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March 31, 2000

We thought they pulled a fast one on us, but we managed to track down a site that has RA for sale on DVD. Go to for more details.

March 22, 2000

Film site Upcoming Movies now has an EATG page. Thanks to Bobbi for finding this!

March 21, 2000

- This is from the This is London (Evening Standard) Webpage:

Hollywood moguls march to Europe in Stalingrad's wake

by ALLAN HALL in Berlin

THE most expensive movie ever made in Europe is on schedule and has triggered a Hollywood exodus from the sun-baked West Coast of America to Berlin.

Columbia Tristar, one of the top five studios in the world, is considering moving at least three of its major productions to the Potsdam-Babelsberg studios 10 miles from the centre of the German capital next year. If it does, the business will be worth £120 million to the German economy.

Facilities, skill, tax breaks and a general mood that Europe is somehow 'in', are conspiring to make Hollywood break with its introspective tradition and move out.

Jürgen Schau, Germany's Columbia representative, said: 'Productions are on the way. It now needs more investment this end, but the word is out that Europe is in.'

Tinseltown moguls are said to have reacted enthusiastically to the production of Enemy at the Gates, which stars Ed Harris of Apollo 13 fame, Jude Law and Shakespeare in Love actor Joseph Fiennes.

The story of the bloodiest battle of the Second World War - Stalingrad - a mammoth epic costing £60 million, has run smoothly since pre-production began last year. Hollywood producer Peter Strauss, who created the Liza Minnelli hit Cabaret, is financing the epic being made at the sprawling labyrinth of sound stages and sets for Paramount.

Jean-Jacques Annand, award-winning French director of the medieval sleuth-movie The Name of the Rose, is directing the picture which began filming in January. The film, which tells the story of the vanquished German 6th Army, humanises the mammoth struggle by concentrating on a duel amid the carnage between two snipers - one German, one Russian.

The studios, where the 1930s classic The Blue Angel was made, is upgrading its facilities for film makers.

Film industry Analyst Klaus Mettmann said: 'Hollywood is attracted for a variety of reasons, but the best reason is the bottom line. Stalingrad would have cost a third to a half more in Hollywood.'

March 14, 2000

- British magazine "Harpers Queen" (March 2000, pag. 50) has a small picture of Joe accompanying the following article:

"Hot Properties" by Diana McAdam

The Surveyor Presents Another First-class Batch of Desirable Men.

Buy of the Month.
Ravishing period residence in a sought-after location; guaranteed to be snapped up quickly.

Name: Joseph Fiennes
Age: 29
Occupation: Actor
Selling points: Joe, one of the youngest of the revoltingly glamorous and talented Fiennes clan, shot to fame in 1998 with the film Elizabeth. His burning gaze and tight hose were again employed to stunning effect in Shakespeare in Love, where they not only caused Gwyneth Paltrow to swoon but also earned him an Oscar nomination. Tom Stoppard, who wrote the Oscar-winning screenplay, describes him as 'sensitive with a very macho centre.' Joe, who admits being 'a bit of a romantic,' recently split from Catherine McCormack.
Previously history: The peripotetic upbringing of the Fiennes siblings has been exhaustively documented: Joe has said that it left him 'socially sophisticated." Quit school at sixteen to study art, but instead spent three years at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Currently appears in Rancid Alumminium.

(As you probably noticed there is a mistake in this article when they say "...earned him an Oscar nomination.")

- In last weeks' Sunday Times (UK), there was an article in the style section about a recent poll by GQ naming Britain's 50 best-dressed men. No proper Joe mention, except for on the top 20 list they printed (in italics are the comments that were printed describing them)

1 Liam Gallagher - Lairy pop star
2 David Beckham - Celebrity footballer
3 Gianluca Vialli - Chelsea maestro
4 Nick Moran - Actor
5 David Bowie - Renaissance nerd
6 Terence Stamp - Actor and national institution
7 Robbie Williams - "Just so cool," voted Charlotte Church
8 A A Gill - Name rings a bell -- note, he wrote the article
9 Eddie Izzard - Comedian/transvestite
10 Noel Gallagher - "Because he's my husband," voted Meg Matthews
11 The Prince of Wales - The Queen's son
12 Jude Law - "Smart, understated and sexy" says Ales James of Blur
13 Rupert Everett - Actor
14 Joseph Fiennes - Ralph's brother (we are not amused)
15 Ozwald Boateng - Saville Row tailor
16 Pierce Brosnan - James Bond
17 Hugh Grant - "Because a) he's my boyfriend, and b) I choose lots of his clothes," said Liz Hurley
18 Graham Coxon - Blurbloke
19 Paul Boateng - Politician. "Elegant suits, simple as that," voted Sebastian Conran
20 Paul Weller - "Mod cool...consistently cool," says Paul Smith

March 2, 2000

- TATLER magazine (March) with Jay Kay and his sisters on the cover has a small but never seen before picture of Joe on page 195. He is posing with his father, Mark Fiennes, and a lady called Rebecca Proctor. There is also a picture of Ralph with his sister Martha, and a small of Maya Fiennes, Magnus wife.

The whole page has pictures of guests that attended a dinner party that happened after the Onegin premiere in London. The title of the article is "One Fiennes day" and it says: "Following the premiere of Onegin, Ralph and Martha Fiennes co-hosted a dinner with the Friends of the Bolshoi. There was a full quota of Fienneses present at the Onegin party, including gamekeeper Jake, who usually shuns the luvvie limelight..."

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