The Heirs of Telcar: Character List



Arienne Deltares: (AKA 2nd Lt Adrian Moore)

Formal Title: First Heir to the Emerald Throne of Telcar, Lady Arienne Deltares.

Tall and slender, though maturity made her body more shapely. She has a perfectly round face with two sparkling blue eyes, though they were cool instead of warm like her sister’s and father’s. Her full mouth hold a delicate pout, but were often drawn tight with determination. When she smiled for the public, it was a welcoming smile, showing perfectly white teeth. She had long, thick, strawberry tresses, which she usually either wore back in clips at each side (casual, yet dressy), or in a braid (for lessons) or when the occasion called for her to be seen, she had her maids put it up in some beautiful fashion, usually with jewels weaved in. Her name meant “strong willed”, a slight twist on her mother’s name, which simply meant strong.

As a person, she was considered the perfect example of a royal- cold and calculating- a facade she kept up anytime she was in public, even with her guards. She had been raised to believe that to show too much emotion was bad, so she only truly relaxed when she was with her family- her aunt Felisha being an exception, since it was she who had taught the heir to be this way. On the whole, Arienne felt she was plain unless she was dignified, and then people would see past her appearance and see her title. To Felisha, that was the only thing that mattered for the first heir.

She’d only cried twice in her life- the day her mother had died, and the day Felisha had caught her kissing a guard in the gardens, and proceeded to scold her for it.

Vienna Deltares: (AKA 2nd Lt Valorie Kent)

Formal Title: the Lady Vienna, daughter of His Majesty King Alden Deltares and the late Queen Breanne.

Vienna is just slightly shorter than her sister, though still a match in height for most women, with a very skinny frame. She had slight hips, unlike Arienne, and a pronounced bosom. Her long, fine hair was a golden blonde, and was usually pulled back into a ponytail. Otherwise, it was pinned up into a twist, up out of her way. Her round face held the same blue eyes as her father, and her smile was gay. Her name meant “glory”.

A very physical heir, she rode horses expertly, loved the outdoors, though she rarely got out of the city, and was a skilled blades fighter. If she were not an heir, she probably would have been sent to Scheth to train. Vienna had been spared her aunt’s attentions, since it was very unlikely she would be queen, though Felisha had told her all the things needed to raise another heir, in case she had to be the aunt left to raise an heir, as she had.

Alden Deltares:

Formal Title: King Alden Deltares, Crowned King of Telcar, Guardian of the Emerald Sun and Protector of the Light.

Alder was born the second son of a wealthy merchant, and married into the royal family, inheriting the throne when his wife, Breanna died. He has light brown hair, cut longish in the front, though the style is considered dignified- if he had any say in the matter, it would probably be cut very short. He often runs his hand through it when agitated. He also has a well-trimmed beard, which was also not to his personal liking, and extended sideburns. His blue eyes are warm, and his face handsome. He is in his prime, without a steak of gray, soft, lightly tanned skin, no wrinkles to speak of, though when he smiles, his jowls look thicker. He’s not quite tall, with an average build, though he has plenty of muscles, and has no gut to speak of. He is stern when need be, and very protective of his children, but overall a very likable person with a warmth most royalty cannot even emulate, and a healthy sense of humor.

Breanne Deltares:

Late queen of Telcar.

She had the same pale skin, stunning eyes, and powerful stance as Arienne. But instead of the characteristic red hair, Breanne had light chestnut tresses. Breanne died when her daughters were very young.

Aler Denn:

Lord Aler was a tall, slender man in his early twenties, who always wore a sincere smile that made his face beam. His dark brown hair, cut short around his ears and neck with bangs that sometimes fell down into his eyes, had tinges of red in the front. He wore a carefully trimmed beard and mustache, shaved to cover little more than his upper lip and chin. Amber eyes shone out of his fair face, and a few freckles sprinkled his proud nose.

His handsome features were accented by a heart of gold. His family was well-known for their efforts to help those in need, and Aler was perhaps the reason. He was wealthy, though he never showed it, preferring to mingle among his neighbors. He was also the man King Alden hoped would marry Vienna when she came of age.

Has fallen for Vienna.


Lt. He had stunning blue-green eyes (aka sea green). He was the best of his class in Scheth, and came highly recommended by Governor Hastings. He looked little older than Arienne. He couldn’t be older than nineteen, yet the rank on his lapel marked him a first lieutenant. He's an excellent dancer.

At about six foot one, the guard was tall and skinny, with muscular arms that seemed somehow out of place on his slender frame. His mouth was large, but fit well in his long, tanned face. His eyes were set perfectly on either side of his long nose- green, intelligent eyes.

He's fallen for Arienne.

Lelane Haven:

Kylar's wife. Amena. Her blue eyes were cold, as usual, but the dim light danced in them, softening her appearance. Her skin was very pale, but had the look of silk. Her lips were serious, but almost always carried a pleasantness that made him want to kiss them. Her hair was long and brown, and fell loosely around her shoulders. She always wore common browns and whites in light layers, that covered her somewhat lanky body.

“I used to be a part of a traveling play,” she smiled, sitting up as well. “My mother thought it was foolishness, but my father... he understood.” She sighed, fluffing up her pillow. “That was when I met up with Baccer. He ran the whole show. He’d gotten bored of Mandora’s policy of isolation and set out to travel the world. When he saw my potential, he took me on as a pupil, eventually bringing me to Mandora. I’ve been at it ever since,” she laughed, “playing a part, looking for a story, trying to learn.”


Amena. He was a tall, well-built man dressed in a green tunic and black pants. He had dark shoulder length hair with a single streak of gray running down the right side, just above his ear. But the thing Arienne noticed first was a long scar that cut across his left eyebrow. It was barely noticeable on his rough weathered face, but for some reason, it seemed to point itself out to her as she crossed the room to sit in front of him. When she sat down, he turned his inquisitive green eyes on her and smiled. His voice was not the rough one she had expected, but a rather light, pleasant one, that immediately welcomed her. He'd been Sided to Lelane for twenty years.

Drake Kellen:

Captain. As a royal blades instructor, Drake held sword, dagger, bow and quarterstaff with a skill few possessed, and was always calm, collected, and patient, which explained why he had been the lead instructor for the royal guard for over eight years, teaching his first group of hardy young men after being with the guard for less than two weeks himself. He bore the golden ring of a bladesmaster, a token given only to those lucky enough to be taught in Scheth, where warriors were bred and raised.

In his early thirties, Drake was told often that he didn’t look a day over twenty, and had admirers of his own, though he had long ago decided he wouldn’t settle down. He enjoyed the guard too much, and it would be unfair to ask a woman to share his life. But settling down was not the same as looking, so he kept on.

With dark hair, dark eyes and tanned skin, he would have blended in if not for the way he carried himself. He stood apart from those around him, not allowing himself to mix in.

He appeared a statue, stark amid flowing flowers. He caught the eye quickly, but one quickly looked away. He was not the type to stare at for long. He might see you, and take offense. But he was good looking and a sucker for a skilled fighter.


Lt. Arienne's guard commander. His sandy brown hair was cut short in the military fashion, and his fair skin was shaved close. His green eyes were stunning and inquisitive, and a strong mouth. Though considered handsome compared to most of the other guards, Mendel always felt awkward and ungentlemanly around ladies. Because of this, he had only dated a few times, and they hadn’t lasted more than a few nights. He’d given up trying years ago, telling himself that he was a man wedded to the guard, much like his mentor, Drake, but he’d always known it was a lie. He admired a woman’s body, craved it even, and longed for a woman’s affection. He received a gash across his left brow during the fight.









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