A while ago, Bryan Singer, the director of this summer's forthcoming action blockbuster

The X-Men, cornered me in a Brighton pub with a sharp stick and threatened

to have my eye out unless I came up with some radical changes for their costumes.

Unfortunately, my suggestions never went further than the design stage, but I think the

reader will see how I've managed to modernise their look, without betraying

the spirit of the comics on which the movie is based.

Let's get straight to the good stuff. WOLVERINE is the fans' favourite, so I took extra special care over this design, spending all

of 5 minutes' hard work creating a distinctive, yet faithful design. I always felt, through my 6 minutes time as a fan of the X-Men comics,

Wolvie should have a handbag, so he could store his keys and make-up and tammys safely and discreetly, so I

made it the central feature of his costume. In the movie, Wolverine is responsible for buying all the X-Men's milk and fags and soup.

The X-Men's Leader is CYCLOPS, a responsible, level headed man with the awesome power of glaring at people through

a special lens. Again, I felt that the key to updating the classic X-Men costume would be to incorporate a ladies'-

style handbag, but my wrists started to ache and all I could draw was a coffee mug with six legs and a tail. I feel that

his look could best be described as sexy, with a bevelled edge. In the movie Cyke is in charge of all the team's shoes.

As well as being asked to redesign the X-Men's costume, I was also given a design brief for their special X-MEN CAR.

This design was one of three I had originally planned to put to Bryan. The other two were, unfortunately, eaten by a fox,

or a fox-shaped animal, who was attracted to my shed-cum-studio by the lambs' corpses I use to decorate the exterior. It is based

on my nan's Hillman Imp, but incorporates an ejector seat, missiles out the headlamps and a fuck-off big stereo with a CD

cartridge that can take up to FIVE albums at a time. (I suggested that Bryan might like to make use of this feature for comic

relief, perhaps with Rogue and Professor X arguing over wether to listen to Black Sabbath or Vengaboys on their way to Magneto's

mum's for a fight.)

At this stage, the deadline that Bryan had set me was fast approaching, so I must confess to slightly rushing these last two designs.

Here we see the X-Men's mentor and trainer PROFESSOR X, the most powerful telepath the world has ever known,

despite his having had both his legs bitten off by a wolf in heat, and his torso replaced with a big coffee mug. As well as telepathy,

Prof. X can do long division and handles all tax issues pertaining to the X-Men's fight against crime.

Last, but certainly not least, here is the villain of the piece, MAGNETO. With the mutant ability to manipulate the forces of magnetism,

Magneto can move objects such as iron filings, milk bottle tops and blakeys on shoes by the power of his mind, and as such

constitutes a greater threat to mankind than Hitler, Stalin and George Bush combined. There is a brutal scene in the script where Magneto

goes into a dentists and nicks all the fillings out of people's mouths. (Bryan also told me that he had cast none other than

the Shakesperean actor Sir Ian McCaskill to play the Master of Magnets!!!!)

Alas, all of these drawings I've presented you were rejected by Bryan at the last moment, who was informed that he'd have

to employ the services of a professional designer at 20th Century Fox, and not "the first person he threatened in a pub". I have

recieved no payment for this work and will be watching the film closely on its August release to see how much of it was stolen by

these overpaid Yank hacks.