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*hehehe* That's my Pops! He's a reeeal TIGER!! *lmao*

Well, where should I start? My Dad's name is Robbie, he is 53 years old, he must suffer from dyslexia, cause he don't act a day over 35! Hmmm, somehow that was funnier when he was 51 and I could say 15 *LOL* My Dad loves to par-tay! He loves chicks and I mean he LOVES chicks!

Oh yeah, he also drives his bike all around (even in the winter time *lol*) One of his friends said to me once that my Dad is like Pee-Wee Herman with that bike of his. Everyone gets a kick outta that, except him! My father has 4 children...3 girls (me being the oldest) and one boy (who happens to be the youngest)

He taught us well and to always be respectful and polite to others. He's a good man! Tends to get a little carried away with the partying from time to time, but hey, he's having fun and isn't hurting anyone, so I say "Go for it Dad!"

He was a strict father when me and Laura were growing up. Strict, but fair. He's extremely set in his ways and does not like it when he is questioned or challenged. As much as we hate it...he's always right! It drives us bonkers! How in the hell does he do it? *shrugs her shoulders* I guess it's one of life's little mysteries.

My Dad is from the old school and that means family comes first! That was strongly emphasized in our upbringing. That means that in no uncertain terms do we fight amongst ourselves and always...and I mean ALWAYS protect each other! He is very well known and respected in our community for this.

I really don't know what else there is to say. He's a super father and a great man...definitely one to be looked up to :o)

*gives her Daddy two BIG thumbs up*

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