issue 1 - Jan 2000

The following is a tissue of complete lies. Not rumours, or half-truths, or anything of the sort, but blatant, bare-faced FALSEHOODS! I mean, God, I'm a showbiz gossip columnist. Doesn't mean I have either journalistic integrity, nor any responsibility to tell the truth. And if you think about it, I mean really think hard until you start seeing coloured shapes in front of your eyes, is there any such thing as a universal, objective truth? There are six billion people on this stupid, mucky little planet, each with a unique take on events. Everybody sees things from their own perspective, ergo there cannot be an objective reality. So I made all this stuff up. At least I did it all myself, not with a phalanx of flunkies like most of the columnists you see in 'proper' newspapers...

The actor Johnny Depp, star of Tim Burton's 'Sleepy Hollow', has allegedly gone in for some bizzare plastic surgery. Depp has reportedly paid a surgeon to tuck both buttocks in such a way as to give the impression of having a seperate arse on each buttock. He is rumoured to have remarked to friends that he's wanted this done since childhood. "Everyone will think I've just the one butt", he is alleged to have told US chat show host Jay Leno, " but I'll know that I've got three."

Rumours of romance between Matt Damon and his right hand were this week given further credence when the pair were seen out together at a charity Buckaroo contest in Los Angeles. In interviews Damon has insisted the relationship was strictly platonic, but according to witnesses they were inseperable all evening, and left together in a taxi.

Soul singing sensation Michael Bolton eats brass and wears a dog costume in an attempt to be treated by a vet rather than visit a normal human physician. Bolton has booked himself in to be spayed in April 2000.

Oasis brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher are to be immortalised in frozen seals milk, when a new sculpture is unveiled at a gala ceremony in Manchester, England. The statue, entitled 'The Persistance Of Lumbago', depicts the bad boy rockers wearing fixed grins and giving the 'thumbs-up' to a child's drum kit. It was commissioned by Manchester City Council to reflect their hopes and wishes for the new millenium.

Comedian Jerry Seinfeld reportedly caused a furore at a swanky New York restaurant when his knife and fork were laid out at a 'frightening' angle. Seinfeld, a known sufferer of Perpendicular Cutlery Display Disorder, was said to have dropped to the floor in a foetal position and screamed for his mother at the sight of a perfect right-angle formed by a soup spoon and a dessert spoon. Seinfeld's aide commented "He's fine with an 89 degree or 91 degree angle, but never 90 degrees. That's when the demons arrive." A waiter, hitherto unaware of the mirthmaker's crippling psychological ailment, quickly corrected the arrangement, and offered to put the whole meal on the house as compensation. Seinfeld reportedly ate the meal calmly, but was suspiciously quiet when leaving, looking haunted and apprehensive.


issue 2 - Feb 2000


Thank you for the many letters you have sent me since my last column. I don't actually believe that any of the people who wrote to me exist, i doubt that the letters you wrote me exist, since reality is a myth, and I am alone with the collection of hallucinations that constitute my perception of a world that probably doesn't exist. The wheel of cheddar I recieved was most appreciated.

Of course, the big Hollywood stories of the past couple of months have concerned the forthcoming marriage of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta Jones. But what most of the papers failed to pick up on is the immense size difference between the two. Douglas, born normal height, has swelled to an enormous 23' 6", after corrective surgery on a genital ulcer backfired. Catherine has refused to acknowledge the problem, choosing to look at her pelican-jawed fiancee through a backwards telescope and remark at what a normal sized man she is with.

Matt Damon was spotted throwing a tizzy in an LA stationery shop when the string he ordered wasn't sexy enough. His face in an horrific mewling grimace, he was said to stamp his feet and bawl like a spolied child, demanding sexier string "or I'll go right here in the store, all over the floor!"

Ex Monty Python star John Cleese has reportedly gone on the game. The lanky funnyman, famous for his "I Am Doing A Funny Walk" sketch, and his catchphrase "This is a parrot, look, he has died!", can be seen touting himself around the King's Cross area of London, and is said to specialise in 'O' and 'A' level, correction and jibbing.

Writer Will Self has collaborated with the ghost of Bruce Lee on the Hackney Empire's Christmas 2000 pantomime, an adaptation of the Marquis de Sade's 'The 120 Days of Sodom'. The project, directed by some tramps with sticks, is said to feature at least seven words that no-one understands, and that are suspected to have been included solely to make Self look really clever. Lee's ghost is on board to play drums.

American illusionist David Copperfield is suing the corpse of Charles Dickens for stealing his name. Copperfield, famous for making the word 'slinky'disappear from the English language, then reappear as a Russian adjective, is demanding $45 million of the Victorian author. "That asshole obviously had a time machine, and he went into the future and he saw me, and thought 'Now he's a grade-A guy, I'll use his name', goddamn Limey scumwipe!". Copperfield has a long history litigation, and recently tried to sue a wand manufacturer for not packing enough magic in them, leading to the breakdown of his relationship with pig-faced supermodel Claudia Schiffer.

Finally, Pearl Jam singer Eddie Vedder is in pursuit of a ninety-foot sex bat AND MUST BE THWARTED!



issue 3 - March 2000

It occurs to me that I may not be alone in my doubting your collective existence. Last week I was fortunate

enough to attend the UK Premiere of "The Beach" (or rather my senses' cruel impression of said gathering)

and not one of the guests uttered a word to me, which makes sense, as none of them existed in the way I

know myself to exist. One of the mind tricks present, however, spent the entire evening, peering quizzically

at me. Does this mean I am wrong in my feeling that 'reality' is my subjective experience as project through

my untrustworthy senses, or was it simply because he caught me urinating out of a cab window on some

tramps earlier? (Well they don't exist, I needed to go...)
ALL SAINTS singer NICOLE APPLETON has been seen out on the town with a number of new beaus this month. Reports suggest that the

little pop tart is simultaneously dating DAVID ESSEX, THE GHOST OF TONY HANCOCK and RUPERT THE BEAR. She was also seen

fighting a horrendous dog-bat creature, allegedly over cab fare.
MATT DAMON is rumored to have locked himself in a fertility clinic in LA, demanding toast to go with some human ladies' eggs he has stolen.

Apparently the cashier at his local Safeway "looked funny at him" five years ago after he asked to pay for groceries with pubes as opposed to cash.

The cashier is said to have donated the eggs as a goodwill act, and Damon subsequently tracked the clinic down, aiming to buy the eggs

then flush them away.
According to a shocking new biography, singer CHRIS REA attains his lovely gravelly voice by gargling hot goose fat and

punching himself in the throat.
All of the cast of FRIENDS are to be sacked and replaced with costumed hens. According to a source at WARNER BROTHERS, who

produce the hit sitcom, the move is due to excessive wage demands and the fact that "hens wont sue if you kick them". DAVID SCHWIMMER

has apparently signed a deal with GEORGE LUCAS to appear as wookie dung in the next two STAR WARS movies, while JENNIFER ANISTON

plans to move in as BRAD PITT's pineal gland. MATT LE BLANC is reported to be going back on the game.
ESTHER RANTZEN has declared her intent to move into a big tent and eat every single last piece of pornography in the UK,

then sell the dung to MARY WHITEHOUSE to keep the old prune happy...