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JF - Joseph Fiennes
RF - Ralph Fiennes

ADM - A Dangerous Man: Lawrence After Arabia
SB - Stealing Beauty
VOPC - Vacillations of Poppy Carew
MMFDL - Martha, Meet Frank, Daniel and Laurence
TVTOY - The Very Thought of You (American title of MMFDL)
ETM - Elizabeth, the Movie
SiL - Shakespeare in Love
RA - Rancid Aluminum
FM - Forever Mine
EATG - Enemy at the Gates
KMS - Killing me Softly
TGR - The Great Raid

RSC - Royal Shakespeare Company
R&J - Romeo & Juliet
SOM - Son of Man
THB - The Herbal Bed
TC - Troilus and Cressida
RCA - Real Classy Affair
EII - Edward II
LLL - Love's Labour's Lost

BT - Blood Ties
OP - On Pilgrimage
SSC - Suffolk Song Cycle & Other Poems
