in the bedroom

The box is seen at the foot of the bed. Note: When Sloan returns to her apt. and finds Tom waiting and after he has walked around the counter, she walks towards the bedroom, turns and faces Tom. In the background you can see the hat box is on the left, with the trunk to the right. The scene then cuts to Tom but when it cuts back to Sloan, the hat box is now of the right, with the trunk to the left.


Hat box - in the bedroom

The box is missing from the foot of the bed when we see Sloan treating Tom's gunshot wound.


Hat box - in the bedroom

The box is seen at the foot of the bed


Hat box - in the bedroom

The box is seen at the foot of the bed


Hat box - in the bedroom

The box is seen at the foot of the bed


Hat box - in the bedroom

The box is seen at the foot of the bed


Hat box - in the bedroom

The foot of the bed is seen only the in the background and it is not clear if the hat box is there.


Hat box - in the bedroom

This area of the bed is not clearly seen so unable to determine if the hat box is there


Hat box - in the bedroom

The box is missing from the foot of the bed


Hat box - in the bedroom

The box is seen at the foot of the bed


Hat box - in the bedroom

The box is seen at the foot of the bed


Kettle - on the stove

It is white.


Kettle - on the stove

It is aluminum


Kettle - on the stove

It is aluminum


Kettle - on the stove

It is aluminum


Kettle - on the stove

It is white.


Kettle - on the stove

It is aluminum


Kettle- on the stove

It is aluminum


Lamp - on the computer table

A small, curved shape "gas light" table lamp but now it's back to the plain glass shade.


Lamp - on the computer table

A small, curved shape "gas light" table lamp but now it has a "tulip" glass shade.


Lamp - on the computer table

A small, curved shape "gas light" table lamp with a "tulip" glass shade.


Lamp - on the computer table

A small, curved shape "gas light" table lamp with a "tulip" glass shade.


Lamp - on the computer table

A small, curved shape "gas light" table lamp with a "tulip" glass shade.


Lamp - on the computer table

A small, curved shape "gas light" table lamp but now it's back to the plain glass shade.


Lamp - on the computer table

A small, curved "gas light" table lamp with a plain glass shade.


Lamp - on the computer table

A small, curved "gas light" table lamp with a plain glass shade.


Lamp - on the computer table

A small, curved shape "gas light" table lamp with a "tulip" glass shade.


Lamp - on the computer table

A small, curved shape "gas light" table lamp with a "tulip" glass shade.


Lamp - computer alcove, in the window

A table lamp, with an urn-shape base.


Lamp - computer alcove, in the window

A table lamp, with an urn-shape base.


Lamp - computer alcove, in the window

A table lamp, with an urn-shape base.


Lamp - computer alcove, in the window

There is a different table lamp in the window. This one is tall, with a slim "candle stick" base.


Lamp - computer alcove, in the window

A table lamp, with an urn-shape base.


Lamp - computer alcove, in the window

The lamp is not seen in the window when Sloan uses the cordless phone to try to call Ed at the lab.


Lamp - computer alcove, in the window

The lamp is missing from the window.


Lamp - computer alcove, in the window

The lamp is missing from the window.


Lamp - floor lamp # 1

A "flex" lamp with a metal shade is seen between the TV and the big chair.


Lamp - floor lamp # 1

A "flex" lamp with a metal shade is seen between the TV and the big chair.


Lamp - floor lamp # 1

A "flex" lamp with a metal shade is seen between the TV and the big chair.


Lamp - floor lamp # 1

The "flex" lamp with a metal shade is not shown between the TV and the big chair.


Lamp - floor lamp # 1

A "flex" lamp with a metal shade is seen between the TV and the big chair.


Lamp - floor lamp # 1

A "flex" lamp with a metal shade is seen between the TV and the big chair.


Lamp - floor lamp # 1

There is a light shining behind Tom as he stands near the big chair. It should be the "flex" lamp with a metal shade that is usually seen between the TV and the big chair.


Lamp - floor lamp # 1

The "flex" lamp with a metal shade is not shown between the TV and the big chair.


Lamp - floor lamp # 1

The "flex" lamp with a metal shade is not shown between the TV and the big chair.


Lamp - floor lamp # 1

The "flex" lamp with a metal shade is not shown between the TV and the big chair.


Lamp - floor lamp # 2

A standard floor lamp is seen between the fireplace and the TV. This is the only episode this lamp is ever seen.


Lamp - nightstand in the bedroom

A medium height table lamp is seen on the nightstand to the right of the bed.


Lamp - nightstand in the bedroom

A medium height table lamp is seen on the nightstand to the right of the bed.


Lamp - nightstand in the bedroom

A medium height table lamp is seen on the nightstand to the right of the bed.


Lamp - nightstand in the bedroom

A medium height table lamp is seen on the nightstand to the right of the bed.


Lamp - nightstand in the bedroom

A medium height table lamp is seen on the nightstand to the right of the bed.


Lamp - nightstand in the bedroom

A medium height table lamp is seen on the nightstand to the right of the bed.


Lamp - nightstand in the bedroom

A medium height table lamp is seen on the nightstand to the right of the bed.


Lamp - nightstand in the bedroom

A medium height table lamp is seen on the nightstand to the right of the bed.


Lamp - nightstand in the bedroom

A medium height table lamp is seen on the nightstand to the right of the bed.


Lamp - nightstand in the bedroom

A medium height table lamp is seen on the nightstand to the right of the bed.


Lamp - on cabinet that is to your left when you enter Sloan's apartment

A table lamp, with a heart-shape base.


Lamp - on cabinet that is to your left when you enter Sloan's apartment

A table lamp, with a heart-shape base.


Lamp - on cabinet that is to your left when you enter Sloan's apartment

A table lamp, with a heart-shape base.


Lamp - on cabinet that is to your left when you enter Sloan's apartment

A table lamp, with a heart-shape base.


Lamp - on cabinet that is to your left when you enter Sloan's apartment

There is a different style table lamp. It now has an urn-shape base.


Lamp - on cabinet that is to your left when you enter Sloan's apartment

A table lamp, with an urn-shape base.


Lamp - on cabinet that is to your left when you enter Sloan's apartment

When Sloan enters the apt. after having identified "Tom's" body, the table lamp has an urn-shape base. Maybe it's the lighting but later, when Sloan wakes up and checks the apt., there appears to be a slim, "candle stick" base lamp on the cabinet.


Lamp - on cabinet that is to your left when you enter Sloan's apartment

A table lamp, with an urn-shape base. Note: As the armed men are dragging Tom out of the apt. and are passing by the cabinet, the lamp appears to be missing.


Lamp - on table between the two chairs in front of the fireplace

There is a tall, slim "candle stick" base table lamp on the table between the two rust-coloured chairs.


Lamp - on table between the two chairs in front of the fireplace

There is a tall, slim base "candle stick" table lamp on the table between the two rust-coloured chairs.


Lamp - on table between the two chairs in front of the fireplace

There is a tall, slim base "candle stick" table lamp on the table between the two rust-coloured chairs.


Lamp - on table between the two chairs in front of the fireplace

There is a tall, slim "candle stick" base table lamp on the table between the two rust-coloured chairs.


Lamp - on table between the two chairs in front of the fireplace

There is a different style lamp on the table. This one has a heart-shape base.


Lamp - on table between the two chairs in front of the fireplace

The table lamp with the heart shaped base is seen.


Lamp - on table between the two chairs in front of the fireplace

The table lamp with the heart shaped base is seen.


Lamp - on table between the two chairs in front of the fireplace

Another change. This time it's a table lamp with an urn-shaped base.


Lamp - on table between the two chairs in front of the fireplace

The urn-shaped table lamp is seen.


Lamp - on table between the two chairs in front of the fireplace

The urn-shaped table lamp is seen.


Lamp - on table by big chair

First of only two times a lamp is seen on this table. It's behind the answering machine and the phone. The base is a "gas light" table lamp, with a plain glass shade. Note: See EP 13 for the next time there is a lamp on this table.


Lamp - on table by big chair

The lamp is first seen during the scene when Tom is fighting his fever. It is similar to the lamp seen here in EP 11 except it now has a "tulip" shape shade. It is to the left of the answering machine. There is no phone. When we next see this area, just before Tom wakes up in Sloan's bad, the lamp is missing but the phone is back. Later, near the end as Sloan leaves for the Lab, the lamp is back again but the phone is gone.


Lamp - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen on the left side of the mantle, in this episode it is behind the clock.


Lamp - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen on the left side of the mantle, behind the clock.


Lamp - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen on the left side of the mantle, behind the clock.


Lamp - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen towards the middle of the mantle.


Lamp - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen towards the middle of the mantle.


Lamp - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen towards the middle of the mantle.


Lamp - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen towards the middle of the mantle.


Lamp - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen on the right side of the mantle.


Lamp - on the fireplace mantle

It is seen on the right side of the mantle.



The one used by Ed is pink with a yellow flower on one side.



Sloan has a blue one while in the bedroom watching Tom sleep. Note: When Sloan moves to sit on the bed beside Tom, she places the mug on the vanity. But when she goes to the tall dresser to get Tom a T-shirt, we see the mug on that dresser.



(1) Sloan is drinking from the pink mug with a yellow flower on the side when Tom arrives. (2) At the dining room table, Sloan has a pink mug and Tom a white one.



Sloan uses a white mug with flowers on it



Tom uses a two-toned pink mug



Sloan uses a white mug with flowers



Tom uses a two-toned pink mug


Peep hole

When first seen and for most of this episode, there isn't any peephole in the door. However, in the closing scene when Tom tries to kill Sloan, in the background you can just make out the peephole in the door. It doesn't show up again until EP. 6. (Note: Apparently this scene was reshot.)


Peep Hole

Except for seeing it in the background during the closing scenes of episode 1, this is the first time the peep hole appears and it is seen for the rest of the episodes.


Phone - on table beside the big chair

It is white, old-fashion decorator's style


Phone - on table beside the big chair

It is white, old-fashion decorator's style


Phone - on table beside the big chair

It is white, old-fashion decorator's style


Phone - on table beside the big chair

It is white, old-fashion decorator's style


Phone - on table beside the big chair

It is white, old-fashion decorator's style


Phone - on table beside the big chair

It is a white cordless phone with an answering machine. Note: The table is round for this episode only.


Phone - on table beside the big chair

This area of the living room is not clearly seen so unable to determine if phone is present.


Phone - on table beside the big chair

It is white, old-fashion decorator's style


Phone - on table beside the big chair

When first seen, Sloan is talking to Ed on the old-fashion white phone. The black answering machine is to its left. Later, when Tom is on the big chair fighting his fever, there isn't any phone on the table but there is a lamp and the answering machine. Next time the table is seen when Tom and Sloan return from the park, the old-fashion phone is back but no lamp. Then, when Sloan leaves for the Lab, in the background you can see there is no phone but the lamp is back. Finally, in the closing scenes, when Tom and Ed are in the apt. alone, the decorator's phone and lamp are back.


Photo - Dr. Coulter & Sloan

It is seen at the crime scene in Dr. Coulter's office.


Photo - Dr. Coulter & Sloan (curved acrylic frame with white matting)

The photo appears to be on the tall dresser in the bedroom as Sloan is getting a T-shirt for Tom.


Photo - Dr. Coulter & Sloan (curved acrylic frame with white matting)

The photo is seen in Sloan's bedroom on the tall dresser as Sloan is rushing to pack.


Photo - Dr. Coulter & Sloan (curved acrylic frame with white matting)

The frame is seen on the dresser as Tom and Sloan talk just before Lewis calls but unable to confirm it is the picture of Coulter and Sloan.


Photo - Dr. Coulter & Sloan (curved acrylic frame with white matting)

The frame is seen on the dresser as Sloan jumps out of bed after finding the dead monkey but unable to confirm it is the picture of Coulter and Sloan.


Photo - Dr. Coulter & Sloan (curved acrylic frame with white matting)

The photo is seen in Sloan's bedroom on the tall dresser when Tom wakes up the next morning in Sloan's bed.


Photo - Dr. Coulter & Sloan (rectangular frame and picture)

As Sloan enters her apartment and finds Tom waiting, you can see this picture on the top shelf of the cabinet that is to your left when you enter the apartment.


Photo - Dr. Coulter & Sloan (rectangular frame and picture)

It is seen on top shelf of the cabinet to your left when you enter the apartment. This is the last episode the picture is seen here. In EP 5 there is a glimpse of what looks like the picture on the tall dresser in Sloan's bedroom. In EP 7, it is clearly seen on the tall dresser.


Photo - of sister on the fireplace mantle

The photo can be seen on the mantle.


Photo - of sister on the fireplace mantle

The photo can be seen on the mantle.


Photo - of sister on the fireplace mantle

The photo can be seen on the mantle.


Photo - of sister on the fireplace mantle

This area of the room is not clearly seen so unable to determine if photo is present.


Photo - of sister on the fireplace mantle

This area of the room is not clearly seen so unable to determine if photo is present.


Photo - of sister on the fireplace mantle

Although this area of the room is not clearly seen, the picture appears to be present.


Photo - of sister on the fireplace mantle

This area of the room is not clearly seen so unable to determine if photo is present.


Photo - of sister on the fireplace mantle

Photo of the sister appears to be there, behind an "art" object and a vase on the right side of the mantle.


Photo - of sister on the fireplace mantle

It is first seen, to the left of the lamp as Ed and Sloan are testing Tom's blood while Tom sleeps in Sloan's bed. But when Ed returns just after Sloan and Tom have returned from the park, the photo is missing. Later, in the closing scenes just before the armed men break in, the photo is back it is now to the right side of the lamp.


Pillows - when sleeping in Sloan's bed

Orange pattern pillows and green ones as Sloan is sitting on the bed looking at Lynch's picture


Pillows - when sleeping in Sloan's bed

Green - when Tom wakes up.


Pillows - when sleeping in Sloan's bed

We see green pillows on the unmade bed as Sloan hurriedly grabs her robe before opening the door to let Tom in. But when she returns to the bedroom a minute later, we see the green pillow is now on the floor, just in front of the bathroom door.


Pillows - when sleeping in Sloan's bed

Orange pattern when Sloan wakes up


Pillows - when sleeping in Sloan's bed

Orange pattern when Tom wakes up.


Radio/alarm - on nightstand in bedroom

It is seen on the nightstand


Radio/alarm - on nightstand in bedroom

It is seen on the nightstand.


Radio/alarm - on nightstand in bedroom

It is seen on the nightstand


Radio/alarm - on nightstand in bedroom

It is seen on the nightstand


Radio/alarm - on nightstand in bedroom

This area of the bedroom is not clearly seen so unable to determine if radio is present.


Radio/alarm - on nightstand in bedroom

It is seen on the nightstand


Radio/alarm - on nightstand in bedroom

It is seen on the nightstand


Radio/alarm - on nightstand in bedroom

Instead of a radio, there appears to be a white phone on the nightstand.


Radio/alarm - on nightstand in bedroom

Instead of a radio, there is a white phone on the nightstand.


Radio/alarm - on nightstand in bedroom

Instead of a radio, there is a white phone on the nightstand.


Security Camera

This is the first time the security camera is seen. Tom buzzes and we see him in the lobby, to the left side of the screen, looking up in to the camera. There is nothing else seen. The screen is blank when not activated.


Security Camera

When the homeless lady buzzes, we see her in the lobby to the left side of the screen, looking up in to the camera. There is nothing in the background and the screen is blank when not activated.


Security Camera

The screen is now "on" at all times, with the camera's "security view" being focused on the lobby . When Ray buzzes, you can see him on the right side of the screen, beside the intercom panel in the lobby.


Security Camera

Now when the screen is shown, the camera is mounted kitty-corner to Sloan's apartment. The "security view" is of the hallway outside Sloan's apartment and of the door to Sloan's apartment.


Security Camera

In EP. 11 the camera was focused on the hallway outside Sloan's apartment. In EP 12, since neither Kevin nor Tom pressed the intercom to gain entry, the camera should have remained focused there but, instead, we see the lobby and the intercom panel - just like in EP 9.


Security Camera

When first seen as Tom and Sloan return to apt. after Tom had been injected with the drug, the "security view" is once again focused on the hallway outside Sloan's apt. It only switches to the lobby when Ed buzzes for entry but then switches back to the hallway.


Sheets - on Sloan's bed

Dark green as she sorts through files on Randall Lynch.


Sheets - on Sloan's bed

This area of the bed is only seen briefly when Tom wakes up but the sheet appears to be white.


Sheets - on Sloan's bed

Only seen briefly but appears to be white.


Sheets - on Sloan's bed

White when Sloan wakes up and checks out the apt., though there appears to be a green top sheet. However, the next morning when Tom wakes her up, there is no sign of the green top sheet.


Sheets - on Sloan's bed

Appears to be white when Tom wakes up.


Table - beside big chair

This is the only episode in which a small round table is seen here in place of the square one. Note: This same round table is later seen in EP. 13 in front of the table between the two rust-coloured chairs.


Table - between the two chairs in front of the fireplace

When first seen as Tom and Sloan return to apt. after Tom had been injected with the drug, only the square table is seen, as has been the case throughout the previous episodes. Later when Tom and Sloan return from the park and sit in the chairs, you can now see there is a shorter round table in front of the square one. It looks like the same table seen in EP. 9 beside the big chair. Note: In EP. 12 the square table between the two chairs is only seen briefly but it looks as if the round table is there in front of it.


Trunk - in the bedroom

The trunk is seen at the foot of the bed


Trunk - in the bedroom

The trunk is seen at the foot of the bed


Trunk - in the bedroom

The trunk is missing from the foot of the bed when Sloan is treating Tom's gunshot wound.


Trunk - in the bedroom

The trunk is missing from the foot of the bed


Trunk - in the bedroom

The trunk is seen at the foot of the bed


Trunk - in the bedroom

The trunk is seen at the foot of the bed


Trunk - in the bedroom

The trunk is seen at the foot of the bed


Trunk - in the bedroom

The trunk is seen at the foot of the bed


Trunk - in the bedroom

The trunk is seen at the foot of the bed


Trunk - in the bedroom

The trunk is seen at the foot of the bed


Trunk - in the bedroom

The trunk is seen at the foot of the bed


Trunk - in the bedroom

The trunk is seen at the foot of the bed


Window Sill - in dining room

When first seen as police check the apt - a tall white candle is on the left; an urn-shaped table lamp is in the middle and a small white candle and a couple of photos are on the right. But, later, when Tom leaves through this window - a tall white candle, white silk roses in a clear vase and a picture of two little girls are on the left. A live plant, some photos and a small white candle are on the right. The lamp is missing.


Window Sill - in dining room

Tall white candle and dried red roses in a white/green vase are on the left; the plant and urn-shaped lamp are in the middle. There are photos on the right side.


Window Sill - in dining room

Tall candle; dried red flowers in white/green vase are on the left; the plant and lamp (style unclear) are in the middle. There are photos on the right side.


Window Sill - in dining room

Tall candle is on the left; dried red flowers in white/green vase and urn-shaped lamp are in the middle; unidentified objects on the right side.


Window Sill - in dining room

There are flowers on the left; what appears to be the urn-shaped lamp in the middle, with pictures on the right.


Window Sill - in dining room

The tall white candle and sundry objects are on the left and a framed picture is on the right.


Window Sill - in dining room

When first seen as Sloan goes to get ice for Tom, the tall candle is on the left; the urn-shaped lamp is in the middle; photos are to the right. But, at the end, when Sloan is leaving to go to the lab and looks back at Tom, in the background you can see the candle and photos are still there but the lamp is no longer in the window.


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