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October 21, 2000

- Chaucer 2000 Tales:

Just to remind you all that on Monday the "Chaucer 2000 Tales" series will start on BBC Radio 4. Joe will be on with the Teachers Tale on Wednesday, 25 October, at 2.15 pm. Find the whole schedule with information about the tales and the writers here: BBC Radio 4 - 2000 Tales - Introduction

Where would you find playwrights John Mortimer, Barrie Keeffe, and Liz Lochhead teaming up with actors Joseph Fiennes, Warren Mitchell, and Meera Syall? In the Four Seasons service station on the M1, telling stories.

There's the DJ who used to be a nun, the pleasure-wear executive, the Shepherd from Barking, the Slapper, the Publicist, and a whole host of others. Twenty-one writers, fifty actors, three directors, and nearly six hours of drama - BBC Radio 4 presents 2000 Tales.

- Availability of Joe's radio plays for sale:

From an email which I am allowed to share with you and quote here:

"I actually phoned the BBC and after some time being passed from one person to another I got through to a woman in marketing.

She "thinks" that Dianeira will be released for sale at some time in the near future "as it has been aired twice now".

2000 Tales will "almost certainly" go to sell-through. The reason she knows this is "because it was expensive".

She suspects that there are no plans to release Up Against It or it would have happened by now. The only way you are going to get this released is if a) he wins an Oscar, b) he dies (Both you - and he - may not be keen on this one!) or c) if you "clamour" for it.

I thought c) was a pretty hopeless suggestion but she told me that some Doctor Who fans managed to get the entire lot - seven series - released on video by a concerted lobbying campaign. Apparently because the BBC is a publicly-owned company they have an obligation to respond to public demand. So get clamouring, girl!"

There is a feedback site at: BBC Online - Feedback
You can write to them at
BBC, PO Box 1116 , Belfast BT2 7AJ
or call them on 08700 100 222

October 20, 2000

- Rancid Aluminium (previously available on DVD only) is to be released on VHS PAL in the UK on 6th November. are taking pre-orders now. You can find it here.

October 18, 2000

- Daily Variety, October 18, 2000:

Pathe, Amuse plan to make a 'Killing' in the U.K., Japan
By Adam Dawtrey

LONDON - Chen Kaige's "Killing Me Softly," starring Heather Graham and Joseph Fiennes, has been sold to Pathe in the U.K. and Amuse Video in Japan.

Deals were struck by Kirk D'Amico's Myriad Pictures, which is handling foreign sales for Ivan Reitman and Tom Pollock's Montecito Pictures. MGM will release the pic in North America.

The romantic thriller, which starts shooting in London this month, concerns a woman who risks everything for a dark stranger. It co-stars Natascha McElhone and Ian Hart.

Pic reps Chen Kaige's first foray into the English language after his arthouse success with films such as "Farewell My Concubine," "The Emperor and the Assassin" and "Temptress Moon."

Pathe Entertainment managing director Francois Ivernel said, "With the exceptional talent of Chen Kaige and such a brilliant cast, 'Killing Me Softly' will revive the genre of the erotic thriller."

In Japan, Gaga Communications will handle the theatrical release for Amuse.

October 17, 2000

- Radio Times 21-27 October:

Joe will be on Radio 4 (UK) on Wednesday 25 October at 2.15 pm in the Teachers Tale, one of the Radio 2000 Tales in honour of Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. Find the full schedule listed below:

Radio 2000 Tales (2.15pm R4)

A major new drama series reflecting the state of the nation at the beginning of the 21st Century, just as Chaucer reflected that of the 14th century in his Canturbury Tales-starts today. The scene is set when a sad man breaks his journey at a service station near Nottingham.

Monday 23 October 2.15 Afternoon Play: 2000 Tales

When a group of travellers are forced to take shelter from a storm in a motorway service station, they soon discover that everyone has a remarkable story to tell. Throughout the week 21 writers pay tribute on the 600th anniversary of Chaucer's death in a major new series of dramas.

Prologue by Sebastian Baczkiewicz
A man returns from Andalucia to attend a funeral in Northumberland. Breaking his journey at the Four Seasons Services, he encounters a waitress who relates the story of a strange and stormy night. She finds herself thrown into a crisis when the motorway is closed due to a terrible storm. Drenched motorists descend on her and she proposes that they tell stories to lighten their spirits. With Robert Glenister and Zita Sattar as Jonty and Nisha.

The Funeral Orators Tale by Christina Reid with Frances Tomelty as Annie McBride
The Fishermans Tale by Nick Darke with Carl Grose as the Fisherman

The Dj Who Used To Be a Nun's Tale by Marcy Kahan with Eleanor Bron
The Old Wifes Tale by Peter Sansom with Elizabeth Spriggs as Gladys
The Bankers Tale by Rukhsana Ahmad with Madhav Sharma, Priyanga Elan, Meera Syral and Paul Bhat-tacharjee

The Teachers Tale by Glyn Maxwell. A class is disturbed by the arrival of a strange supply teacher who forces the children to confess to a crime they did not commit. With Joseph Fiennes

The Quiet Gentleman's Barbers Tale by Jeremy Front with Warren Mitchell
The Slappers Tale by Sarah Daniels with Lesley Manville. Director Mary Peate

The Politicians Tale by Kara Miller with Barbara Leigh Hunt and Mary Wimbush
The Editors Tale by John Mortimer with David Swift, Terence Edmond, Suzannah Hamilton, Andrew Scott and Tom George
The Good Womans Tale by Lin Coghlan with Doreen Keogh, Maureen O'Brian, Andrew Scott and Sophie Walsh

The Pleasurewear Sales Rep's Tale by Gill Adams with Jessica Stevenson
The Rector's Tale by Andrew Russik with Joss Ackland
The Publicists Tale by Sebastian Backiewicz with Henry Goodman, Pip Donaghy, Flaminia Cinque and Darren Tighe

2000 Tales concludes Sunday 29th at 7.30 pm on Radio 3.

- Heat Magazine 21-23 October:

An article about Tommy Hilfiger under the title "Tom-tom club Tommy Hilfiger is winning star fans with his new, more sophisticated collection" features a picture of Joe from BAFTA's and Tommy Hilfiger telling us that "Joseph Fiennes was charming when we dressed him recently".

- Evening Standard, 16 October, fashion section:

"I resist the temptation to drench myself in Poison, although I can't avoid rubbing shoulders with some gold St Tropez body glitter before teetering off in Sigerson Morrison red stilettos to the launch of Imogen Ed-wards-Jones's novel. Its called My Canapé Hell. How apt. As soon as I get through the door of the Pharmacy (ignoring muffled giggles from the bouncers), four photographers start taking snaps, delighted that anyone should be making a fool of themselves while the night is yet young - the puffball makes the next day. "When I last wore one of those, I was throwing up at the bottom of the garden," remembers Imogen, handing me a glass of something sticky with an umbrella and a glace cherry, before introducing me to Joseph Fiennes. "Who designed it?" he asks diplomatically, and refuses to be drawn further. His friend, actor James Frayn, gets top prize for cleverest puffism: "Puff is the new black."

- BBC Online, Tuesday 17th October 2000:

Young film-makers get set for Tinseltown

Ever wanted to make a film with a real star?

Budding young film-makers from around Britain have been recording and editing their own short films with a host of celebrities.

Thirteen-year-old Sarah Clarke was paired with Shakespeare himself - British actor Joseph Fiennes from the hit film Shakespeare in Love. Newsround went along the Royal College of Art to find out how she was getting on.

Sarah and Joseph took to the streets to film the homeless - and try to get an idea of what life on the streets must be like. "Focus on their faces and their characters," Joseph told Sarah.

Back at the Royal College, Sarah is able to take a look at her work: "It's been really great using the camera - you can zoom in and really see people's faces. I'm quite pleased with the thing I've filmed," she adds, "although sometimes I forgot to press the record button!"

Then again, understanding your equipment is half the battle in good film-making: "You can load the pictures in, make them larger, and finally cut them to make your story," Sarah explains. "I've really enjoyed doing it, and I'll definitely try this again!"

October 15, 2000

- Sad EATG news: reports that "Paramount has moved EATG to February 23, 2001. You can scratch another film off your Oscar 2001 checklist."

October 14, 2000

- The new OK! magazine (UK) has this snippet, accompanied by a Bafta pic:

"Joseph Fiennes can't bear to party

Shakespeare in Love actor Joseph Fiennes has admitted he avoids stepping out on the London party scene on account of his crazed female fans. Joseph, 30, said "Every party is a nightmare for me. I just make sure I'm not often on the streets." "

October 10, 2000

- The Pink Ribbon Magazine in aid of Breast Cancer Awareness contains 2 Joe pics - one showing him at the front as one of the patrons (not new, Shakespeare beard), the other is small and black and white and could be new. And there is a picture of the cloth he signed for the pink ribbon quilt. We will post the pics as soon as we have them.

October 8, 2000

The Express October 9, 2000:

Reluctant star Joe adopts stealth mode London's hectic social scene was enriched last Thursday with the rare appearance of Joseph Fiennes, star of Shakespeare In Love, at trendy Notting Hill bar Pharmacy, to celebrate the launch of Imogen Edwards-Jones's book, My Canape Hell.

Alas, the intensely private Fiennes, brother of actor Ralph, was ill at ease at the bash. Minutes after turning up - posing alongside Hilary And Jackie actor James Frain - Fiennes confided that fame sits unhappily with him.

"Every party is a nightmare for me," admitted the bearded Joe, 30. Happily, Fiennes has a cunning plan for avoiding any over-zealous fans on the streets. "I just make sure I'm not often on the streets," he confides.

October 7, 2000

- Here is what it says in the editorial of Marie Claire magazine:

"When Joseph Fiennes agreed to be shot at his Notting Hill home, we all got so exited that a Marie Claire team consisting of me, Kerry, stylist Sarah Clarke, make-up artist Fiona Jolly, Brigitte and her two burly assistants arrived at his front door with armfuls of clothes. "Oh. I thought it was just going to be a little snap of me in it, can't I just put it on with these jeans?" said the star of Shakespeare In Love when we descended upon him. He remained very good natured throughout the shoot in his back garden, despite the fact we made him very late for a meeting. "Can anyone give me a lift into town?" he asked, batting those enourmous eyes. I am afraid a rather undignified fight followed, which the make-up artist won."

The Shoot itself has Joe reclining on the grass and is a double page. He is wearing his "Drop the debt" t-Shirt and cargo jeans and black trainers. Apparently the signed prints will be auctioned. The other picture is later in the mag and shows you how you can dress inexpensively like some of the men featured in the "Drop the debt" campaign so they have a picture of Joe in a suit and grey tie and then it has the sort of suit you could buy next to it to get the same look.
It has a caption of "Super-sharp Joseph Fiennes"
The caption with the main photo reads "Joseph Fiennes actor
(Shakespeare in Love and Elizabeth) Photographed on July 21 2000 in the garden of his London home
"If we want a different kind of millenium, we need to kick it off with something extraordinary. What better way than unchaining the Third World from a debt burden that robs children of their lives and prevents millions of people from enjoying the things we in the West take for granted".

October 6, 2000

- Joe was voted # 25 in the World's Sexiest Men list. Check This is London as well as the New Woman Magazine November edition.

- The long awaited Marie Claire issue with Joe in it hit the newsstands today! It is the UK November 2000 issue. He and some other guys are modelling Armani clothes. The pics will be on NOJ as soon as possible.

October 5, 2000

- Pic alert!

There is a new pic of Joe in Now Magazine (UK), 11 October edition at Billy Elliott premiere. He is wearing a navy baseball cap, a leather jacket and black t-shirt.

October 2, 2000

- From the Indepedent, UK, September 30:

"To commemorate the 600th anniversary of the death of Geoffrey Chaucer, Radio 4 is mounting an ambitious modern tribute to the great author, utilising the style and the structure of The Canterbury Tales in a contemporary setting. Twenty-one writers have each contributed to the overarching story of a group of travellers trapped in a motorway service station by a freak storm. As the night drags on, they start to swap travellers' tales. The settings for their stories - told by actors as diverse as Joseph Fiennes, Eleanor Bron, Joss Ackland, Henry Goodman, Warren Mitchell and Meera Syal - range from rural India to downtown Manhattan. "

Further in the Independent it says that the airing date is October 21 and mentions that "the actor Joseph Fiennes is a teacher in a story by poet Glyn Maxwell." For the whole article, go here.

October 1, 2000

- Found on

"Over at, Jeffrey Wells reports that Paramount may have to move the release of EATG to 2001 if Annaud doesn't deliver the film in time."

- And this is the news from itself:

"Jean-Jacques Annaud's Enemy at the Gates said to be unlikely to make its Dec. 22 release date via Paramount. A Paramount spokesperson says "there are a lot of effect shots to be completed, so we'll just have to see how it goes and make a decision soon about whether we can do it in time or not, and keep our fingers crossed."

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