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<center><font size=20><font color=navy>Welcome!</font color=navy></font size=20></centre>

This is the home of Blair the Alien.

This web page will have a little bit of everything I'm interested in, which is basicaly TV shows and the fanfic that's been written about them.

Feel free to browse around, and you can email me, to tell me what you think, if you like.Flames will be kindly ignored. Just use the link at the bottom.

Launched 11/11/99

Updated 02/8/2001


My Poltergeist: the Legacy page.

This page is mostly fanfic and links.

My Star Trek page.

Once again, fanfic and links.

Niamh's Page

Misc funny stuff I'm hosting for my friend.

Links Page.

Links to my favourite pages on the web.


E-mail me.
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