Sexy Gooner

- nick: Sexy Gooner
- Years supporting the Arsenal: 19
- Where do u sit when watching arsenal: North Bank
- Any other teams you support? U talking to me?
- Reason for supporting Arsenal cos they r the best, and family tradition
- Favourite Current Player Tony adams
- Favourite all time player Ian Wright Wright Wright!!!!
- Favourite Arsenal Manager arsene wenger, come on, with a name like that its got to be fate!
- Least Favourite Arsenal player Ever David Seaman
- 1st game you remember arsenal v derby - 89 season where we lost and then had to win by 2 by 2 goals anfield, i sat in the west stand - boring!!!
- 1st game attended as above
- How long on Afci? 9 months (March 1999)
- 1st person you met from AFCI e comes from senegal
- Best Arsenal Memory winning the double, going to fa cup final
- Worst Arsenal Memory losing the league on the last day of the 98-99 season
- If you managed Arsenal what would be the 1st you’d do? keep on tony adams as a defence coach, get rid of seaman and put in manninger full time give the defence a fat pay rise, build a bigger stadium, for long term prospects, get petit to play in defence for when he is older, buy ian wright back for moral if not anything else