Another issue hot off the digital presses! Issue 8 marks the end of our
second year in publication, and we are still going strong. We were slammed
with a slew of submissions the last few weeks of the quarter, and
turn-around came to a grinding halt. But with the hard work of our dedicated
editors, we survived the onslaught. Not entirely unscathed, however.
We lost yet another editor this last quarter, and have an open call out for
anyone interested in joining our team. If you think you have what it takes
to wade through hundreds of submissions every quarter, and you enjoy the
stories we've been publishing, you can send an email to me.
This is a smaller issue, with only seven stories. We received a great deal
of excellent stories over the last three months, but a majority of them
suffered from typos and grammar issues that forced us to decline what might
have been a great piece of work. Please, please, please have your
submissions spell-checked, and ask a friend to read through them before
sending them our way. New authors could benefit from joining a writing group
where other authors help polish submissions before they're ever seen by an
editor. Clean writing not only saves our editors from headaches, but also
give your stories a far better chance of being published.
We look forward to another great quarter as we cross into year number three.
Keep the submissions coming, and tell your friends about us.
Jennifer Michaels