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May 31, 2001

- New pic on Page 9, thanks to Bobbi

May 30, 2001

- News found by Judith

May 29, 2001

- News found by Dylan and Judith

- Interview with Joe by Planet Hollywood about EATG: Good Ol' Uncle Joe, thanks to Danielle

May 28, 2001

- News found by Judith

May 27, 2001


- News from BBC and US Glamour mag, the latter brought to our attention by Barbara

- Two new pics on FM Page showing a better version of the FM poster + backside

- The Family Photos Page is now in thumbnails too.

- We created three NOJ banners which you can use for linking to us, if you wish. Find them on our Links Page

May 26, 2001

- Newfound link for Edward II on our Links and Edward II Pages: UK Theatre Web - Edward II with User Reviews Page. So why don't you write your own review? :)

- Maya Fiennes, Magnus' wife and Michael Emery, Joe's foster brother, got their own pages now too, as a link from the Family Photos Page (and Bio and Cuppa Joe as well)

- Elizabeth Review: Power Play on Reviews Page, thanks to Antonieta

May 25, 2001

- The pictures on the BAFTA Page and on the Onegin Premiere Page are now thumbnails too.

May 24, 2001

- Interview with Milco Mancevski about Dust: The Rain Comes Again? on our Articles Page, found by Bobbi

- Picture from above article on our Dust Page

- We added the Amazon links to the MMFDL VHS (PAL) and DVD (Region 2) videos to our Merchandise Page.

May 22, 2001

- New pic on More SiL Page, thanks to Antonieta.

- You know this other Fiennes? The brother? Well, we thought that though this is a Joe site it can't do any harm to add links to some of the best Ralph sites out there. For those of you who can't get enough of Fiennes men, thank Evelyn for providing us with 4 new links on our More Links Page. But Joe is still cuter! :)

May 21, 2001

- News found by Judith

- 9 new pics, thanks to Kika!
4 on FM Page, 3 on SiL Page, 1 on TVTOY Page and one on VOPC Page

May 20, 2001

- We rearranged the Photo Pages 1 - 8 and have now only 25 pics per page to save you a bit of loading time. Due to this we added a Page 9 and a SiL Premiere Photos Page as a link from our Page 3.

- New Dust and KMS links on More Links Page

May 19, 2001

- New link Bedford High at AppleMasters on More Links Page tells about the project in which Sarah Clarke from Bedford High School and Joseph Fiennes interviewed homeless people around Soho and Leicester Square and produced a highly charged movie for BBC Newsround about it last October. It's an interesting project involving other celebrities acting as "Apple Masters" as well.
Read Sarah's Diary about it.

- 3 new pics on Page 8 from above multimedia project.

May 18, 2001

- 1 new pic on Page 8

- Newly created EATG Japanese programme Page on our EATG Page with a total of 16 new pics!

May 17, 2001

- Funny News found by Carole

- Italian EATG poster on EATG Page and new Italian RA poster on RA Page

May 16, 2001

- News from Ananova

May 15, 2001

- Spanish Interview, translated by Luciana

- EATG picture on EATG Page

May 14, 2001

- Newfound RA link: Rancid Aluminium at Fiction Factory on More Links Page

- Newfound astroloy link: Stars of the Stars - Astrology for Joseph Fiennes on Cuppa Joe Page

- Elizabeth review

- EATG review, both on Reviews Page

- Japanese SiL poster pic on More Shakespeare in Love Page

May 12, 2001

- News

May 9, 2001

- News thanks to Judith

May 8, 2001

- News thanks to Judith

May 7, 2001

- News found by Beate

- Luciana translated the Italian Marie Claire article for us.

May 6, 2001

- News found by Jeanette

May 5, 2001

- The Italian Marie Claire pic on Page 8 was scanned and sent to us by Kate.

May 4, 2001

- News found by Judith

- Two pics of a long-haired Joe, scanned from an 1996 Harpers & Queens issue here and here and on Page 8.

May 3, 2001

- News found by QueenB

May 2, 2001

- News found by Katerina

- Three new KMS pics from the official MGM site on our KMS Page, thanks to Judith for the direct link.

May 1, 2001

- News about another possible role for Joe, found by both Kate and Dar

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