- Nick:librarian aka libby,lippy and several unflattering nick names
- Years supporting the Arsenal: 22 although I have a picture of me wearing an Arsenal shirt that predates that
- Where do u sit when watching arsenal: reformed Clock Ender seeing out his old age in the East Lower
- Any other teams you support: anyone playing Manure or Spurts,also got a soft for milwall
- Reason for supporting Arsenal: no family or peer pressure - Love at first sight
- Favourite Current Player: Adams,Suker
- Favourite all time player: Charlie Nick,Adams, Bergkamp,Brady
- Favourite Arsenal Manager: George Graham - I wonder where that wax work is
- 1st game you remember: can barely remember the last game but I think its losing to Ipswich
- 1st game attended: see above but my bet is either Watford or Newcastle.
- First ever Footie match I attended was the 1976 CWC Final Anderlecht v Hamburg in Amsterdam
- How long on Afci?: 9 months
- 1st person you met from AFCI: Mrs Overmars in a pub
- Best Arsenal Memory: FA Cup Final 79 and Anfield 89
- Worst Arsenal Memory: Black Sunday 91 v Spurs
- If you managed Arsenal what would be the 1st you'd do? Float the Club and sort the Stadium situation out for once and for all