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Katharine Kerr

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Katharine Kerr was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1944 to a family which considered itself British-in-exile far more than American. Since she was taught to read on British books alone, these sentiments resulted in her inability to spell properly in either system, British or American, though fortunately there were no other lasting effects. They moved to Santa Barbara, California, when Katharine was a schoolgirl. She vowed to leave as soon as possible, carrying out the threat in 1962, when she moved to the San Francisco Bay Area. Since then, she has left it only to visit relatives in the British Isles and currently lives in San Francisco itself.

After dropping out of Stanford University in the mid-Sixties to join several of the revolutions then in progress, Katharine worked at a number of low-paying jobs, including a stint in the Post Office, while she read extensively in the fields of classical archaeology and literature, Medieval and Dark Ages history, and modern fiction. She lived with a number of cats and of course, attended baseball games. Eventually she had the good fortune to meet up with an old friend from secondary school, Howard Kerr, who loves cats, books, and baseball as much as she does. They were married in 1973.



Her Collection Of Books:


Deverry Books:

Daggerspell, Darkspell

Dawnspell, Dragonspell

The Bristling Wood, The Dragon Revenant

A Time of Exile, A Time of Omens

A Time of War, A Time of Justice

Days of Blood and Fire

Days of Air and Darkness

The Red Wyvern, The Black Raven

The Fire Dragon, The Gold Falcon*



Other Books:

Snare, Freezeframes

Reserection, Polar City Blues



And Her Colaborations:

Polar City Nightmare w/ Kate Daniel

Palace w/ Mark Kreighbaum



Websites Dedicated To Her:

Katharine Kerr's Home Page

Deverry Home Page



Katherine Kerr Knowledge:

Mrs. Kerr will be speaking on a panel at the San Francisco Writers Conference in February 2004. You can find out more at



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