John Chow- very funny, smart, nice, talented. Visit his website.
Chuck Cheung- hyperstatic, crazy, funny and weird.
Jason Law- smart, spikey hair, funny, and something that might never be described.
Marcus Matsumoto- smart, funny and something can't be descibed.
Justin Nguyen- gay, horny, funny, crazy, gross, and everything a gaylord does.
Varian ?- funny, I can't remember his last name?
Lo Rock Shia- funny, crazy. You can also visit his site.
Ernest So- What? Hey! That's me!
Matthew Tan- smart, funny, very bastardtic
Wilson Tan- crazy, hyperstatic, needs more boost, takes lots of pills, and also known as Mr. Sniffles and many other negative nickname. Also visit his Dragonball Z website.
Ki Chong Tran- chubby, funny, loves to say "bastard," and known as the pimp of passion.
Chris Yeung- can't think of anything. Guess my brain is just stuck. Oh yeah! A very good social dude.
Brian Yoshiyoka- funny, nice and other things that cannot be described.
I wonder who I forgot?
Oh yeah! I forgot Ajay Prasad, Danny Lau, Kyle Tom, Rene Meze, and Alex Chan.
I don't think I could think of some really positive things about them because I don't know what's wrong with me!