Mrs Overmars
- Nick: Mrs Overmars, Joker
- Years supporting the Arsenal - about 20, but have only been going to see them for about 10 years
- Where do u sit when watching arsenal - North Bank Upper usually
- Any other teams you support - No but always look for results of Charlton & Gillingham
- Reason for supporting Arsenal - Family thing - great grandad, grandad, dad and his 6 brothers
- Favourite Current Player - Love them all most of the time
- Favourite all time player - Ian Wright & Tone (also loved Anders Limpar when he was there)
- Favourite Arsenal Manager - AW
- Least Favourite Arsenal player Ever - Andy Linighan
- 1st game you remember - first one I went to
- 1st game attended - Crystal Palace v Arsenal - 14th April 1989/90. Score 1 - 1 Martin Hayes
- How long on Afci? About a year now
- 1st person you met from AFCI - Stuart (but he quickly introduced me to Pods and NBB)
- Best Arsenal Memory - Too many to mention - but winning the league in 1990/91. Walking down the road afterwards sharing champagne with complete gooner strangers - fantastic !
- Worst Arsenal Memory - There are two. Arse -v- Scum semi final - sitting right behind the goal at Wembley when that fat b-astards goal went in and also sitting in Parc De Prince just waiting for the whistle to blow when that ex yid w-anker scored from the half way line. Cried my eyeballs out on both occasions !!!
- If you managed Arsenal what would be the 1st you'd do? Shower with & shag the team :>)))))