- Nick: (Rockhead)
- Years supporting the Arsenal: Life ! 32 years
- Where do u sit when watching arsenal: Northbank
- Any other teams you support: No
- Reason for supporting Arsenal: family history, father, frandfather
- Favourite Current Player: Tony Adams
- Favourite All TimePlayer: Liam Brady
- Favourite Arsenal Manager: Herbert Chapman - although way before my time but i have read enough about him
- Least Favourite Arsenal player Ever: Willie Young ! although nice foul in 1980 cup final on Paul Allen !
- 1st game you remember: v Ipswich 78 cup final
- 1st game attended: v Forest boring 0-0 draw back in early 80's
- How long on Afci?: 18 months
- 1st person you met from AFCI: no one
- Best Arsenal Memory: Michael Thomas goal v Liverpool to win the league
- Worst Arsenal Memory: 6-2 defeat by Man U.
- If you managed Arsenal what would be the 1st you'd do?: Move to a bigger ground