English Man In New York
- Nick: EINY, Big D, D-train, Sexual Chocolate
- Years supporting the Arsenal- since 1977
- Where do u sit when watching arsenal- in front of a telly
- Any other teams you support- NONE!
- Reason for supporting Arsenal- son of a Sperz supporter, had my head kicked in as a kid by Chelsea/Liverpool and United supporting classmates, so there was NO way I was going to support one of those teams, add it up and you get a GOONAH!
- Favourite Current Player- Adams, Kanu and Vieira
- Favourite all time player- Liam Brady and Ian WRIGHT WRIGHT WRIGHT!
- Favourite Arsenal Manager- Gooner George (sorry!)
- Least Favourite Arsenal player Ever- Ray Parlour
- 1st game you remember- the 1976/77 season.... total and utter RUBBISH was being played by us!;)
- 1st game attended- 1979 away at Chelsea. "Super Mac" Malcolm McDonald scored for us in the last minute!:)
- How long on Afci?- over a year now.
- 1st person you met from AFCI- Spanish Eddie and Svenskalita I do believe it was on that first posting.
- Best Arsenal Memory- 1979 FA Cup final
- Worst Arsenal Memory- 1980 when we lost 2 cups in 5 days and missed out on a place in Europe for the next season by 1 match......."gutted"
- If you managed Arsenal what would be the 1st you’d do?- Open up the coffers and build that 60,000 seater and bring us Ruud Van Nistelrooij IMMEDIATELY! And throw a HUGE party with Gooners!:)