All articles (c) 1999-2000 D. Davies, except

'Miasma Man' written by Steve Green (c) 2000

Images sampled from various sources.

'The Chop House' (c) 2000 D. Davies

The X-Men are a trademark of Marvel Comics and are used here

without permission.



  • THE MANDRILL is intended as a work of humour, and not as any form of serious reportage. All comments made about organisations, individuals etc. are used in the spirit of parody and satire.
  • Readers are welcome to contribute comments, articles, artwork etc. THE MANDRILL reserves the right to re-edit, expand or augment submitted material prior to publication. Contributors will recieve confirmation by e-mail before publication, and , where applicable, the opportunity to examine any changes made to submitted material. However, the editor's decision is final.
  • THE MANDRILL is run on a non-commercial basis. No money changes hands at all at any stage of its production. Therefore, contributors cannot be paid for material submitted. Contributors will recieve a writing credit, credit for any images supplied, and the undying thanks of the editor.