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Jenn's Bio:



The official, professional bio published with my stories:

Jennifer Michaels works as a loan processor, but has always had a love of writing. Concentrating mostly on fantasy works, she occasionally dabbles in science fiction and poetry. She resides with her family in Warner Robins, GA.

The unofficial, this-is-the-real-me bio:

I was born in Duluth, Minnesota, raised in and around Atlanta, GA, and finished off my single life back where I'd started it. Graduating from Virginia High School in 1995, I then moved to Bemidji, MN for two very busy years of college.

Then came love, marriage, a beautiful daughter, and a quiet divorce.

I am now living in Warner Robins, GA with my daughter, my fiance, and his son. I'm now trying to decide what to do with the rest of my life. Right now I work as a loan processor... I'm also an author and an editor, both of which are more for-the-luv right now.



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