And, just as they had done with the urine of the troops they also
collected their excrement (dung). But this, they apparently took the
extra step of baking it. They probably did add a little flour to it and
they may have even put other horrid things in it such as ‘barbs’ of
various kinds as they knew that those Jews were so hungry that they
would eat it very fast without examining it fully first. This is the true
way that these particular enemies of the Romans were treated.

This was just the most wonderful ‘miracle’ that Jesus (Arrius Piso)
had performed. So, they could not help but ‘brag’ about it in all four
of the Gospels (Mark 6:38, 41, 43; Matt. 14:15, 17, 19, 15:32, 34, 36;
Luke 5:6, 9:13, 16; John 6:9, 21:6.). This too, is a ‘cross-referenced’
joke, so look for the other jokes that are inter-related to this one for
supplemental or additional information regarding this ‘joke’ and visa

By the way, the surviving Jews who went on to write in the Talmud
wrote in the Talmud using their own version of ‘Royal Language’
and also secretly stated there what they knew about these things that
their might be confirming information from another source that this
was indeed the truth and that the world might know that this is so.

"Fish" was also identical with "erect" as in "erect penis", in fact in the
word for ‘fish’, "penis" is inferred because this meaning relates directly
to the ithy-phallic (erect penis god) or "shameless god" who was called
"Min" in Egypt. Remember too, that Jesus is represented as a fish
(secretly ‘penis’) and that the Pisos are referred to as the "Min" by the
Jews (in the Talmud). "Min", was the ithy-phallic god of Egypt and of
Crete where the inhabitants were called "Minoans" (i.e., "Min"-o-an).
Ref. Hannay, pg. 131.

"Nun" (or ‘fish’) represented both male and/or female sex organs;
because "nuns" who were temple prostitutes of both sexes at Paphos
in the island of Cyprus was so famous for these "nuns" that the word
"paphia" became synonymous with ‘prostitute’, both male and female.
And "Paphos" and "Paphia" represented the male and female sex organs,
as well as the male and female prostitutes maintained at temples. So,
"nun" or "fish" appears to represent "sex organs" also in the generic
sense. Ref. Hannay, pg. 43.

7. Dirty "Oedipus" Joke (a male fornicating with his mother)

Now, that the precedent has been set that without any doubt these sick
and dirty jokes actually DO exist within the New Testament, it makes
sense to search for more of these that may be more subtle or which may
have overlooked or even ‘ignored’ for whatever reason before the
factual evidence of the existence of these jokes were known.

With this particular joke, one would be resistant to think of this as having
been deliberately meant by such ‘good’ persons to have the kind of
meaning that we half-way think about when we read this passage. But now,
knowing what we do, it becomes clear that the dirty meaning WAS indeed
deliberate. This ‘joke’ that is found in John 3:4, alludes to Oedipus, who
had fornicated with his own mother. The passage reads; "How can a man
be born (again) when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his
mother’s womb? And be a new person?" Yes, when a grown man enters
into his own mother’s "womb" (actually, in the original Greek, the
meaning may be closer to ‘vagina’), he DOES become a ‘new’ person.
He is then a "mother-fornicator," and his mother too, then becomes a ‘new’
person - an incest participant, a "son-fornicator." So, much for being

8. Human "Dung" (baked into bread)

The researcher/author/professor Randel Helms is what we would term
a "Transitional Classical Scholar". This means that he has inadvertently
stumbled upon items that relate to the "New Classical Scholarship", but
he apparently does not (or did not) know the true and full meanings of
those things that he had noticed and commented upon. We class him with
others such as Jacob Neusner and the late Ronald Syme, all of whom are
most expert excepting in the fact that they had not yet written anything
for the public that goes beyond what the "Old Classical Scholarship" may
accept and condone.

It is professor Randel Helms who wrote about the bread baked with human
excrement in it. This, on page 21 of his "Gospel Fictions"; "As the prelude
to his prophetic role, Ezekiel has a series of visions; in the first of them, he
sees the heavens open (Ezek. 1:1 LXX). Peter, about to receive his prophetic
commission to go to the Gentile Cornelius, also sees in a vision the "heaven
opened" (Acts 10:11). In his next vision Ezekiel is shown something and
told to "eat" (Ezek. 2:9 LXX); similarly, in Peter’s vision he is shown
something and told to eat "unclean" food, bread baked with human dung, but
the prophet strongly demurs, saying "By no means, Lord" (Acts 10:14)."

Now, it may well be that this incident with ‘unclean’ bread and bread baked
with human dung may be the true source for references and practices
involving "unleavened" bread. Bread baked with human dung, but no
yeast would not rise.

The Romans really took advantage of the situation when the Jews were
starving and eating things that one would not imagine eating. Something
that apparently is never said outright in ancient history, but what is alluded
to in the works of Flavius Josephus. However, there are many hints and
allusions to this in both Roman and Jewish histories as well as in the New
Testament itself. When one knows about these things, then one also begins
to realize that just saying the word ‘bread’ was a dig at the Jews (Pharisees
and their allies) and a sick joke at their expense. Because the authors of the
New Testament were saying that they had proved that if the Jews were
hungry enough that they would eat anything; even unclean and otherwise
unimaginable things.


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