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December 31, 2000

- From the Observer, Sunday December 31, 2000, by Susannah Clapp

My Highlight of the Coming Year

Joseph Fiennes will take the title role in Marlowe's rarely performed Edward II at the Sheffield Crucible in March, where he'll be directed by Michael Grandage, the winner of this year's Evening Standard Award for best director. Actor and director seem to have looked over Shakespeare's shoulder to Marlowe at the same moment: Grandage had just decided to stage Edward II when he received a call from Fiennes saying he had been looking for a way to do the part.

Grandage considers him perfect casting, since the play - generally considered to have influenced Shakespeare's Richard II - demands an actor who can suggest a concentrated internal struggle, and Fiennes is more interested in the passive aspects of character than in rhetorical 'splurges'. Nevertheless, he can splurge and declaim when required.

This is an epic play with a big narrative sweep; the action covers several decades, shifting from Paris to the Tower of London, from battlefield to palace. The production will have a cast of 18, and will be designed by Christopher Oram, who has created beautiful spaces for Grandage's previous productions.

Edward II has, Grandage recalls, been performed as 'a rubber-clad gayfest', but he sees it differently: as a political play with a gay theme which, in telling a chunk of English history, pits a new generation against the old in a way that makes it possible to side with anyone. It is, he thinks, 'fantastically anarchic'.

Edward II runs from 8-31 March at the Sheffield Crucible (0114 249 6000)

December 23, 2000 lists "Flesh and Blood" as one of Joe's former theatre plays with the following text:

"Play: Helen Griffin's hysterical play set around a South Wales family. Dad always has an opinion, daughter Serena is having an affair and son Steve is into dodgy dealings, leaving Mum to try and keep the family together.


Hamstead Theatre (Company)
Sherman Theatre Company (Company)
Mike Peters (Composer: The Alarm)
Phil Clark (Direction)
Sean Crowley (Design)
Di Butcher (Performer)
Brian Hibbard (Performer)
Joseph Fiennes (Performer)
Tara Fitzgerald (Performer)
Rhys Ifans (Performer)
Steven Meo (Performer)
Michele McTernan (Performer)

Adults only"

It seems it was performed in Sherman Theatre which is said to be in Cardiff, Wales. It lists 2000 as production year, and seeing it has also Tara Fitzgerald and Rhys Ifans in it, it could have been around the time of filming Rancid Aluminium. We will tell you if we find out more!

December 22, 2000

- Yesterday, Entertainment Tonight had a First Look at EATG.

- And this comes from Dark Horizons Headlines, Thursday December 21st 2000

"Enemy at the Gates: In 1998 there were two WWII films - the flashy and grandly themed "Saving Private Ryan", and the subversive and gritty "The Thin Red Line". Next year "Pearl Harbor" will fit the former model, whilst this story about two snipers playing a cat-and-mouse game during one of the war's most horrific battles will be the other. Now Movieweb has scored some great new stills from the production. Select theatres will be playing this around Christmas to qualify it for Oscar contention, but the film itself opens across the country sometime in April."

There is a picture of Jude and Rachel, one of a battle scene and this one here of Joe and Jude.

December 13, 2000

- Жозеф Файнс means Joseph Fiennes in Russian (syrillic script). We found that on this Russian page which links to NOJ :)

December 7, 2000

- From This is London:

"No wonder the whispers have it that once Mendes can no longer take the strain of programming the Donmar and subjugating Hollywood, he will hand over the reins to Grandage, who has already been fast- tracked into an associate directorship. For the moment, you'll hear all the right noises about Grandage's commitment to the Crucible in Sheffield, where he is responsible for programming. "It is more important to me than anything," he says. "I have a real need to make that place come alive again and I don't see that as a short-term job." It's a sign of his personal magnetism that he has lured Joseph Fiennes up to Sheffield to play Edward II in February. Doubtless more stars will follow the scent northwards in pursuit of an odds-on hit."

December 5, 2000

- Short article in Heat Magazine December 9-15 2000

Monday, 27 November, London

Heather & Joe get passionate

Heather Graham's bleeding nose was no deterrent to tender hunk Joseph Fiennes, who ignored the trickling claret and got straight into some serious snogging. The pair were snapped mingling tongues on a street off London's Strand last week, where they were filming the romantic thriller "Killing Me Softly".

In the movie, "Shakespeare in Love" star Fiennes chases off a mugger before returning for his lipsmacking reward from "Boogie Nights" hottie Heather Graham.

In real life, Graham split with actor-director Ed Burns in June, and has been dating "The Patriot" star Heath Ledger since the summer, when she met him in Prague: he was there shooting medieval swashbuckler "A Knight's Tale" and she was filming "From Hell" with Johnny Depp.

"Killing Me Softly" is adapted from the novel by Nicci French, the English husband-and-wife team Nicci Gerrard and Sean French. It's the first English-language film from celebrated Chinese director Chen Kaige.

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