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Seeing Joe Fiennes: A story of many parts!

April 10, 2003
By Kate Cameron

Part 1:

I had been looking forward to seeing Joe Fiennes at the National in Love's Labour's Lost for weeks and I had literally been counting down the days until Saturday the 15th of February! The play started a little late as is expected. I had really great seats with Trevor Nunn sitting across the isle from me! Joe made a very dramatic entrance, and apart from being practically blinded and deafened by the gun shots in the beginning, it was great. Joe was hilarious; he completely stole the show. He had said he wasn't expecting laughs, but he got a hell of a lot! Everyone loved him. Especially in the scenes where he's up a tree listening to his companions making idiots of themselves and when they do this very amusing Russian dance.

Afterwards I practically ran all the way down stairs. And asked the nice people at reception if he would be down soon. Then I waited... after a while some other people came. And then Natalie (or Tarezz Lee... well his girlfriend in any case) came and waited inside. She is very pretty, and sweet. She seemed slightly overwhelmed by the situation. And a few minutes later, out came Joe. I seemed to be the first to see him. I knew it was him straight away. The stubble gave it away. The first thing he did was to go over to hug and kiss Natalie (aww) He stayed inside for a bit, he had to sign stuff and take pictures for someone in the press I think. Then he came out.

He was wearing jeans, turned up at the end, yellow and black trainers (The ones he wears in 'Killing me Softly') and a thigh-length, black coat (again! From 'Killing me softly' [when he's going up the escalator at the end]). With a black T-shirt thing and a white shirt underneath. He was carrying a big one-strap dark grey bag on his shoulder and was wearing the blue 'element' cap he always wears now. Which looked nice on him. He was very stubbly and had his Berowne-style moustache. After he had signed the other girl's programs. I asked him to sign 'Blood ties', and he did. He just wrote 'Joe Fiennes' in the inside. He has really nice hands too, really lovely. He kinda looked at the book a bit. I think he wanted to look at his mum's picture. He said something but I didn't hear what it was- he said it very quietly. Then he gave it back to me and I thanked him and told him he was amazing in the play. He thanked me. Then I gave him this dumb letter I wrote him and just said 'um, here you go' and he asked "what this too, or..." He thought I wanted him to sign it. "Um no, its just to um, to" He saw his name on the back of the envelope. "To keep?" "Er yeah" and he laughed about the confusion. And of course the other fans laughed too- cause' he was laughing...

The other girl asked for a photo with him. So of course mother starts rushing to find her camera. And I think he was about to go but my mum said: "do you think you could just have a picture with you and Kate?" And I murmured "Oh Christ" slightly embarrassed. And he looked at me, right hard in the eyes, (big brown beautiful eyes) and he was smiling at me. And he goes "Kate?" (Ah he said my name *swoon*) he was still smiling. I nodded stupidly and said yes. Then he sort-of put his arm round me and for a second and then he brought it down and stood next to me. And we both smiled for the picture. I was just completely in a daze, you don't know how much my heart was beating, and then I said, "well done, you were brilliant." And he thanked me. Then he put his arm round his girlfriend and they started walking off, and wonderfully enough, we were going in the same direction. So I got to watch him from behind for a little while longer. He was really chatty with Natalie, and there was some confusion as to which way they should go but they went downstairs to the car park, and then that was it.

I was shaking like a leaf in a tornado! I could hardly open my book to look at the signature, and I couldn't speak, except to thank my mum He has the softest, loveliest voice, like honey. And you could get lost in his eyes! His eyelashes are so unbelievably long, and even though he was pissed off at being swarmed by annoying teenagers like myself. He was really friendly and sweet, and he smiled, and he laughed. He's the greatest person on earth. He was amazing. He was SO great and the most incredible actor. He ate the role alive, everyone adored him. He had everyone laughing so hard. I've never seen anyone act like that before, I've never seen so much chemistry, and I've never seen him so alive. His voice is wonderful, so powerful. And he has such a commanding presence. He stole the show. And that was the greatest day of my life... But there was more to come...

Part 2:

On Saturday 22nd of February ee got to the theatre at about quarter to eight. There were a group of cool theatre-boffs standing next to me who kept talking about Joe and what a great actor he was, and seemed to have seen most of his performances. Certainly Son of man, The Herbal bed and Edward II. Which I was rather pleased about. It was good we had got there early because there were loads more people behind us queuing up, but for different performances.

I got a ticket right at the front, for the matinee. They were D seats, and apparently the worst, but I didn't think so. I love being close to the stage so you can see every detail of the actors, and what there wearing and that 'twinkle in the eye' Geoffrey Rush talks about. Went home, got changed, had a shower etc. And then set off again.

I went in pretty quickly, I was right at the front, next to two very nice women. And two guys on the other side. The seats were great except for the stage was rather high up; but that only meant you couldn't see their feet. And in the interval the two ladies and I moved to the three free seats on the row behind, which meant you could see everything! It was brilliant being so close to him, he was right next to me a lot of the time, and because I was in the front we kept on making eye contact. And also I was probably grinning like an idiot which may have attracted attention... unfortunately for the first few minutes all I could see was a great white light (slightly worrying) from the gun shots and explosions. Which were right next to me and really bright and blinding. And when he was up in the tree he looked at the strange, forever-grinning kid and grinned a big grin right back at me. Which made me laugh. And I clapped till' my hands stung at the end.

I came out pretty quickly. But when I got to the stage door I found a whole bunch of strange old men standing there with big briefcases and folders. The evil people who wait outside the stage door for any famous actors and actresses so they can get their autographs and sell them on ebay or something. They managed to get John Barrowman's, Kate Fleetwood's and Catherine McCormack was there too, who seemed really nice. She signed a picture for them, rather unhappily, and I don't blame her. The old guy said 'that's a lovely photo of you.' Bleagh.

At one point Joe did come out too, he stood at the entrance to the stage door reception, rather that the exit to outside. To come down and get his friend. He was nervously glancing over at me and the other people outside. He seemed to think I was about to bound inside and pounce upon him. But he went up again with his friend.

It was quarter to six by then, and freezing. I was so cold, and then, the most wonderful thing happened. (Short of Joe running out and proposing) Nicola Sloane, who plays one of the ladies servants, came along. And said "Aren't you cold!?" To which I replied "Yes, absolutely freezing" And she said "Oh no! Oh come inside then!" So nice. And I went inside. She asked me whom I was waiting for and I said I was hoping to see Joe Fiennes, and she asked if I knew him and I said that no I was just a fan. "A very big fan!" She replied. And she inquired at the desk to see if they might call Joe down, which they couldn't. I was quite pleased about that. I didn't think he would particularly appreciate having to go all the way downstairs. So she just said that I could sit in reception and to "Keep warm!" So I sat. For forty-five minutes. Eventually I got slightly sick of the gay guy at reception and his friend with a rather active sex life, which they talked about for a long time- in detail. And I cracked when they seemed to be passing notes about me: writing something, passing it to the other person, nervously looking up at me and then giggling until they wrote another message, while glancing at me and giggling some more. So I wrote a quick note to Joe to say good luck in the rest of the performances, and well done etc. And asked giggly gay man and friend if they could possibly pass it onto him. They agreed and as I left immediately opened it up and began reading. Charming. So I started to walk away. Disappointed and rather depressed, cursing my luck and wondering why he couldn't have just come out for a second. And then I just had a feeling, I had a gut feeling and thought 'No! I shall not give up!' and went back again. And as I reach the stage door, a tall, lean, and very, very attractive and beautiful man is showing out his friend!...

He looked so cool, and so cute! He had his blue 'element' cap on again, except backwards, which looked really sweet and cool! And some sort-of baggy jeans on, with a dark green zip up top on. With two yellow stripes up the sleeves, and something written across the back. It was zipped up all the way. And he was playfully fiddling with the zip. Pulling the neck up over his nose. He had some pretty wacky trainers on, very colorful! He said goodbye to his friend with a manly, ghetto-style 'shake, and pat-back' handshake. He was looking at me very nervously. I was standing about three metres away, and even though I was relieved to see him, I was still freezing and hadn't recovered from my previous disappointment. I was looking down quite a lot. But it was hard to do. He is so incredibly beautiful. I could hardly take my eyes off him.

His friend began yelling something at him; Joe was looking at me, wondering what was going to do next. And yelled back at his friend that he was 'trying his best but he couldn't help it right now.' Or something like that. And was just turning to reach for the door when I called out

Kate: "Hey Joe...?" He swung around.

Joe: "Yeah?"

Kate: "I just wanted to say how brilliant you were, you were really amazing, well done."

Joe: "Oh, (smiling) thank you very much." He began to turn around again, but stopped and said "Hey, God do yer coat up, keep warm! Its freezing!" pulling an invisible coat around himself and smiling and squinting slightly... the way he sometimes does. And laughed. He was half a metre away; it was just him and I.

Kate: I chuckled too and pulled my coat around myself. "You know its just so inspiring to see such a great actor right there on stage!" Joe smiled and murmured his thanks. "And, you know, I really wanna act..."

Joe: He looked up and smiled "Oh Cool!"

Kate: "And it's basically because of you."

Joe: Oh... (He looked a little embarrassed, and looked down, modestly trying to hide a smile.) "Well, I mean, that's wonderful. Um, well, I mean, its not easy, but you just have to keep at it, and keep on going and give it your best. And I know you'll go far. I know you'll do it."

Kate: AH-HA-HA-HA! Could I be happier?!!! "Thank you." No, I mean, really, really thank you.

Joe: "And you know it's a good idea just to you know, try helping out backstage, see what goes on and everything." (Me: nodding) Join the youth theatre; just get involved as much as you can. But no," he stops and looks at me. "It's not easy, but you'll do it." He starts to turn and walk away...

Kate: Aagh! Panic! Don't go! "Well, you know. My dads always telling me all the bad stuff about it."

Joe: Interested again. He comes back, about a quarter of a metre away now! He laughs "Heh heh, yeah. Well I mean it's hard!" laughs again "It's hard! But if its something you have to do (I nod) then you just have to go for it. And, I don't know if you want to do theatre or film."

Kate: "Theatre."

Joe: "Ok, well if you want to do theatre, then you want to get some good training at a university or something.."

Kate: "Yeah, I really want to go to Guildhall..."

Joe: "Yeah Guildhall's good..."

Kate: "Like you did."

Joe: He looks at me and then down and shifts his weight to the other foot, modestly and rather embarrassed. "Um, yeah that's right." He looks up again determinedly and smiling. "But no, theatre is a really great family to be in, it is hard though, but you just have to keep going, keep trying and you will get there. I know you'll do it."

Kate: "Thanks... And well done again."

Joe: "Ok, thanks. See ya.." He pushes the door open and lifts his hand in a brief wave.

Kate: I give a brief wave back. "Bye."

WOOHOO!!! I just had a conversation with JOSEPH FIENNES!!! I swear everyone on the tube must have thought I was crazy, smiling like a madwoman and singing Coldplay and Travis quietly to myself. That time definitely beats the last one. How long have I dreamed about talking to Joe like that, just him, and me all alone, center-metres away from each other. He holds eye contact when he speaks like I always do. And he's very articulate, very kind. And he's everything I thought he would be. Everyone always said it was better not to meet him, because he'd be a complete git (HA! I think not!) And I'd be disappointed. But he lived up to all my hopes. He really is the greatest person on earth. He stood out in the cold for ages talking to me! I can't think of many actors that would do that. He is something special, and he made my day, he made my life!

Part 3:

I went along for the 3rd time on the 15th of March. I had B tickets this time, and was hoping to perhaps ask Joe for a hug...

I got to the theatre pretty much at seven o'clock. Joe seemed a lot more tired this time, he was still absolutely brilliant but he wasn't quite as funny in the first half- he must have been exhausted though after so many performances. By the second half he must have had a sip of vodka, cause' he was much more awake. It was great because he was literally right beside me. I could have grabbed his foot if I had wanted to. And was quite impressed to see he could blow smoke rings J . I'm so easily amused...

John Barrowman was really funny too. He kept on pulling faces at Jane Fowler and Mary Stockley and at one point when they were supposed to be putting up the marquee. He kept on squishing his face up with the two poles. Which made me laugh, but no one else seemed to notice.

After it had finished, and Joe had got a HUGE round of applause from the audience. I once again strolled on down to the stage door. The guy from reception looked slightly worried when he saw me there again. The weird, old autograph collectors were there also-in their thousands. And there were one or two other people there. Gradually more people started to come down. Including two really nice people who must have been freezing, and about five other women waiting for either John or Joe.

And then Joe came out. It took everyone else about an hour to realise he was there too. Looking unbelievably sexy: with his trademark 'element' cap, kind of baggy beige cargo-pants and yet another pair of really nice Nike trainers. (How many shoes does he have!?) He had a white tank top on. And over that he had a light-brown zip-up shirt, and over that his denim jacket he seems to really like at the moment, with his grey bag. He was talking to some lucky lady inside. And glanced at everyone outside- there were loads of them.

Joe kept on looking over to all the fans outside. And I managed to catch his eye once or twice. But I knew he wasn't going to come out. There were just too many people. Stupid autograph men, if they weren't there, there would have been far fewer people. Joe finished talking to the lady, and then left. He must have gone out another exit- through the car park or something. I waited a little bit longer- wishful thinking that maybe he had just gone back to get something, but of course, no.

I did go once more after that (hey it was a great play!) but I didn't even see him. Probably because it was the last Matinee and he had no cause to come out. I did get talking to a couple of the autograph people. Very strange people- really scheming and manipulative. They were talking with me about Joe when he didn't come out. Philip Voss had told them that Joe had gone out for a bit and that they were better off waiting in the foyer, or something. Because he usually comes in and out through there or something like that. I just stayed put. I didn't think Philip Voss would be handing out tips. Afterwards they discovered that he had never actually left the building and was sitting happily inside drinking tea (haha). They said that he was really well known for doing stuff like that. And that if you can get a Joseph Fiennes autograph then that's really something! In the Ebay autograph-selling world anyway. The receptionist guy and me were practically on first name terms! I sat inside most of the time- he said it was ok. And I went in before I left, and said: "Me again!" I asked if he could get a message to Joseph Fiennes to say 'good luck' in the last performance. And he was really nice and said. "Yes, yes I will do that for you." And I thanked him and left.

And thus were my experiences with the wonderful, Mr. Joe Fiennes. The nicest, kindest, most articulate and polite. Warmest and most welcoming person I have ever met. He's so selfless, he's a real giver, if you know what I mean. He has this incredible air about him. He's just so special, but he seems to be so ordinary. He is just so likeable. It's impossible not to like him, because he's just flawless. Or so is what I get from my ten minutes with him. But hey, if that's the impression I get from ten minutes, I'd definitely like to get to know the real Joe Fiennes better!
