Latin Girl

- Nickname: Latin Girl, Latina (EINY calls me that), Lulu
- Supported Arsenal: Since 1998
- Reason for supporting Arsenal: Friend was a gooner, got me interested, watched a game and fell in love
- Been on AFCi: since July 1999
- First person met on AFCi: no-one yet, hopefully ECFS will be the first
- Favourite current player: I like Paddy the most, he really adds something. Else- Bati (mi amor!!!!!) and Samuel (going to Roma this year.....sob!!! There goes another of our players to Europe! More money for us I suppose)
- Favourite all-time player: Wright from watching him play I guess, but seriously, Diego Maradona is the owner of my heart. I hope he gets well soon, we're with you Diego all the way (sorry, as an argentinean I MUST write this). Hang in there, we love you! Oleeee, ole, ole, oleeeee....Diego.......Diego...... ok, got carried away there.
- Favourite manager: ok......this is hard. I don't really have a fave Arsenal manager, even though I do like Wenger. I DO have one but nobody would know him (sob sob) unless you know anything about Argentine football. Carlitos Bianchi is near the top now though.
- Least favourite all-time player: Arsenal: Anelka- else, and a really evil player, Enzo Francescoli
- First game went to: none yet!!!! My first footy game was Boca against Union, with my dad
- Normally sit: on the couch.... and in tribuna alta or the popular at Boca games.
- Worst Arsenal Memory: losing against Manure... like "oh, that's nice."
- 1st Arsenal memory: When they played against an argentine team, Independiente (more than a decade ago).
- Support any other teams? Boca Juniors, Boca Juniors, Boca Juniors...... oh, Lazio too I guess. And Boca Juniors. And Argentina, if it counts, above all. No country more wild or passionate
- If You Were Arsenal Manager, What Would You Do? Ok, for starters I'd like a stronger attack, which would never stop working together with midfield. I'd like a really good partnership at the front too. Y un centrocampista que funcione bien como enganche central (had to put that in spanish, no idea how to say it in english). I'd also kill myself for this later on, but I'd buy Riquelme from my beloved Boca, because he is the kind of player we need. Or I could fantasize with having Veron and Redondo working together because they make a great duo. Another thing, I'd get rid of Seaman and put in a better gk, and also keep on the lookout, constantly, for young talent in the lower divisions like we do in Southamerica. And turn Highbury into a historical building and build a bigger stadium (the manager wouldn't really be the one to do this but what the hell), and I might as well dream of having coloured smoke and huge flags covering the whole stadium and the players dancing and waving their shirts in the air (or pulling off their shorts like some do here!)