Arrius (Calpunius Piso) Antonius/Antoninus, etc. born 37 CE, d. 119 CE)
M. Boionia Procilla
Julius (Calpurnius Piso) Severus/Servianus (Avidius Cassius, etc. d. 136 CE)
M. Domitia Paulina II
Sextus Cocceius Severianus Avidius Cassius (aka Julius Piso II)
M. (Fabia, Dr. of Justus Piso?)
Sextus Cocceius Severianus (Julius Avidius Cassius aka Julius Piso III)
M. Julia Moesia
Sextus Cocceius Vibianus Julius Avidius Cassius/Gessius Marcianus (Julius Piso IV)
M. Julia Mammaea
Cassia/Gessia Vibia Theoclea/Zenobia (Sister of Emp. Severus Alexander)
M. Anicius Faustus Paulinus (Legate of Lower Moesia 230)
[Down to Annii Anicii]
Notes: Arrius Piso was a Roman General under Vespasian as Cestius Gallus and is
known to us by his nickname of "Nicomachus" which is "Victor of the Battle" (of
Garaza). He is also known in history under the name "Gessius Florus". He actually used
so many alias names that they are not all yet known.
Arrius Piso’s son Julius was Hadrian’s general Julius Severus who was called away from
Britain where he was governor to help with the Roman war against the Jews which is
known as the Bar Kochba war of 132-135 CE. He is also credited with authoring "The
Revelations" in the New Testament, apparantly with assistance from his son.
Julius Piso II, helped his father author "The Revelations" and finished it when his father
was ordered to commit suicide by Hadrian in 136 CE. He (Julius Piso II), was a Proconsul
and Legate of Africa in the years 161-163). He may have married a daughter of his brother
Justus, but his wife is not yet known specifically.
Julius Piso III was married to Julia Moesa who was sister-in-law of Septimius Severus.
Julius Piso IV is called ‘Varius’ in the Historia Augusta as the father of Severus Alexander.
That is because that is just one of the several alias names that he was known by. He was a
Senator in 204 and was married to Julia Mammaea. He was also the father of other children
including Cassia Vibia Theoclea who we have found to be the true name/identity of Zenobia
the Queen. She was married to Anicius Faustus Paulinus and from these two continues a long
line of the Annii Anicii.
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